Naughty Revenge made her fall – part 2

Nova poured out equal parts of Amaretto, Grand Marnier and Southern Comfort into a mixer. She was careful, precisely filling her jigger, two ounces of each, twice. She put the shot glass in the sink, rinsing it out. She covered the shaker, giving it a good shake, and filled two glasses, until they were exactly even. She took a big sip of hers, sighing. I accepted mine from her and gave it a sip. Good, but strong.

I watched her put everything away, each item in its place. She rinsed out the mixer and opened her dishwasher, placing the mixer, shot glass, and lid in the top, working from the back left corner forward.

I was quiet, watching her, learning.

She giggled, taking a sip. “Strange, huh?”

“Hardly. I love watching you, seeing how you do things, trying to understand.”

“You’re weird,” she laughed.

“Guilty. Scared you off yet?”

She smiled. “They like you.”

“What’s not to like? I’m pretty incredible you know,” I laughed.

She moved toward me, her outfit pressing against my knees, as she leaned up for a kiss. I wasn’t about to deny her. “I know,” she said, afterward.

“I liked them too,” I confessed.

“Good. Are you having fun tonight?”

“I did.”

She took my hand in hers, pulling me along. “You don’t have to leave soon, do you?”

“No. No other plans.”

She opened the door, and pulled me into her immaculate bedroom. Every piece of furniture is carefully placed, exactly centered against each wall. The top of her dresser is bare, the bed-stand with only a clock-radio centered on it. The opposite bed-stand had a single lamp. The carpet showed parallel vacuum rows.

The bed was a double, with at least half-a-dozen pillows arranged artfully on it.

Nova turned her back to me, and removed her ‘Kiss’ hat, shaking out her hair. “I’ve got another kiss for you,” she said softly. She reached up behind her neck, finding the white cloth pull strip. “Open it?”

I stood behind her, giving a tug. Pulling the cloth opened a velcro seal down the back. It opened all the way to the bottom, and she stepped out of it. She turned, and smiled shyly.

My heart almost stopped. Her breasts were each covered in a pyramid of foil, those teasing white pull strips sticking out at her nipples. Her panties were shiny metallic. She pulled her white pantyhose off, slowly, teasing. She leaned back on the bed, and her legs parted, showing another white strip down at her crotch.

I smiled. “Best friggin’ costume ever,” I said.

“You like? It was a lot of work.”

“Worth every moment of it. Absolutely amazing.”

She beckoned me forward with a crooked finger. “I love your outfit, too, but I think I’d like to see you without it.”

I undressed her, taking a couple of minutes to finish the job, removing those inside the candy sacks, until I stood before her, naked except for a pair of boxers.

I climbed on the bed next to her, and took her in my arms. I kissed her, and she squirmed underneath me. “Unwrap your prize, handsome. You’ve earned it.”

I leaned over her nearest “Kiss”, examining the external package. It was twisted around her breast. I pulled the aluminum foil open and saw the inside was covered with a light silvery cloth, like her panties. I twisted it open, and the top of her breast appeared, her nipple hard. I leaned in for a quick taste.

“Do you like this brand?” she asked.

“More than anything,” I admitted, sucking her nipple.

I pulled it completely open, but the material stuck to her. “Gentle,” she said softly.

I saw that she had taped down the inside around her breast. I carefully peeled it away, until she was completely exposed. I took her breast in my hand, cupping it, squeezing it softly. It was bigger than I had expected, even with the numerous flashes of cleavage I’d seen.

I toyed with my unexpected gift, feeling her wriggle and gasp. “The other one,” she said after a bit. “Please, open your other one.”

I knew better what to expect, and opened it slowly, enjoying the gradual exposure. I peeled the foil back, exposing her breast completely, the foil a teasing corona around her perfect tit. I sucked and chewed on it, taking it in both hands, forming a cone, which I nibbled the top of.

She was tensing up, and I could feel the awkwardness. “What’s wrong, beautiful?”

“The foil. Either put it on the other one, or take it off.”

I understood. Uneven, I couldn’t leave it uneven for too long. I peeled away the foil. I took the white cloth strip, and saw the carefully lettered “KISSES”. I straightened it out and laid it across her belly. I rolled the foil into a neat ball, like she always did. I did the same with the other foil, which I’d originally just tossed to the side. With two pieces of cloth crossing her smooth stomach, I stood. “Garbage can?” I asked.

She smiled. “Behind the door.”

I closed the door a little, and took the top off the garbage can. I ostentatiously deposited the two balls of foil inside, and closed the lid. She watched me, smiling.

“You are observant, aren’t you?” she said.

“Especially when it comes to you. You’re definitely worth watching.”

She leaned back in the bed, stacking the pillows behind her head, three high. She parted her legs. “I’ve got one last KISS for you. Do I get to see you eat it?”

I climbed between her legs, and eased the shiny panties down her thighs. I lifted her legs, pulling them together, and slid the panties off the rest of the way.

I opened her legs up, bringing my face down between them. She had another one of those white cloth strips coming out of her. I gave a gentle tug on it, and she moaned softly. “Open me, Ethan.”

I gave another tug, feeling a little resistance. She was wet, soaking, so that couldn’t be the problem. I licked the top of her opening, teasing her, as I gave a series of little tugs. I was making progress, slowly. Another long slow tug, and she was moaning.

“All the way, Ethan,” she whispered.

It was stuck, and with a firm pull, I saw why. I saw the top of a large silver object, and had a good idea what it was. “Your KISS,” she moaned, as I tugged on the cloth.

It was larger than I imagined it could be. I tugged, and exposed half of it, but couldn’t get it to move. I slid my finger inside of her, feeling the outline. It had to be close to two inches across. I reached under the edge of it, pulling it outward, tugging on the cloth strip, opening her. She moaned deeply, squirming, as the entire silver kiss was slowly exposed. It was almost free, spreading her wide. She whimpered softly, and it popped free, sliding out suddenly.

She gasped, moaning when I brought my mouth down and sucked on her. I licked inside of her, feeling her velvety smoothness. She smelled and tasted chocolate. I couldn’t get enough of her. I groaned.

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