Strange pleasure in summer – 01

This Story is part of Strange pleasure in summer Series

If that wasn’t enough, her face was so beautiful it could make you forget about the rest of her. A long slender nose, full but not exaggerated lips over a generous mouth, huge mesmerizing green eyes, and that sexy dark brown hair, worn shoulder length. Think Evangeline Lilly with fuller hair and a little more heart shaped face. Stunning.

We chatted about school and exercise and about summer plans, but I can’t recall any of it. I only remember sitting and staring at that evil towel enveloping her breasts, and trying my damndest to telekinetically make it open. That and hoping she didn’t notice there was huge tent action going on underneath my towel.

The next time we worked out together, she made a show of turning on the sauna even before we got on the bike. Big mistake. That left me riding with a hard-on most of the time, and I was miserable. I was sweating bullets, and constantly trying to surreptitiously adjust myself. Damn it!

She took pity on me eventually, reaching across the gap between our bikes, and resting her hand on my shoulder. “Take it easy, there’s nothing to worry about. So you’re a little excited. You’re a teenage boy. These things happen. Nobody’s around to see, right? Nothing to be embarrassed about.”

She was wrong. There was one person there to see it. And clearly she had. Still it did allow me to regain my sanity and my aching erection slowly calmed down to a simple obscene swelling.

I wondered if she’d cancel the sauna, but she seemed eager to sweat out the poisons. Of course the erection I’d finally managed to get under control on the bike was back with a vengeance. I tried to ignore it, and we were able to talk about life, dreams and aspirations, a heady conversation for somebody like me to have with a woman like that. To be honest, once I got her going, she mostly talked and I was happy to just listen. I loved her voice, her laughter, the way she moved when she spoke, how her hands gesture, everything.

I was given the task of adding water to the lava rocks. Sitting back down after the latest dousing, I planted myself a little closer. We’d started a good five feet or more apart, but after I got up each time, I tried to sit a little nearer. I now was perched with my leg up on the bench, my knee only inches from hers. I turned to her and asked her to tell me something about her favorite foods. I saw her look down below my waist, then she reached for my cock.

Oh God! It was going to happen!

I was wrong. She reached for my towel and pulled it up and over to better cover the beast down below. I realized that sitting as I was, she had a view right up my towel. With the full blown tower of my erection, the towel was not covering very much. Like I said, she pulled the towel over, and gave me a little pat. Right there. I nearly had a stroke.

She leaned forward. “It’s Ok that I make you work hard. I get it. You’re a teenager. It’s even kind of cute. But I don’t need to be shown it, Ok?”

I stumbled over an apology, promising it would never happen again.

She placed her hand on my bare knee and gave me a pat. “Take it easy. We won’t make a federal case about it. You’ve got wood. Just keep it under wraps.”

She turned away from me, leaning back against the wall and breathing deeply of the steam. Her hand stayed on my knee, just resting there. Take it easy? If I wasn’t careful, I was going to blow any moment.

Somehow I survived our sauna, and in the shower, dealt with my not-so-little friend. My inspiration was waiting for me in the exercise room, and she reached out and tousled my hair.

“I appreciate the company. And I’m glad you were able to take care of things.” She nodded below my waist, which no longer looked comical. “Thanks. Sometimes it’s kind of lonely around here with Bob gone all the time, my boy surgically attached to those damn games, and Tanya off to college. Occasionally I just need time with an adult.”

“You’re welcome, of course. I’m sure you know I like being around you,” I tried to be casual.

She smiled. “Yes, I can tell. There’s little doubt about that.”

I blushed, tongue-tangled, but she reached out for me again. “It’s alright. It’s nice to be wanted. It just can’t go anywhere, you understand?”

“I understand.”

But that won’t stop me from trying, I thought.

* * *

A few days later I was headed back over to Jim’s after checking in at home. I ate dinner over at his house several times a week, but tonight was some kind of spinach cannoli, so I went with my fallback plan and let my family know I was still alive, and had Mom cook me up a burger.

Full, if not satisfied, (if you get my drift), I had gym shorts and a t-shirt on, ready for a workout and a swim later. I let myself in the back way, and headed for the game room where Jim was parked most of the time I wasn’t there. I’d taken a quick glance at the backyard, but it looked like Tanya and her crowd were out somewhere. Too bad. She was always good for fueling a few of my late night fantasies.

I grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator and then it was up the stairs to spend a couple of mindless hours gaming before my planned workout session.

I didn’t recognize the current game and with the headphones on Jim couldn’t hear me come in or ask what he was playing. I had to step in front of him to get his attention.

“What’s the new game?” I asked him after he cursed me for getting him killed.

“Child of Eden. It’s really pretty incredible,” he answered, looking like he’d just run a marathon. Of course that’s how he looked after he’d walked up the stairs. He really needed to be joining us in the workout room, but who was I to pressure him?

He showed me the game but it looked kind of faggy, so we fell back on the old standby, Call of Duty: Black Ops, which I have to admit, he was pretty kick-ass playing. An hour later I was peeking out the back window to see if the exercise room light would come on.

“If you plan on working out, you’re on your own tonight. Mom’s out of it,” he said when he caught me looking out the window.

“What, is Bob in town? Did they go out or something?”

“Hell no. Bob’s still somewhere in Taiwan, I think. Supposed to be back this week, but who knows? She just had one of those days,” he explained while lighting up some noob’s ass for about the 20th time in a row.

“What’s ‘one of those days?’ A time of the month thing?”

“Jesus, Alan! She’s my mom, I don’t even want to think about that.”

“Well, what is it?” I kept insisting.

“You know. She gets all freaked out about her life and stuff. Pops a few Valium, has a couple of drinks, and then passes out for a while. Last Christmas she didn’t wake up for an entire day – I thought we’d have to take her to the hospital. When she starts drinking the Vodka, it’s a dead giveaway.”

Hospital? Janet?

“You’re Mom’s passed out? Don’t you think we should go check on her?”

“What for? It’s not the first time. It won’t be the last. Sometimes she just needs to kind of escape, I guess.”

I heckled him into looking in on her and followed him to her room. Sure enough, she was in the bed, arms akimbo, mouth open and snoring. He turned on the light without a care for her. Not a single sign of movement.

Janet was lying there, dead to the world, the covers thrown off and just a sheet covering her. One bare leg was sticking out, and I fantasized about where that thigh might lead, just under the cream colored 800-count cotton sheets.

“She’s really out of it, isn’t she?” I whispered.

He laughed. “You don’t have to whisper, an earthquake wouldn’t wake her up. WOULD IT MOM?” he practically shouted.

Didn’t get the least reaction.

“Damn!” I told him to approach the bed. “You aren’t kidding.” I reached out and shook her leg, my fingers tingling where I touched her smooth skin. “Mrs. Mallory, are you Ok? Do you need anything?.”

“Forget about it. A few months back she didn’t even make it to the bed and ended up in the middle of the floor all night long. The maid screamed and thought she was dead. It took us ten minutes to get her back in the bed, and she never snapped out of it.”

My mind was working overtime, and my thoughts were probably the same ones you’d have in my shoes. “Do you think she’s naked under there?”

“No way,” he said. “She’s pretty careful to stay covered up at all times. This is definitely a ‘no nudity’ house. Anytime Tanya gets even a little out of line, Mom sets her straight. Only the bathing suits get a little leeway. She’s probably wearing a nightgown or shorts or something.

I moved a little higher up the bed, and grabbed the sheet that was the only thing between me and visual Nirvana.

“What are you doing, Alan?”

“Just taking a peek.” I explained as I slid the sheet aside, exposing Janet in all her glorious MILFishness. Naked. 100%. Not a stitch on her. Score one for Alanimus Magnus. Called that one!

“Fuck!” Jim cried out, taking a step back. “She’s naked!”

“Yes she is. Sweet, huh?”

“Cover her up. What if someone comes in here?”

“Like who?” I asked while my gaze took in those fabulous tits which had bewitched me night after night from behind her workout top.

“I don’t know, somebody,” he whined.

I sat on the edge of the bed and placed my hand on her smooth belly. “Janet?”

“Come on, I told you that won’t do anything? Let’s get out of here.”

“Where is everyone, anyway?” I asked, as my hand caressed her soft curves.

“Shit, I don’t know! Tanya’s at her friend Caitlyn’s for the weekend. The monsters are with their mother until next Friday. Bob’s in fucking Asia somewhere.”

Strange pleasure in summer – 01 will continue in the next page.

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