Sharing a secret pleasure

Already the thoughts and conversation I had heard the night before replayed inside my head. I stood there, guiltily I might add, jerking myself off until I watched several hard-felt streamers of cum splashing in the water of the toilet bowl. Only then was I able to piss.

After I had cleaned up and ensured I’d left no trace evidence, I emerged out into the hallway and headed downstairs to make coffee. Except that I could already smell it had been made as I reached the stairs. Not too surprisingly really, as Nora very often got up and made the coffee herself before I did if she happened to beat me up before I could do it. And though it was just then almost eight o’clock, I was frankly surprised after such a late night she’d obviously had herself, that she would be up and about already.

I entered the kitchen, and sure enough she was standing there with her back turned towards me, just then pouring herself a cup, not yet having heard me enter. And she was wearing what she usually did when she went to bed, one of my old white tee shirts that was just long enough to properly cover her ass.

As a child, it had been damn near impossible to get Nora to wear anything other than a pair of panties to bed to sleep in. But when she finally started to sprout breasts, her mother decided it was time for the two of them to sit down and have a little chat. Even then it was still difficult, until we actually convinced her to wear one of “daddy’s tee shirts” to sleep in. For some reason, that did the trick, and she’d been sleeping in one ever since.

“Morning honey, surprised you’re up already!”

“Shit!” Henry said, jumping, turning as she did so. “You scared the hell out of me!” she exclaimed. Though I too was surprised. It wasn’t Nora standing there at all. A further reminder to me of just how closely the two of them resembled one another, especially from behind.

“Oh…sorry, I thought you were Nora,” I said feeling more than a bit stupid at the obvious mistake, though she had by now composed herself, and was smiling.

“Yeah, I guess we do look a little bit alike, especially with me dressed in one of your tee shirts.”

“Well, used to be I suppose…though now I think Nora has managed to confiscate every one of them, to the point I actually quit wearing them myself.”

The problem was…when Henry turned to face me, I immediately noticed the twin hard little points of her nipples pressing clearly against the front of her tee shirt. It was all I could do to force my eyes away and pretend I hadn’t really noticed anything.

“So…I take it, you made the coffee then?”

“Yeah, hope it’s not too strong,” Henry said, turning back around once again reaching up into the cupboard in order to grab another mug. One again, the problem with that was, as she did so, the hem of her shirt rose, not too far mind you…but just enough to alert me to the fact, she didn’t have any panties on.

When I found myself staring at the sweet firm cheeks of Henry’s ass, I immediately sat myself down at the table. Not in order to get a better view, though I suddenly found that I did, but because I suddenly found myself starting to become aroused again. And this…after I’d just barely finished jerking off only a few minutes ago!

Finally retrieving the cup, Henry sat it down on the counter and filled it for me. Once again turning, now walking over to hand it to me as she brought hers with, sitting down across from me. Now I was staring at her nipples again, which for some odd reason seemed to be even harder than they were before, pressing against the tee shirt she had on even more than they had been.

I couldn’t help but wonder. I don’t remember Nora ever having that much difficulty retrieving a cup from that shelf. And if she and Henry were roughly the same height…

She sat looking over the rim of her mug towards me, my eyes having strayed briefly, my thoughts elsewhere as she finally spoke.

“I hope…we didn’t wake you up when we came in last night.”

I seriously doubted she knew I was actually a very light sleeper, though I supposed Nora could have mentioned that fact to her at some point. But I decided to play dumb even if she did know.

“Had no clue, that’s why you startled me…seeing you standing there instead of Nora,” I told her, acting genuinely surprised at that.

She laughed, not as bad you startled me…I nearly peed myself, and I’m not wearing any panties at the moment either, imagine how embarrassing that could have been.

I was imagining something else.

“Yes, well…good thing you didn’t, you know how picky June is about her floors,” I chuckled trying to make light of it.

“So…we weren’t too noisy coming in then?” She again pressed.

“Didn’t hear a thing,” I assured her. Once again she sat looking over the rim of her cup at me as though trying to digest that. I could feel sweat starting to form on my forehead.

“Going to be a hot one today, already starting to feel it,” I told her, wiping my brow. We both looked over at the thermometer hanging on the wall there in the kitchen. It showed it was just seventy degrees. She smiled at that.

“Maybe…or maybe it’s just getting a little hot in here,” she said once again standing up. “Refill?”

I pushed my mug across the table towards her without saying a word. She took it along with her own once again turning back towards the counter. I sat looking at her from behind, still sweating. She filled the mugs, one a bit too much as she spilled it, reaching for a paper towel, which she then dropped.

“Clumsy me,” she stated, and then bent over to retrieve it. What I saw was the crease of her cute furrow, her lips swollen invitingly so, though it was only for the briefest of moments before she stood up again, and then wiped up the bit of spilled coffee. Only this time, she walked around behind me, leaning over as she placed my cup back on the table, her right breast just grazing my shoulder as she did.

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