Putting together storm -2

“Ok, I will…but I’ll expect you to call frequently. If not me…at least call your daughter and let us know if you get hung up for any reason.”

“Same here…especially if the weather takes a turn for the worse,” she told me as we once again turned towards the TV.

“Winds in excess in some areas, approaching hurricane velocity.”

“Great…just fucking great,” I thought to myself. I already felt like I was standing in the eye of a hurricane now. Especially when Max finally came down stairs joining us.

“Fucking weather!” She announced sourly. “Now we’re all going to be cooped up in here all day!”

“Maybe it will blow over and head off someplace else,” her mother suggested.

“Fat chance,” Max said, collapsing down in an unceremonious heap at the table glaring at the TV set as though she personally held the weather girl responsible for all this.

“Well, either way, we probably should stock up on a few things,” Sophia said. “Perhaps after you get dressed…” she paused, “You might consider going down to the strip mall for me and picking up some stuff.”

“Why me?” She looked irritated.

“That…or you can stay here and help Tom move everything outside into the shed, and help secure the windows instead then.”

“Fine…I’ll go. At least that will give the two of you some time to fuck after you’ve done that,” she burst, and then stood heading back upstairs once again. All she’d been wearing had been a tight fitting wife-beater tee shirt and a thong that did little if anything in concealing her ass. I couldn’t help watching her go, turning back around to face Sophia again as she smiled at me.

“Sorry…” she apologized to me again. “Max never has liked thunder and lightning. It scares her, ever since she was a kid. Unfortunately the weather reports say we’re in for some of that.”

At least now I could partially understand her outburst and behavior. But I was again not looking forward to being cooped up in the house with her myself, and alone to boot.

“She was right about one thing though.”

“Oh? And what was that?”

“While she’s gone…I do want you to fuck me.”


We had just finished hauling in the furniture and anything else that wasn’t nailed down, putting it all away in the shed when we heard the car pulling out of the drive. Max was headed into town with a small list of things that Sophia felt might be needed.

“We’ll wait and see how the weather gets before we open the windows,” she informed me then leading me back inside, though it had already started to sprinkle a little. Though windy, it wasn’t bad enough yet to worry about securing any of those. “Time for a shower,” she now added, winking at me, and then led me back upstairs to her room again.

Sophia had one of those enormously large shower enclosures with two opposite facing showerheads. One side was left completely open, stepping down into it with a small area for stepping out onto from there in order to towel off. After turning on both shower heads, adjusting the temperature to our liking,

we undressed and quickly stepped down into it together. I’d always enMaxed showering with a woman in the past, and this was no exception. Especially with all the room and spaciousness that we had in doing so. There was even a small bench seat of sorts that ran in an “L” shape design around a portion of the shower. Already I was imagining what use that could be put to.

Almost immediately we began soaping one another up. I’d always enMaxed the feel of a pair of slick, soapy breasts as I lathered hers up. Sophia too seemingly enMaxed it as I thumbed her nipples, using the soap to allow them to glide over them easily, strumming them back and forth as her own hand playfully did the same to my prick. I was soon hard as a rock, throbbing and in dire need of her. As was she…but not in quite the way I’d imagined.

Sophia turned facing away from me. I took that as a sign as to what she wanted, though not yet wanting to penetrate, still playing…still teasing her. I placed my cock against the back of her ass, so hard and stiff that I could slap her with it, listening to her giggle as I did so, repeatedly.

Once again I leaned over her, leaving my cock to nestle itself in the crack of her still soapy slick ass. My hands come around to teasingly fondle her alluring, dangling breasts. Nipples were so firm and hard now that they felt like miniature thimbles as I stood there toying with them.

“Fuck me Tom…fuck me. Fuck my ass!”

Like I said, this wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. Especially when I’d never done that before. Sure…I’d thought about it, fantasized about it on many occasions, but it was something my ex-wife had never allowed, never would. And up until now anyway, it wasn’t something I’d attempted to do with any of the women I had dated. Had I known them, been with a few of them longer than I had…perhaps eventually I might have. But…as I said, this was, or rather would be a first for me. Once again, it was time to be honest here.

“You sure? I’ve ah…never done that before,” I told her. She turned looking over her shoulder at me. Her eyes wide, her eyebrows raised in question.

“Really? Never?”

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