Sharing a secret pleasure

But it wasn’t that that now gave everything away. Just like the night before, I had unconsciously been sitting there fondling my dick. Once again hard, it had managed to poke its head out of the opening of my bathrobe. I tried leaning forward a little to hide it, using my own hand in doing so, which if anything, simply confirmed what I’d been sitting there doing to myself.

“What’s that?” Henry pointedly questioned me. I knew my face had gone beet red, I could feel it. My tongue suddenly thick and swollen as I fought for something…anything to say.

“What?” I finally came up with it.

“You know what,” she said once again leaning against my back, both breasts now pressing against me as she reached down. I felt her hand on my hand, as she tried to pry it away…it was almost funny. Me, holding onto my cock, trying to keep her from seeing it, and yet, there it was, stiff and hard as it’s ever been.

“Is that because of this morning? Or because of what you heard last night?” She asked.

“I swear I didn’t hear anything,” I told her.

Her eyes told me she knew better, though I didn’t know how.

“Nora told me once how light of a sleeper you are,” she said coming around the table, once again sitting down, though as she did, she lifted her tee shirt up just enough to bare the lower portions of both breasts. “I don’t know if she ever told you about me though…you see, I have really acute hearing. You might want to consider fixing that third stair, it creaks a little whenever you step on it.”

I knew that it did, but I’d certainly not considered it loud enough to have been concerned over. Though admittedly, I’m not sure I even heard it or was aware of it doing that when I went back up to bed. My thoughts elsewhere at the time when I did so.

“So…she continued. “Do you have a problem with Nora and I?” she asked curiously.

“Was she fishing here?” I asked myself.

I felt like we were both treading on dangerous ground here. Me…still with a hard on though I’d managed to keep her hands from replacing my own. And her…with half of her tits showing.

“You’re both adults now…whatever the two of you choose to do with one another is none of her mothers, or my business,” I answered.

“So you were there,” she said with a broad smile coming into her face. “I thought I heard something.”

I hadn’t admitted to anything. But now, I didn’t deny it either, sipping my coffee instead.

“Tell you what, you let me see yours, and I’ll let you see mine…and no one needs to know we did this,” she told me.

Maybe I should have known better. But I certainly wasn’t thinking very clearly at the time. The way I saw it, a little innocent flirtatious teasing would be worth it if Henry would then drop the subject. “Deal?”

“Deal!” I said just as quickly, and then removed my hand.

“So? Stand up so I can see it at least,” she added, now doing so herself, though as she did, she then yanked the tee shirt she was wearing up and over her head. Now standing completely naked before me.

I stood, my dick sticking straight out, if not even more so than it had been.

“I thought you said you weren’t interested in a guy’s cock anymore,” I told her as she focused her gaze on my shaft.

“Ah ha!” She said, grinning at me.

“Fuck!” I said simply. I had no place to go.


She stood there fondling her breasts in front of me, though seconds later her hand dipped down between her legs as she continued fondling herself there too, a bit more openly now.


“So, did it turn you on listening to us?”

“Henry…” I said again a little more firmly this time, though I continued to stand there with my dick sticking out.

“Come on Nora’s daddy…tell me, so did it? Did it turn you on, just a little maybe?”

For as far back as I could remember, Henry had always referred to me by that name, “Nora’s daddy.” I had liked hearing it at the time, thought it was cute, and yeah…maybe even a little sexy when she said it. At the moment however, I wasn’t so sure. The problem was, I was turned on…becoming even more so the longer I stood there watching this young, beautiful woman, who god help me…looked a lot like my own daughter as she stood there playing with herself. Hands now spread her lips apart so that I could see them clearly, see the wet moisture that was obviously pooling there inside her.

“Come on Nora’s daddy…stroke it for me, let me see you play with your cock,” she asked.

“Henry, we really shouldn’t…”

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