Reality or the consequences – 3

This Story is part of Truth or Consequences Series

she almost did drown me. I had been too lost in the other simultaneous sensations taking place. The sounds of my Aunt’s intense orgasm, followed immediately by my own as I showered her womb with a torrent of my own seed. And then Leoof course, damn near suffocating me simultaneously to all that.

And somewhere in the distance it seemed…the sound of the twins reaching their own mutually satisfying orgasms seconds after that.


Still sitting on the floor, propped up against the couch, I was in the process of still gathering myself as my aunt lay off to one side a short distance away from me. Leo Between her legs, tenderly licking her well-used pussy, the twins now paying homage to each of her fully pliant breasts as they kneaded and molded them in their hands, sucking on and playing with her still hard nipples.

“So how much longer?” Jincy asked, looking over at my still flaccid prick.

“Not too long,” I assured her, “Especially watching the four of you doing that,” I grinned back at her winking. “Just something about seeing that…seeing all of you enjoying one another like that, sort of makes me wish…”

“Wish what?” My aunt asked, looking over towards me. I blushed a little, almost embarrassed to say it. “Go on Max, don’t be shy…what is it that you wish for?”

“Hell, might as well say it,” I decided easily enough. “Especially now…” I added to that. “I sort of wish…that perhaps mom,” I said ending off, not bothering to finish it as the looks I got from my three sisters seemed to mirror those very same thoughts as each one of them knowingly smiled too at my unfinished meaning.

“You think she might go along with all this?” My aunt asked.

“Probably not,” I chuckled back. “Hard to imagine how she’d react to this if she were to walk in here right now,” I replied.

“But she is here.”

As one, my three sisters and I turned our heads towards the doorway. “Mom!” I exclaimed in surprise, seconds later scrambling trying to cover myself as she stood there in the doorway looking on. But then I paused, looking at her again, and then back at my aunt. They were identical in appearance. “Mom?” I said looking at mom in the door. Only then she grinned in a way that only my aunt possibly could.

“So Emilia…what did I miss?” She asked. I looked over at my Aunt..or rather my mother, though all four of us were by this time. Once again asking the question. “Mom? Ha…ha…how?” I barely managed trying to find my breath, which felt like it had been knocked out of me. Obviously mom had refrained from wearing any makeup whatsoever, just as her sister always did. But even more interesting…she had obviously shaved her pussy too!

My aunt came into the room then, undressing as she did, taking a seat next to her sister there on the couch moments later. “Guess it’s time we came clean here isn’t it sis?” She started looking at my mother, who was at this point blushing furiously now, looking extremely worried and nervous. “You see Max,” she said more directly towards me, though eying my sisters as she began, “After I told your mother what it was I walked into, well…

she was at first surprised upon hearing it of course, not angry mind you…she like me, had been expecting it to happen at some point. But…she was a little angry with me for joining in the way I did, as she didn’t feel like she could, even though she had always wanted to. So…then we concocted this little scheme together, to sort of switch places, give her a chance to even the score with me, without any of you ever knowing.

Something we hadn’t done since high school, though we used to be pretty good at mimicking one another in addition to looking alike. Got pretty good at fooling people too. Even better than the twins try doing on occasion. The thing was though, she was just going to come here, and then leave, without the four of you ever knowing. That was the plan anyway.

But then I decided that wasn’t a very good plan either. Especially as I think once this was all out in the open, amongst all of us…that none of us would then have any reason to hide any secrets from anyone. So…needless to say, I let myself in after I was confident she’d have more than enough time to, shall we say…indulge her fantasies to some extent?”

I looked at my mother. “So…you’ve wondered about this too?” I asked. She was blushing even more now than she had been, but nodding her head yes. I moved over kneeling in front of her, leaning in, taking her face between my hands as I lovingly kissed her. “So…I finally fucked my own mother,” I breathed into her mouth. She smiled at hearing that.

“Yes, yes you did. And wonderfully too,” she added. “And…I’d like you to do it again if you wouldn’t mind,” she boldly, and more confidently asked me now.

“How about you fuck us both a little here?” My aunt asked. “After all Emilia, you at least got to, I haven’t as yet gotten to do much of anything today…yet anyway,” she said with that same lusty smile I’d seen on her face the day before. The same one that mom was giving me now in fact.

“Sounds interesting,” she said. “Shall we do the Jonathon?”

“What’s a Jonathon?” I asked curiously, though by the looks on their faces, my three sisters were just about to ask the very same question.

“Your mother was dating a guy named Jonathon back in high school. She knew about me of course, though even our parents, your grandparents didn’t know anything back then. Anyway, they were supposedly alone one evening, obviously doing it in her bedroom, in the dark of course, which helped to make things a little easier. After a while, she came out on the pretense of needing to use the bathroom, but instead of returning herself, I went in. Like I said, though I prefer relationships with other women,

I do enjoy a nice hard cock every once in a while. So…this was the perfect opportunity to do that. I went in taking your mother’s place, and he fucked me instead of her the second time. Never knew he ever did either,” she and mom both laughed remembering. “Only time we ever did that, but we forever afterwards called it the…”

“Johnathon!” The girls and I all said simultaneously together, laughing out loud now as we did.

“Yeah, the Johnathon, my aunt and mother said once again, though mom then said. “Maybe…we should call it Max now,” she stated.

“Maybe we should,” my aunt agreed. “So Max…would you enjoy doing the ‘Max’ with us?”

“You’re damn right I would!” I said shaking excitedly as my mom and aunt now stood next to one another, bending over leaning against the couch as I stepped up behind the two of them, slipping my prick into my Aunt’s pussy first, only because I felt it appropriate to do so under the circumstances. And though I only gave her a half dozen strokes before repeating the same thing to my mom, I was soon fucking the two of them side-by-side, repeatedly switching back and forth. The girls soon walked over, finding positions on the arms of the couch to sit there and watch us, though fondling themselves and one another as they did so.

“Now THIS is fucking hot!” Leofinally exclaimed moments later as she suddenly squirted, spraying her pussy juice all over my mother and aunt’s asses as I continued pumping into them, taking even more delight in the decadent display as my sister ironically offered up the proverbial “money-shot” as it were.

Once again, seeing my sister do that pretty much triggered my own orgasmic release. “Fuck….I’m gonna come soon!” I warned them.

Mom looked at my aunt, my aunt looking at mom, the same identical looks on their faces once again.

“The other Johnathon,” mom said.

“Yeah, the one we wanted to do, and never did,” my aunt answered back.

Grimacing, just barely able to hold on, I still asked. “What do you mean?”

“Squirt some in your mother, and some in me…and then we’ll show you,” she stated. In seconds, I was doing just that. Feeling the semen from my prick erupt, first in mom, pulling out of her, shoving it back inside my aunt, and squirting inside her cunt too. I did that back and forth until I had totally and completely spent myself. Only then did I collapse back on the floor against the couch as my mother and aunt took up a “69” position with one another, and began eating one another out.

“Fuck…now THIS is even hotter!” Leoexclaimed wantonly looking on, once again frigging herself wildly as she stood there hovering over the two of them on the floor below her. And…sure enough, minutes later, releasing another deluge of her own pussy juice, which she sprayed liberally all over my aunt and mother, much to their delight. Hearing the two of them climax shortly after that as they finished devouring, sucking out, and swallowing every ounce of my sperm that they could from one another. They were soon both satiated, exhausted, and well pleased, likewise joining the rest of us as we sprawled about trying to catch our collective breaths.

Several minutes went by without anyone saying anything, still reliving the past few moments perhaps, until at last Jincy did speak.

“Damn it!”

“What?” Mom asked, turning towards her as Jincy sat, pouting once more, hands crossed over the front of her breasts. “What’s wrong?”

Jincy glared at everyone, but especially at me. “I still haven’t gotten to fuck him yet!” She spat obviously exasperated. There was a long silent pause…and then as one, we all burst out laughing.



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