Sophia had better plans – 01

This Story is part of Sophia had better plans Series

“No, I am not from around here. My car broke down on the parkway and I had to get it towed, the attendant at the garage said I could relax here while he worked on it,”

“So you are stuck here all day?”

“I’m afraid so,” she said with a pretty smile.

“So you’re just going to read and drink coffee all day?”

“I don’t see that I have much choice. There isn’t anything else to do around here, according to the mechanic”

“I have a suggestion,” Sophia said, lowering her voice.

“Yes?” she replied.

Sophia dipped her thumbs into the sweater’s neckline and pulled it down to reveal most of the huge expanse of delicate pink satin of her bra cups. The woman’s eyes got as big as saucers and she licked her lips nervously.

“We can go get a room at the Holiday Inn down the street and you can spend the day sucking on these instead,” Sophia whispered seductively.

The woman glanced nervously about and Sophia was afraid she might have overplayed her hand. She watched as the woman blushed furiously and then nodded. The redhead closed her book and rose to follow Sophia out of the shop and down the street. Sophia was surprised at her own boldness, but happy with the outcome. Isla had full and apparently soft lips and imagining them on her breasts sent a shiver through the married woman.

Sophia was mostly straight; her bisexual leanings were predominantly centered on her love of breast play. Sophia had large, sensitive breasts and she adored having them worshiped. She had discovered that women seemed to give them more of the attention she loved quite by accident, but since then she went after women when she really wanted to have hers adored. The way this girl had stared at them left her feeling like she was in for a real treat today and she quickened her pace.

She led the way down the street one eye on traffic and the other on her companion’s tits. Sophia not only loved having her breasts played with, but she loved to play with another woman’s as well. Isla swayed under the jacket she wore and seemed to be full and heavy.

Sophia was pretty sure they were large, but with all today’s contrivances you couldn’t tell sometimes. Isla seemed nervous and unsure of what she was doing and Sophia was glad there was a lounge in the hotel, a drink or two might be just the thing to loosen her up.

Sophia was very hot, but she was still very cautious and discreet. She explained to the man behind the counter that she and her friend had broken down, they wanted a room with two beds so they could sleep while the car was being repaired, and they did not wish to be disturbed unless the garage called. He was sympathetic and gave them a room on the back of the building where it was quiet. He accepted cash without the slightest hesitation and gave them both an electronic key card for room 105.

Sophia led the way into the small and darkened lounge. She selected a booth in the back where they were totally out of the bartender’s sight. There were only three other people in the lounge at this hour. One man looked to be a business traveler and was nearly asleep at his table.

The other two looked like locals, they were drinking beer and playing powerball. Both of them watched her and Isla until they were seated and then returned their attention to the game, only occasionally glancing towards the booth and the two women.

“Do you drink?” Sophia asked.


“What would you like?”

“Long Island Iced tea, please,”

Sophia got them both drinks and returned to the booth. The more she was around this small woman the more she wanted her. Sophia realized the girl wasn’t really that much smaller than she was, perhaps less than an inch shorter, but she carried herself in such a way that she seemed tiny. Sophia made small talk and let Isla sip her drink and relax. It wasn’t long before the woman’s blue eyes returned to Sophia’s bust.

The adoring, almost reverent expression on her face, sent Sophia’s blood racing. She moved closer to the petite woman, until their hips were touching, the whole while acting as if she were trying to get a better view of the television over the bar.

“That’s better.”

“Can you see now?” Isla asked. Sophia turned slightly and the outside of her breast pressed against the outside of Isla’s. The girl’s eyes shot instantly to Sophia’s neckline.

“I was making sure you could,” Sophia said and smirked when the girl’s face went crimson. Even when blushing Isla could not seem to tear her eyes away from Sophia’s chest.

“You like these don’t you?” Sophia said as she moved her upper body causing her heavy breasts to sway.

Isla could only nod and take a large gulp of her drink. She looked as if she was aching to just touch them and Sophia glanced around the room. The businessman had left, and the two locals were now watching the sports center.

“Want to go someplace more private?”

“Yes, I would.”

Sophia nodded, tossed a tip on the table and led the way around to the back of the hotel and room 105. The hotel room was furnished in typical style. Two large beds with ugly green comforters, two nightstands, two dressers, beige walls and green carpet made it seem very ordinary, but Sophia was too excited to admire the decor. Her entire attention was focused on the redhead who was standing in front of her. Isla had her back to Sophia and was surveying the room. Sophia moved closer and wrapped her arms around the woman’s waist, pulling her close she gently nuzzled the soft skin of her neck.

Isla started at her touch, but moaned softly and relaxed in her arms. Her skin was soft and she smelled faintly of strawberries. Sophia continued to nuzzle her neck and brush her lips over the sensitive skin while her hands slowly slid under the jacket. Sophia was pleasantly surprised to find that the blouse underneath was silk, her fingers moving ever upward until they encountered the domes of the girl’s breasts.

Sophia could feel the material of her bra under the blouse, it was heavy, but judging by the way the blouse slid over it, it was satin. She gently nibbled on the redhead’s shoulder where it joined her neck while spreading her fingers to cup her breasts. The jacket restricted her movements somewhat, but she easily found the rapidly hardening nipples with her palms.

“Why don’t we get you a little more comfortable?” she whispered in the girl’s ear. Isla nodded but made no effort at all to undress so Sophia reluctantly released her breasts and slipped her hands out from under the jacket. The three black buttons gave easily and as she pulled the jacket back Isla let her arms reach back so it would slide off easily.

The redhead’s blouse was a cream color, Sophia noticed as she tossed the jacket onto the nearest bed and transparent enough to see the straps of her bra through. Isla turned to face her before the married woman could get her arms back around her.

Sophia stood and watched, wanting to know what the smaller woman would do. Isla’s nipples were hard, making small tents in the creamy fabric of her blouse. The brief contact had caused Sophia’s own nipples to harden and she noticed that there were similar tents in the fabric of her sweater. The redhead stepped hesitantly forward, her eyes glued to Sophia’s chest. She started to reach out, but her hands hesitated and then withdrew.

“It’s all right baby, go ahead,” Sophia coaxed. The girl’s hand moved out again, and her fingertips brushed Sophia’s sides. The contact was so soft the married woman could barely feel it, but in the state she was in it still felt wonderful.

“Mmmmmmmm, that’s nice.”

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