Putting together storm – 5

I accepted the fresh cup of coffee taking a seat at the table sitting across from the two of them. Anxious as I was, I remained silent, sipping…waiting for one of them, if not both to say something.

“I think it’s time the two of us leveled with you Tom,” Sophia stated.

“That would be nice,” I answered wondering where this was headed, feeling a knot suddenly forming inside my gut. Obviously there was a lot I didn’t know that had been going on around here.

“For starters, let me say this beforehand Tom. I’m sorry…we both are,” she said, glancing at Max who likewise shook her head in agreement with that. “I know she put you through a bit of hell yesterday, and I’m not without blame there either. I am. And again, I apologize for that. And it’s also very possible, once you hear the rest of it, you might decide to just pick up and leave. Neither one of us blames you if you do either…though we both hope you don’t.”

I could see by the look in both of their eyes they were indeed contrite, apologetic, but it didn’t make the uncertainty, fear…and nervousness about the rest of it any easier to sit there and wonder about either. I kept waiting for the other shoe to fall, and when it did…it made more noise than any thundercloud had since I’d been here.

“Go on…” I said uneasily, sipping my coffee staring at the two of them. Once again they nervously looked at one another.

“Might as well spit it out and get it over with mother,” Max said nervously. “We’ve made it this far…so let’s see where things end up after this,” she added, looking back towards me with a curious expression on her face.

“Here’s the thing Tom, and all I ask of you now is to hear me out…try not to interrupt until I’ve finished…until we have,” she said, glancing at Max again. “After that…well, I guess that’s up to you as to what happens, or doesn’t.”

This was starting to sound more ominous by the second here, but I was now of course very curious as to what it was I didn’t know…and what specifically had in fact been going on around here.

“Like I said…spit it out, go on…” I said using Max’s phrase.

“Ok, here goes. For starters, I never left yesterday,” Sophia said, seeing the surprised look in my face upon hearing her say that.

“Excuse me? You never know what?”

“Please Tom, like I said…hear me out before you ask anything. After I tell you everything, you can ask whatever you’d like to…or do whatever you’d like to. We’re both prepared for that.”

I settled back in my chair, gritting my teeth, actually feeling angry and duped now.

“Yes…it was all a ruse. After I left, I parked the car a ways down the hill, and then walked back. There’s a back entry way into the house that we normally don’t use for anything. Downstairs, there’s a nice comfortable little storm cellar, which you haven’t seen yet of course, and which is one level down from the laundry and den area down stairs. Anyway…that’s where I was for most of the day, and evening,” she said once again startling me. The word “Why” hung on the tip of my tongue, but I swallowed saying it, letting her continue instead.

“It’s a fact Tom…most of the men I’ve come to know and date for a while…really were only out for one thing…money. And yes…I, we…” she amended, looking at Max again. “Have a lot of it. Now…I’ve not gotten that close with most men I’ve met for several reasons, so the subject or concept of agreeing to a prenuptial was never really an issue. Usually those relationships never lasted that long to even get to that point.”

“I never was interested in your money.”

“I know that…I know you weren’t, but that too wasn’t the real issue here. The issue was…I needed to know I could trust you. Max needed to know, she could trust you. So we did what we did in order to find out if we could.”

I still wasn’t none too happy hearing this. “So you deceived me.”

“In a manner of speaking…yes, but there’s something else, something even more important I need to tell you. That you need to further consider, and think about before you decide to leave…if that’s what you decide to do. Or…stay. Even more so.”

“Yeah? And what might that be?”

This was obviously a tough one, even more so than the rest of it had been. I could see Sophia steeling herself in preparation for answering, but it was Max who spoke up first, saving her mom from having to do so.

“We come as a package deal Tom. You don’t get one without the other, plain and simple.” I know the even more confused expression on my face was as big a “tell” as any could be, though she continued speaking seriously. “Usually, the men we’ve met like one of us more than the other, naturally.

That’s to be expected I suppose. But mom and I made an agreement years ago now, something we’ve both stuck with. We like sharing, not being apart…and not intending to be so, not ever. It’s just the way it is between us. Most men think that’s interesting at first, find it exciting. Until they start thinking about it further. That’s when they begin finding it weird, or too uncomfortable to accept. We demand pretty much equal time, though we give that back in spades. We’re a constant threesome, though not necessarily in a sexual way of speaking…more like family, though it’s not a “daddy” I’m looking for. Which is what most men who were first interested in mom,

expect to be. That’s not what I want, and that’s not what this is about. It’s about being an equal partner threesome. Period. About the time most of the men figure that out, they don’t really want any part of it, and so they leave. Or…one or the other of us doesn’t find the man we’ve introduced to the other’s liking either. And that’s another reason why sometimes things don’t work out either. In your case…we both do of course.

We’re both equally attracted to you. And as we’ve now come to find out and discover, we think you’re likewise equally attracted to us as well. But we both needed to know that. To know we could trust you. That you weren’t using one of us over the other, or not as interested in one of us over the other either. I know that’s pretty confusing for you to hear and understand, but…it’s the truth. So…now you know Tom. It boils down to accepting that, accepting us both, accepting the situation…or not.”

I sat quietly for a moment trying to digest all of this. Needless to say, it was a bit overwhelming. And…I was still a little pissed at the deception, the torment…the teasing. I honestly wasn’t sure how I felt. What I did do was finish my coffee, and then sit my empty cup back on the table, standing. I turned without saying a word and headed back up the stairs into the house.


Admittedly I stood there inside Sophia’s room looking at my things, wondering if I should pack up and get the hell out of here. I then wandered over towards the window, looking down at the deck again, seeing the two of them sitting there holding hands, looking at one another.

I opened the window leaning out. They looked up.

“Well? Are you two going to get your asses up here or not?” I called them. “I’ve still got a score to settle here!”

“What about…breakfast?” Sophia said nervously.

Fuck breakfast…we’ll find someplace and eat out…afterwards.” I closed the window not waiting for a response, only hearing one as the two of them made a mad dash up the stairs together, running the entire way. I looked out over towards the ocean again. It was brighter now, the sun even more out than before. The seas are considerably calmer. The storm indeed over with. I smiled, removed my robe and positioned myself in the middle of Sophia’s bed. Less than a minute later, the two of them came running into the room almost side-by-side, now standing there staring at me.

I lay there playing with my rapidly stiffening dick.

“Well? Don’t just stand there, like I said…I have a score to settle here. And I think the two of you know what that is! Max? You’ve got about two seconds to slide that cunt of yours down over my dick. And Cyn? You’ve got about the same amount of time to come sit on my face!”

They were both grinning from ear to ear…and then as one, again raced one another over to the bed. Quick as a bunny, Max was in fact hovering over my cock, as was her mother as she sat next to me on the bed, not yet climbing over to sit on my face just yet.

“If you don’t mind…I’d like to watch for a moment first,” she said pleasurably. “I’ve been waiting…hoping for this, wanting to see it, but only when we knew…when we all knew…it was right, and going to work out for the three of us.”

Even as anxious as Max and I both were, she too hesitated, still hovering, looking down at me.

“You’re sure Tom? You’re positively sure about all this?”

“Will this work? No…I’m not. And just being honest with the two of you here. But…I will say this. I do like you both…equally. No favoritism there. I might even love you both a little. And that might even grow to become a lot more. And if it does…if we do continue this, then I promise you, I will never love one of you any more than the other. If that does happen, then I’ll leave, or the two of you can send me packing as well. But until then…accept me for me too. Just the way I am. No more games, secrets…deceptions. Nada. Period!”

“No more…games?” Max teased trying to pout.

“You know what I mean,” I said, grabbing her waist, placing my hands on either side of her. “Now you little shit, you’re going to finally give me something I truly have been wanting all along. Only…” I paused grinning at her.

“Only what?”

“I’m not going to ask for it. You’re going to ask me. In fact…you’re going to beg me for it, as is your mother.”

Max laughed, grinning. “Fuck me Tom!”

“Not good enough,” I responded back, holding her at bay even though she had attempted to slide herself down over my cock. “Make me believe it.”

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