Not getting caught is the interesting part – 01

This Story is part of Not getting caught is the interesting part Series

Elena took the wallet from me and looked over my freshman conquest. “Not bad, Derek my man. Who’d have thought you had it in you? Or had it in her? You’re coming up in the world.” She laughed, passing me back my photos.

“I’d say coming anywhere other than a sweat sock is up for this guy,” Zoey teased.

“Really? And how about you? Doing any better?” I asked him.

I should have left it alone. He pulled out his iPhone, entered a password, and passed it to me. He must have had a hundred pictures in there of himself with at least five different girls in numerous poses, all naked, and more often than not attached to his nether appendage. The bastard. He’d done Ok in high-school, usually had a girlfriend, and was the first to lose his virginity as a sophomore. He rubbed that in our faces for years. But this? This was ridiculous.

Elena leaned over my shoulder while I breezed through the pics. Apparently I was going to fast for her – she grabbed the phone from me, and took control of the picture display. “God, the sluts at SMU must really be desperate. I hope you’ve been getting regular checkups. I can see you don’t have the good sense to use protection. Hell, I think I saw this skank on Real Sex the other night. And that blonde, what’s she, an old folk’s home escapee?”

He leaned over and looked. “Naw, that’s Tina, the blonde in the other picture’s Mom. Man, she was hot to trot.”

“You are such a fucking liar, Ror,” Elena told him.

“Keep looking.”

Sure enough, a few pictures later, the older blonde was standing side by side with her daughter, smiling for the camera. The resemblance was undeniable. “You’re a real piece, aren’t you.” Elena finally admitted, shaking her head.

“You’re welcome to find out anytime,” Zoey told her. “Always time in my busy schedule for old friends.”

“You wish, you sicko. I’d never let you put that thing in me. I KNOW where it’s been.”

The two of them were with each other all the time. I was kind of surprised they’d never gotten together. Elena and I, on the other hand, didn’t have the same kind of relationship. Ours was a lot closer, but not nearly as teasing or open about things sexual, not since we’d been able to do something about it. I think we knew just a little too much about each other’s love life, or lack thereof. I was looking forward to getting together, just the two of us, and catching up on the long year we’d spent apart.

“What are we doing out here, melting in this sun? Why don’t we hit the pool?”

The community pool was only about 4 blocks away. When we were younger we’d spent most of our summers there.

“I was there earlier. You couldn’t find enough open water to get your toes wet. Every brat in the area is there with their mommies and nannies.

“All those MILFs? I’m surprised you didn’t stay,” Elena said.

“Yeah. Me too. I hate to say it but I’ve missed you guys. Even your skinny ass.”

“I knew it. We’re here ten minutes, and you’re already fixated on my outrageous body, perv.” She did a slow pirouette for us, arms raised high, teasing as always. She might have been skinny, but her ass was the exception. It belonged to a girl about half her size. Bodacious.

We talked about hitting the mall, or maybe even catching a movie, at least it would be cool in the theater, but I think we all just wanted to spend some time together. Like the old days.

“Let’s hit old man Wilson’s pool,” Elena finally suggested.

“Shit, Elena. I was grounded for two weeks last time we pulled that stunt. The guy has no sense of humor.” I reminded her. The Wilson’s were two doors down from her place, and you could get there by sneaking behind their neighbor’s fence. The Wilson’s had a huge yard, built for entertaining, with a long gorgeous pool, a patio, and even a hot tub. And it was always empty. Always. They never used it. It was a frigging shame.

“It’s not even 3 o’clock yet. They won’t be home for hours. What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” She stood up and headed for the back-line. “I’m going. Who’s gonna join me?”

As usual, it was hard to say no to Elena. She would go without us, and berate us for days for being cowards. Always the wild one. And it seemed that I was the one always paying the price. Zoey could talk his way out of anything, and Elena’s parents pretty much had given up trying to control her. Me? I was the one with the parents who still thought I wasn’t too old for a whipping, or for being grounded. Already in trouble to boot.

And yet, there I was, following in Zoey’s footsteps, head bent low, sliding between the hedge and the fence, until we were standing next to Elena, peeking into the Wilson’s yard.

“Coast is clear. I told you so. Damn, that water looks good.” She hopped the fence, and sprinted 20 yards or so into the shade of the gazebo.

The yard was nice, but kind of weird. The Wilson kids had been years ahead of us, and I don’t even remember what they looked like. Yet the yard was still set up for young kids, with a swing-set, a trampoline, and an honest-to-God playhouse that had seen better days. The backyard was huge, but the pool was right up by the house. You had to cross about 30 yards of open space to get to it, and I always felt like someone was watching from one of the upstairs windows.

It took us less than a minute to strip down to our underwear, and sneak into the pool. Even knowing the house was empty, we still kept it down, not wanting to alert the neighbors to our trespassing.

Zoey had a pair of loose boxers that could have been a swimsuit. Elena, on the other hand, wore a pair of small pink cotton panties that barely covered half her ass. I was wearing the usual. Dammit.

“Aww, Derek, still rocking the tighty-whities I see. And you still managed to score in college. The Rutger’s girls must really be hard up.” Elena teased.

“I wasn’t planning on going swimming,” I reminded her, splashing her.

We were horse-playing, splashing around, and mostly just hanging out, recalling some of our high-school shenanigans.

“Remember when we went skinny dipping here? Right before graduation?” Elena asked.

“Remember? Three in the morning, and the police cars show up out front. Damn old man Wilson. I lost my shorts and my Aerosmith t-shirt that night. I really loved that shirt.” Zoey recalled.

“I almost got caught sneaking in the house naked,” I reminded them. “If I hadn’t ducked into the laundry room I would probably have been grounded all summer, instead of just two weeks.

“Let’s do it again.” Elena suggested.

“Skinny dipping? Now? In the day-time?” was the best reply I could muster.

“Sure, why not?” She reached down below the surface of the water, coming up with her wet panties. She waved them above her head, and tossed them to the side of the pool. “C’mon, the big college boys aren’t shy, are they?” She reached behind her and pulled off her top, exposing her small boobs capped with large swollen nipples which seemed completely out of place on her. The nipples and areola, the way they were now, nearly doubled the size of her tiny knockers. I’d never seen them in that state – I’m sure I’d have remembered. Not that I was complaining. Not by a long shot.

Zoey was always up to her challenges, and tossed his boxers onto the diving board. “Up to you, Derek.”

I was nervous. I’ll admit it. The first time, I’d been drunk, it had been late, and it was pitch black outside. This was in the middle of the day, and I was way too sober. It would be bad enough getting caught, but getting caught naked?

“Stop thinking about it D, and just do it,” Elena griped, exasperated.

I reached down and pulled off my underwear, tossing it just beyond where her clothes lay. I stayed apart from the other two, and contemplated turning to face the pool wall, at least for a while. I was getting hard, and if they noticed I’d never hear the end of it.

Elena went for a dive underwater, swimming between us, reaching out and poking us both in the butt. She came up sputtering. “Jesus, Zoey. What’s got you all hard and horny?”

He just smiled at her, not the least bit ashamed. “What do you think? You’re looking pretty good there, girl. Naked suits you.”

She blushed, for once at a loss for words, and took another dive, coming up right in front of me. “Wow, D, nice one. Looks like you’re enjoying the view too.” She bounced up in the water, bringing her tits above the waterline, giving me another look at those oversized nipples,l easily within reach.

I didn’t know what to say. She was pretty as could be, naked as the day she was born, and leaning against the wall about half an inch beyond my achingly hard cock. If I had the balls to try it, I could be inside of her in seconds. Hell, if Zoey was standing where I was, I bet he’d give it a shot.

Whatever I was going to say, would have had to wait. Suddenly, the speakers beside the pool started blaring music, and we knew our collective goose was cooked.

“Shit,” Zoey swore, and took off for the end of the pool to collect his underwear off the diving board, while Elena and I scrambled like mad out of the pool making a run for our underthings. Looking back, I could already see the screen door opening. We were done for.

The kid’s playhouse was about 5 feet away, and I made a dash for it. I squeezed through the minuscule door into a tiny space, maybe three feet all around. I was just turning sideways, when Elena’s face came in through the door. “Move!” she hissed.

“Where?” I whispered, turning as best as I could and getting my head up into the raised space in the back. It was a lousy position, all cramped and I couldn’t see anything but the roof.

Elena wasn’t to be stopped. I felt her crawl on top of me, knees, elbows and hips poking me hard. It only took her a few seconds to squeeze in there. If I bent my head down and sideways, I could just see her back. She was sitting on my thigh, and looked to be, if possible, even more uncomfortable than I was.

“I think we got away with it,” she whispered very softly, easing the door closed behind her.

It was hot there. In more ways than one. “Who is it?” I asked.

“I think it’s their daughter, Denise, and some guy, maybe a husband?” she answered. “He’s in the pool and she’s sunning herself, nude.”

Not getting caught is the interesting part – 01 will continue in the next page.

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