Putting together storm

“Sorry,” she went on further. “Important project I’ve been working on, and they pushed things up a little, so not much I could do about it. But I didn’t want you to have to cancel your plans just because of me. And…after all, we do have the rest of the day and tomorrow together anyway. And the evenings here are always nice.”

I glanced over towards Max as she said that, and could have sworn I had seen a smirk on the young woman’s face when she heard that. Even then I began wondering if I had indeed bitten off more than I could chew here, which was confirmed seconds later for me when Sophia spoke to her.

“Try and behave if you would dear please? While Tom’s staying with us? He is a guest in our home you know, and someone I have every intention of getting to know better.”

“Don’t worry mother,” Max said in response to that. “I’ll make sure to keep him amused and entertained while you’re at work.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” she said in response, though the two of them actually laughed about it. I chuckled as well…nervously however. Wondering as I did, just what the hell it was I had gotten myself into. It didn’t take long for me to find out.


Sitting out on the deck, Sophia’s cell phone rang. Picking it up, she looked and saw who the call was from before answering. “Sorry…I need to take this, I’ll try and not be too long,” she started standing, and then walked back up the stairs into the house. Obviously she worked, even when she wasn’t supposed to, though I guess that was the price she was willing to pay for living the life of luxury she obviously did. The moment she did,

Max sat back in her chair, pulling the cover up she had on up and over her head, once again now sitting in front of me with her tits hanging out. It was hard not to look, though I purposely turned my head trying to look out over the ocean rather than directly at her.

“Please don’t tell me you’re gay, mother will be very disappointed if you are,” she informed me. “Bad enough if you’re actually fucking her. Worse if you’re actually gay and then fucking her…for her money.”

Now I did look. “I’m not interested in your mother’s wealth,” I assured her, trying to sound a bit irritated and indignant…on purpose. But all she did was chuckle to herself, shaking her tits some as she did.

“Well at least you’re now looking at me and not simply ignoring me,” she stated. “Though I will give you points for not actually ogling like so many of the men do that mothers had out here.”

I wanted to ask her how many men her mother had had out here, but didn’t. Though it now did make me wonder how many others had gone through this same obvious scrutiny. By the sound of it…many had.

“Hard to ignore a beautiful naked woman,” I ventured, now looking at her purposely. “And especially one that enMaxs flaunting it, just to see what sort of a reaction she can get.”

“And am I getting one?” she asked, leaning over as though to peek beneath the table at me. Truth was, I did have a partial erection. But at least it was only a partial one, and certainly not noticeable even if she had been able to lean over far enough to actually look. It was of course merely a suggested teasing ruse because she didn’t lean far enough over to actually do so before sitting up straight in her chair once again. Though she did lean back, thus thrusting out her own perky young tits at me as she did so.

I just shook my head at her, though smiling a bit as I did. She continued however not actually expecting, or perhaps even wanting a real response to that. She shook her head, her blonde hair releasing and then settling again seductively over her shoulders, part of which had now covered one of her breasts.

I wondered how many times she’d performed that movement, practicing it until her hair landed perfectly the way it just had. One nipple peeking out between the long blonde tendrils, like an eye looking through a keyhole towards me.

“I love the smell of the ocean, and the warmth of the sun on my body,” she’d continued, still eying me. “It always makes me horny sitting outside like this,” she now continued as her hand suddenly slithered down between her legs even though I couldn’t see what she was doing…even if she was really doing it. Though by her subtle hand movement, it certainly looked like she was. “I love masturbating out here,” she next informed me. “You enMax jerking off outside?”

“Once or twice,” I answered her back, seeing her eyebrows lift a little in response to that. “Don’t have the luxury of such a nice place as this to do it however,” I said, still eyeing her, refusing to let her force me into turning my eyes away first, which I now believe she was trying to do.

Especially when one hand came up, cupping her one uncovered breast, fondling and caressing it as she sat there, a small knowing smile on her face. She was obviously enMaxing this, enMaxing the fact I was indeed now looking at her, and obviously well aware of what she was doing to herself. If again…she in fact really was.

“Well, feel free…whenever you’d like,” she informed me a bit teasingly perhaps, though no doubt trying to lure me into something, or tempting me…which I was fairly sure she was doing. Her mother certainly had warned me beforehand about her behavior, but I hadn’t figured this is what she’d actually meant when she’d said that. Though as I sat there watching her actually touching herself…if she really was, if this hadn’t been what she’d meant by that.

“I think I’ll save it for later…for your mother,” I shot back tiring of her silly game, which she seemed to sense as she only then removed her hand from her breast as well as from between her legs, though she did stick her middle finger inside her mouth, closing her lips around it and licking it off.

“Yeah…me too,” she said, staring at me, still sucking her finger as she stood up. “Think I’ll head inside for a bit and take a nap,” she then stated and began passing around behind me on her way up the stairs. It was then that I felt her hand lightly brush against the back of my neck as she slipped by. She stopped briefly before going up though, once again turning to face me. “I’m sure she’ll be on the phone for a while yet, plenty of time to take it out and jerk one off before she comes back, if you’d like to,” she giggled, and then hurried up the stairs back inside the house.

“Fuck me!” I said quietly to myself, admittedly enMaxing that tight firm little ass of hers, thinking that it probably deserved a nice hard spanking. Though even that, after what I’d already learned about her, she’d probably enMax it a bit too much. “Way too much,” I then added, and realized my cock was rock hard solid. I wondered… in passing around behind me, obviously looking down as she had, her hand briefly brushing across my shoulders as she did that, if she hadn’t actually seen it. Even looking down at myself now…I certainly could.

Sophia returned a short few minutes later. “Sorry about that, shouldn’t have any more calls interrupting us today,” she smiled apologetically. “And I’m also sorry about Max too, not like I didn’t warn you,” she told me. “It’s just one way she has of looking out for me, no doubt she tested you while I was inside?” She slightly questioned, seeing the confirmed expression on my face that she had.

“I do hope that didn’t shock or offend you if she did,” Sophia went on. “I’ve honestly tried speaking to her about it, about her antics…but to no avail. I can assure you however, she has no intention of actually trying to seduce you, it’s all an act, trying to see if she can get you to more fully reveal yourself to her, and thus prove to me that you’re perhaps not the person I think you are. But again…sorry if you’re uncomfortable with her having done that. I do love her very much, and appreciate the fact she’s always looking out for me, but her methods can be a bit trying at times.”

“Yeah, I can only imagine,” I said, grinning a little. “But hopefully, she’ll soon realize I’m not here to try and steal your money. The only thing I would enMax doing at the moment…is fucking you perhaps.”

Sophia tossed her head back laughing. “Well then, by all means. Let’s!”

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