Revealing truth behind Aunt’s nick name – part 2

“Yeah I bet you have no complaints about how she looks.” Mom snapped, “Don’t think I forgot about how she used to flirt with you!”

“That was twenty years ago for Christ’s sake.” Dad was getting pissed now. “Madison is an attractive woman and yeah, she shows more than she should, but it’s not on purpose. The woman stripped for years, she considers herself modest when she has clothes on.” Dad laughed.

“That’s not funny, but forget the outfits, Paul she was all over him! And Henry looked nervous as hell! She’s cock teasing our son!”

“No she’s not. Henry is her nephew and he even said he doesn’t look at her like that.”

“He’s lying to cover for her. He’s eighteen and she’s a damn porn star to him. Mrs. fucking Robinson.”

“You’re overreacting, but I’ll have a talk with her. She just thinks you hate her, she’ll listen to me.”

“Paul, have you forgotten about that fucking video she sent me by mistake?”

Video? My ears perked up, now we were getting somewhere.

“Yes Stella, you showed it to me,” he laughed, “Well sort of, you made me close my eyes and just listen.”

Holy shit! Auntie had sent mom a sex video! I immediately started wondering if it was still on her computer somewhere.

“And what did you hear, Paul?” Mom asked, “What was she saying to that kid she was screwing? What was she calling him?”

“He wasn’t a kid, Stella, you make it sound like…”

“If he was twenty I’d be surprised.”

“So what? So your sister likes young guys, big deal. She likes women too, that’s her business.”

“What she was calling that boy is my business.” Mom told him. “Then right after I see that video and I ask Henry what they do when he sleeps over and he told me he’s in her bed with her?”

“Oh, for Christ’s sake they ate popcorn and watched movies! It was harmless.”

“Nothing about Nikki maddy is harmless.” Mom snapped. “She started stripping at eighteen and she was turning tricks in the back of those clubs right after that. She bragged to me that two guys gave her five hundred if they could both fuck her at the same time. She’s a fucking pig! She didn’t need the money, my parents had plenty, she fucked and stripped and sucked cock for money because she’s a fucking whore and she loved it!”

I closed my eyes and let my mind race with the image of my aunt on her hands and knees taking a cock in her pussy and one in her mouth. Did they fuck her in the ass too? I thought of her on her knees sucking cock while a guy shoved money in her bra. I shook off an image of auntie with cum dripping from her lips and focused on the conversation above me.

“That was years ago,” Dad said, “She was young and wild and she never wanted your father’s money. She does well on her own and she doesn’t do any of that anymore. Stella I know she was a disappointment to you and your folks, but she’s not out to molest our son. She loves Henry.”

“That wasn’t love on Henry’s face. And that video Paul, that was why I told her to never come around here again and you invite her back and look at what she does.”

“She’s your sister and you two need to get along. I think after dinner we’ll tell Henry to make himself scarce and the three of us will talk this out once and for all. Life is too short to hate your only sibling.”

“Maybe I should play that fucking video for her.”

“Tell me you still don’t have that?”

“It’s in my emails. I’ve never looked at the damn thing since that night, but I want it as proof as to why I don’t like her near my son.” Mom made a disgusted sound. “Lying in bed barely dressed with a young boy, then I see that?”

“We’ll discuss it, okay?”

“Okay.” Mom sounded calmer. “Maybe I overreacted, but you didn’t see what I saw.”

“And you may have seen what you wanted to see. We’ll figure it out. After dinner we’ll talk about it. Now come on, I’m starving.”

I hopped off the bench and as I headed towards the stairs to have dinner with my parents, I glanced at my laptop and smiled. Mom had me help her with computer stuff as she called it all the time and I had the password to her emails. While mom and dad talked with Auntie I was going to find and watch my aunt’s dirty home movies.


When dinner was over, I raced downstairs and had barely had my ass plopped into the seat of my chair when I brought up a browser and went to Yahoo. I typed in mom’s e-mail and hoped she hadn’t changed her password since the last time I helped her set something up, typed in my name and the date of my upcoming graduation.

I smiled when it worked and scrolling down through the folders I had set up for mom to store her emails found the one for Auntie, assuming she would have put the video there.

There were hundreds of emails going back several years, but I noticed they slowed down quite a bit over the last four. I went back to the January of my senior year in high school which is when the shit had hit the fan. I looked for anything with attachments and went by the subject. I saw a bunch marked vacation photos, family pics and ‘my new club’ and kept skimming. My heart skipped a beat when I saw one marked ‘video tour of my new house!’

I opened it up and frowned when I saw a camera moving around what appeared to be a large bedroom. I saw a woman’s bureau that featured several lit candles as well as rows of perfume bottles and make up. The camera panned around to show some artwork on the walls and I was getting ready to click off when Auntie came into view of the camera.

“Hey, honey, are you waiting for me?”

She was wearing a short red robe and her long hair was down and had been teased out, giving her a wild appearance.

“You told me to wait for you.” A deep voice said.

“Are you happy to see me?”


“Show me.”

The camera lowered and a hand appeared and pulled the sheet away to expose a huge hard cock standing at attention.

“Jeez.” I whispered, “That’s a big fucking dick.”

“Hmm, look at that?” Auntie purred, “All for me?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“I suppose I should show you something now, no?”

“Yes please.”

“Hmm I like a boy with manners.” Auntie pulled the tie of her robe and began to open it. “Ask again.”

“Please maddy?”The voice begged, “Please show me your…”

“That’s not how I told you to ask.” Auntie snapped, “I told you the game I want to play.”

She pulled the robe tighter and the unseen man pleaded,

“Please Auntie? Please let me see your beautiful body!”

Auntie? Oh my god! No wonder my mother was acting the way she did! Aunt Maddy was role playing about seducing her…

“Here you go, baby.” On the screen Auntie opened her robe and let it fall to the floor.

“Holy fucking shit.” I murmured my trail of thought broken by the visual before me.

Under the robe Auntie was completely naked. Her large round tits were more amazing than I had imagined. Despite their size they were still sitting high and proud and the tan lines on the outer half of her breasts made them look even better.

Her nipples were a shade of deep pink and were as hard as the massive cock before her. My eyes trailed down to the smooth pink cleft between her legs and as if she knew I was watching she spread her legs apart and slid her fingers through her pussy.

“You like seeing your Aunt naked?”

“I..I love it. My God maddy you’re fucking hot!”

“If you don’t remember what to call me I’ll find someone else to play with.” She told him, “Now, would my sexy nephew like his Auntie to get in bed with him?”

“Please come to bed ,Auntie.”

“Hmm seeing you asked so nicely.”

The camera focused on my naked aunt crawling up onto the bed and I began rubbing my cock through my shorts at the sight of her large tits dangling, her nipples just barely touching the man’s thigh. She made her way up between his legs and sliding onto her stomach grabbed his dick and rubbed it along her face.

“Look how hard you are for your Auntie!” she gave his cock a quick kiss, “You’re a bad boy aren’t you?”

“A bad boy who wants his hot Auntie.”

“You don’t?” Auntie stroked his cock and I saw a thick stream of pre cum ooze from it. “You’re always hard for me. Lying next to me at night, stroking your dick and thinking of me.”

That answered my question. Auntie had known all along I was hard in bed with her and…and was into it!

“Tell me what you want.”

“Auntie maddy, will you suck my cock?”

“This cock? You want me to suck my nephew’s big cock? What kind of aunt would that make me?”

“My favorite one!”

Auntie laughed, “Oh, that was perfect! Just like this fucking cock is perfect. Here you go, baby, you lay back and watch Auntie treat her nephew right.”

Revealing truth behind Aunt’s nick name – part 2 will continue in the next page.

Series Navigation<< Revealing truth behind Aunt’s nick name – part 1Revealing truth behind Aunt’s nick name – part 3 >>

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