Once upon a time in an elevator – 03

The plastic was cool, but the sensation of being filled gave her the impression of a rising heat in her pussy. It was shaped oddly and when her golden triangle settled onto the black leather of Tab’s harness she felt a strange sensation deep inside, something she had never felt before. Like it was pressing against a part of her that she never even knew she had.

Tab smiled and moved her big hands to Natalia’s hips. She began to undulate her hips, opening the gap between their bodies a few inches and then coming back together.

The effect was to slowly fuck the pink dildo in and out of Natalia’s pussy. To the small blonde it felt incredible, somehow it was massaging something inside her that was building a strange tension in her body.

She couldn’t explain it, but she could feel it. Tab pulled her feet up until they were flat on the bed and used her lower body to fuck Natalia with more power. Soon the petite blonde was moaning and begging for more like a trollop, but she didn’t give a damn. The tension in her body was piling up and she felt like a coke bottle being shaken on a warm summer day. The pure pleasure was so astounding that she knew something had to give soon. When it did she nearly fainted.

One moment she was going mad with the strange tension and the next she was screaming and riding down hard on Tab’s cock. Natalia was experiencing her first g-spot orgasm and her life would never be the same. She felt a rush of something from her pussy and then a swirling escalation in the pleasure she felt that simply overloaded her head. Euphoria on a level she never dreamed of assaulted her so strongly that she would forever remember it and afterwards nothing else would compare in intensity, not even the pain of childbirth.

Natalia was barely aware of Athena climbing onto the big bed. Her first real notice came when she felt the woman’s long fingers prying her ass cheeks apart. She was still panting and her body was twitching. When she felt the head of Athena’s strap-on pressed against her rose bud she yelped.

“No, please Athena, don’t,” she managed. The tall woman stopped and held still.

“Why not?” she asked.

“It’s so…” Natalia began, but she couldn’t find the words. Tab stroked her hair and kissed her nose.

“Relax honey, you are going to love it,” she said.

“But,” Natalia began, but Athena cut her off.

“Have we done anything so far you didn’t enjoy?” Athena asked softly.

That stopped Natalia in her tracks. Nothing the two bitches had done to her had felt anything other than wonderful. She had always thought of anal sex as perverse, but then again she felt the same way about oral sex. Now she knew that she loved eating pussy. If she had been so wrong there, wasn’t it possible she was wrong about this too? she thought. Deciding to leave herself in the hands of her more experienced lovers she decided not to question them, but one thing did stand out. From whispered conversations she had always heard that anal hurt.

“Will it hurt?” she asked in a small voice.

“A little at first, but not much if you just relax. Trust us, you are going to be seeing stars and Aztec temples in a few minutes,” Athena said. Natalia nodded and tried to relax as Athena forced a slippery finger into her rectum. She probed carefully and made sure that she got plenty of the lubricant worked into Natalia’s tight ass before she withdrew her finger and brought her dildo to the puckered entrance.

Athena held Natalia’s hip with one hand and used the other to keep the black dildo online with its target. She used her hips to slowly increase the pressure, watching closely as first the tip and then millimeter by millimeter, the fat head sank into the girl’s up-thrust bottom.

Natalia groaned as she felt herself being lewdly stretched open. She already felt stuffed full, but each second brought more into her quivering ass. When the widest part of the head passed, about two inches sank into her in a rush. Natalia groaned and gritted her teeth, but didn’t cry out.

She forced her body to relax and tried to breathe deeply. More and more of the fat cock sank into her and she felt it sliding against the still dildo in her pussy. It seemed like she was going to be split in half and for a brief moment she felt a surge of panic. Athena’s hips bumping gently against her cheeks let her know she could relax even before Athena grunted.


“How ya feel, baby?” Tab asked.

“Stuffed,” Natalia grunted.

Both women laughed and Athena began to withdraw her cock. Slowly she moved it in and out, building speed as Natalia’s body adjusted to the intruder. It did hurt at first, but after a while the sensation became mildly pleasurable. Natalia was actually starting to enjoy it when Tab began to fuck her too.

“Ohhhhh, God,” she cried. She could feel the two cocks scraping against each other through the thin membrane that separated her two tunnels. It felt incredible and soon she was humping back against Athena and down on Tab. It took her a while to get the motion down, the one that let her thrust back on both cocks but once she did something inside took over and she just went wild.

“I think she likes it,” Tab said smiling.

“Yeah,” Athena grunted as she drove into Natalia.

Natalia was unprepared for the orgasm that followed. It was simply too divine and she was too worn out. Sweet oblivion came in its wake.


Natalia awoke to find herself alone in the big bed. She got up and stretched, feeling her muscles protest. Her pussy was sore, her ass was sore, her arms and legs were sore and.. God she felt wonderful!

She walked into the living room to find Athena sitting on the sofa reading the paper and Tab cooking breakfast. They were both still naked and Natalia felt her pulse quicken. Athena looked up and smiled.

“Hello, sleepyhead,” she said. The clock read nearly noon and Natalia’s face showed her displeasure. Another day off meant she would be totally out of sick leave.

“What’s the matter?”

“I really wish you had woken me up, I can’t miss any more work,” she said with a frown. Athena laughed and Tab joined her.

“Relax, sugar-panties, the office is closed today,” Tab said from the kitchen. Natalia breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

“Guess I had better call Mike then,” she said.

“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, and you have such a busy day ahead of you. Why not just leave him in the dark?” Athena said, laughing at her pun.

“Busy day?” Natalia asked. Athena smiled, put down the paper and spread her long legs, revealing her beautiful pussy.

“Yeah, you’re going to get fucked silly, all day long. Unless you have other plans?” she asked. Natalia could only smile and shake her head.

“Good. Now come get your breakfast; every girl needs a good breakfast before she starts her day,” Athena said. Natalia moved quickly to the sofa and fell to her knees between Athena’s legs.

“Don’t get too full, you have seconds waiting on you,” Tab said grinning. Natalia looked at the two women who, until yesterday, had been so menacing. Now she saw them as two lovers who would make her cum all day long.

Every girl should be so lucky, she thought as she lowered her face to Athena’s waiting pussy.


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