Putting together storm

When she stood up and peeled off her bikini top, I initially thought she was doing it as her own way of enticement, prepared then to follow her back into the house, and perhaps up to her bedroom where we might have a bit of privacy. Instead, she then slipped off her bikini bottoms and walked over towards the rail leaning over it, her beautiful bare breasts straddling the top railing. I knew then what it was…and where she really wanted it. “I do so love fucking out here looking out over the ocean,” she told me.

I turned looking back towards the house briefly, though I caught movement from the second set of curtains on the upper most level of the house, the far left end as opposed to the right end where I knew her mother’s bedroom was. That one had to have been where Max’s bedroom must be.

And I knew then…there was a pretty good chance she’d be looking at us. Perhaps now it was my turn to turn the tables just a little. I quickly stepped out of the swim trunks I had on, allowing my hard turgid member to spring free as I slowly walked towards her mother. I did so purposely, slowly before letting it rest against and between Sophia’s likewise near perfect ass. I could almost imagine the view it must have given, seeing me do that, just before I spread Sophia’s ass a bit, and then slid deeply and quickly into the depths of her warm, slick inviting sweet pussy.


We had in fact taken a stroll along the beach watching the sunset together. After which we headed back towards the house and up the private flight of stairs from the beach. Max was waiting for us when we arrived, though I was glad to see her dressed. Though what she currently had on wasn’t much more than simply being naked again. The bright red bikini she had on left very little to the imagination, especially with her very prominent nipples poking through the almost too thin triangles of material barely covering each one.

“Max honey? Why don’t you run up and pour us all a glass of wine while I get dinner started here,” she asked her. Without hesitation or complaint, she did so, running up ahead of her mother as I took a seat at the patio table again, enMaxing the fluorescence of the waves as the moon light now lit them, watching them crash against the beach and a few areas where the rocks were now exposed further along down the beach from where we were. Max returned moments later with a glass of wine in both hands,

handing one to me. Though the way she even did that was suspect. She’d purposely passed it by a little too closely to my face before handing it off. I had caught a whiff of her when she did that. A very obvious, and yet very subtle odor which I’d become recently familiar with. One not unlike her mothers. I sniffed the wine instead however, purposely doing so, though letting her be aware of the fact her intentions and ploy hadn’t gone unnoticed.

“Full bodied,” I stated, sniffing the wine again, and then sipping it. “Nice aroma…flavor.”

“You think so?” she grinned. “Or are you talking about the wine?”

The smell of pussy on her finger had been almost too obvious, as she’d brushed it by my nose dangerously close, holding the wine glass in her hand as she’d done that before handing it to me.

“Both,” I answered her back while taking another sip. “Though I’m a bit more partial to a more mature vintage,” I then added seeing her scowl upon hearing that.

We sat in silence for a moment or two, both still sipping our wine listening to the waves crashing below us.

“EnMaxed watching you fuck mother earlier,” she said, no doubt still trying to get a rise out of me when she said that. “I can see why she likes fucking you, why she invited you here. Obviously you do have a rather impressive looking cock.”

“Thank you, glad you think so,” I answered back. “Thought you might be looking down on us,” I then stated, letting her know I was fairly confident she had been. “I like your mother, and besides being a smart and knowledgeable business woman, she really is a great fuck too. Not to mention probably being a pretty good cook on top of all that.”

Max actually laughed upon hearing that. “Ok, points for being honest too perhaps. So far anyway…” She further qualified. And then her face grew serious again as she leaned over the table drawing herself a bit closer towards me. “Let’s get one thing perfectly straight here between us while we are being honest here,” she said, talking in low tones, forcing me to lean forward a bit in my seat as well so I could more clearly and easily hear her over the crashing waves periodically hitting the rocks.

“If you do have intentions beyond just showing mother a good time…I will find you out, and I will spit you out before you can ever do anything that would ever hurt her,” she told me. “So just remember that,” she grinned, sitting back straight in her chair once again. “Let’s put it another way in fact, just so we do understand one another. Anytime you want to fuck me…all you have to do is ask. Once you do, I’ll fuck you wherever you’d like…whenever you’d like…as much as you’d like even. But…you’d also have to agree to leave immediately and leave my mother alone once you do.”

“I see,” I said sitting back in my chair letting her think I was perhaps actually contemplating that. “That simple is it? So…if I said I wanted to fuck you right here…right now, you would? Right in front of your own mother even?”

“If that’s what you wanted…then yes. I’d much rather have her be disappointed and upset with me in doing that, than in being disappointed in you, finding out later on that you turned out to be someone other than what you’re leading either one of us to believe.”

“So you still think I’m not really interested in your mother then, but in her money.”

“I do. And I mean to prove it,” Max said leaning forward again. “So…like I said, I’m yours for the taking, anytime…any place, but you’ll have to ask me to do it first.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said smiling at her. “Ah…and speaking of your mother…”

Sophia rejoined us bringing along her own glass of wine. “Dinner’s on…be a while yet, now…what was it I heard? You two were speaking about me?” She asked.

“Just getting to know one another a little better,” I told Sophia. “Putting cards out on the table so to speak,” I then added.

Sophia turned towards her daughter with a knowing look in her eyes. “I’m willing to bet she gave you a nice whiff of herself too didn’t she?” Sophia said, startling me a bit with the admission.

“Already told her I prefer a more mature vintage,” I said, chuckling a bit, now seeing the somewhat pained expression on Max’s face. She drained her wine glass shortly after that. “I think I’ll take dinner up in my own room this evening, give the two of you a chance to have a bit more privacy and time together,” she stated and then hurriedly left heading back up the stairs into the house.

“Again, I’m sorry Tom if she’s made you feel uncomfortable in any way. Like I said in the beginning, I know she only does it out of concern and worry for me…and yes, for herself too I’m sure…the money and all. Not like I don’t know that I’ve already spoiled her too much as it is. But…there have been a few men who have even fooled me. Never her though. Had it not been for Max, I’m not sure we’d still have what we do have,

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