Reality or the consequences – 2

This Story is part of Truth or Consequences Series

At least it was Saturday, though even then I didn’t sleep in as much as I would have liked to. I’d been tossing and turning most of the night…dreaming. And even then my dreams woke me…usually with a hard on. Visions of my sisters, sometimes singularly, sometimes all three of them together, kept invading my thoughts. I woke, unable to sleep any longer and headed downstairs to make coffee.

By the time I arrived, Leowas already doing so, surprised to see me up and about already, and not having bothered to put anything on except for her bathrobe. When she turned, she had to gather it, closing it in her hand, the belt for it obviously missing. I saw those same sweet breasts I’d finally got to suck and play with, not to mention that neat dark tuft of hair between her legs where I’d so pleasurably fucked it the night before.

“Coffee will be ready in a minute,” she said sitting down, taking a seat at the table though letting go of her robe again, which immediately parted, exposing most of her bare breasts though I tried not to stare at her as I spoke.

“Sleep well?” I asked.

“No…not at all. You?”

I shook my head no. “Tossed and turned most of the night, though I must have slept some, kept having these dreams,” I admitted.

“Yeah, me too,” she said as well. “Good dreams? Or bad dreams?”

“I guess it depends on how you look at it,” I told her, only then coming to my own personal decision here. “What I can tell you is this…I enjoyed last night. A lot. And as far as I’m concerned, as long as everyone else is in agreement with it…I’d like to continue on with it. At least until we’ve all had time to make other final decisions regarding what’s happened here. But I’m not sure I’m ready to do that…not without…”

Before I even knew what was happening, Leo Shot up over her chair and came over to mine. Suddenly she was sitting in my lap kissing me. And not like a sister either. “Obviously…I’ve already reached that very same conclusion myself,” she told me. “Now…before the twins get up and discover we’re up…how about you fuck me again,” she grinned.

Coffee would have to wait.


Whatever indecisions or thoughts I might have had about all of this went right out the window the moment I felt my sister’s hot wet pussy sliding down over my shaft again. Nuzzling her magnificent breasts once more as she did, filling my hands with all that soft pliant tit-flesh while she pleasured my cock was one hell of a nice way to wake up in the morning.

And though not quite as frenzied as it had been the last time, it was still bad enough. The same slick sounds of her cunt, the bouncing of the chair on the floor perhaps, followed not too long after that by the same squeal of pleasured ecstasy, I soon felt my own about to join hers.

“No need to worry Max,” she assured me. “I’m still on the pill, so go ahead baby…fill me. Fill me with all your hot delicious cream!”

I began doing just that. Feeling my prick pulsate, release, pulsate and release again, over and over was almost mind-numbing. And of course, hearing the down stairs door to the twins room suddenly open and then close with a mad dash of feet coming up the stairs was no real surprise. We hadn’t exactly been quiet again.

“Jesus you two! Why don’t you just blow a fucking bugle next time!” Jincy said entering the kitchen as we sat there, Leono longer worried or concerned about what the twins might think. Her actions needless to say, speaking louder than words. Though Bincy, somewhat amused, wasn’t very pleased nonetheless at finding us this way.

“So how long is he going to be out of action this time?” She quipped, coming over to take a seat next to us, though leaning in, looking down, and even tweaking one of her sister’s nipples as she did that.


“You deserved it,” Bincy told her. “Not fair. You’ve already fucked him twice now, and we haven’t even fucked him once yet!”

“I’m sure you two will get your turn. By the feel of it…he’s still pretty firm, bet you could even climb on and get him hard enough again before you know it.”

“Coffee first,” I said begging off momentarily, though this was looking to be one hell of an interesting day the way it had just started out.

“Yeah, and a shower too,” Bincy added, turning towards her sister…”Unless you want sloppy-sister seconds,” she laughed. Leoimmediately cupped her quim, keeping all the juice I’d put in there from running down her legs as she prepared to head off back up the stairs again. “Hmmm, how about sloppy seconds that way,” Jincy asked looking after Chris, and then followed her.

“What are you doing?” Leoasked as Jincy caught up to her.

“Something I’ve always wanted to do…but never had the guts to actually try…or do,” she told her, and then pushed her back down into a kitchen chair. With a plop, still cupping her cunt with her hand, Jincy knelt down on the floor in front of her, forcing her legs apart.

“Well I’ll be damned!” Bincy exclaimed, giggling. “Save some for me sis,” she quipped scooting over a chair in order to watch this, as I now did…after first pouring myself a cup of coffee of course.

Even Leowas surprised by this, but only for a moment as suddenly her younger sister buried her face between her legs and began sucking out all the cum I’d just shot in there.

“Holy shit,” I said looking on. And sure enough, in seconds, I was fucking hard again.

Series Navigation<< Reality or the consequencesReality or the consequences – 3 >>

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