Naughty Revenge made her fall – part 2

She leaned against me. “Please tell me she’s not some game to you.”

I shook my head. “No way. Sweetest, most fascinating girl I’ve ever known,” I said softly. I watched a crowd of six come running up to the door. Tween-aged, their parents standing out by the curb.

Stella reached into my side pocket, making me nervous, pulling out a handful of candy packages. I grabbed several from the other side.

“Girls like Nova and me,” she said softly, passing out the candy. “We know we’re a handful. We are slow to grow attached to our guys, but we are absolutely devoted once we do. Give us a chance.”

“Anything I can do, I’m committed to making this work.”

Nova moved up on the other side of me, “Leave him alone, Mom. Please, you’re embarrassing me.”

I turned, reached out to her head, pulled her forward and kissed her softly. “Your Mom’s great. She only wants the best for you. Me too. I’m nuts about you, you know?”

She blushed, smiling. “Not too crazy for you?”

I shook my head. “I’m gonna screw up now and then. I don’t know how to handle some of this. You need to be open and honest with me. I’ll get better.”

She looked on the verge of tears. “I don’t know how. You’ve been perfect.”

I laughed. “You’re setting me up for a fall. I’m not perfect. Far from it. But I’m willing to do whatever you need. Whatever. You only have to let me know.”

She smiled. “I could use another kiss.”

Stella tugged me away. “Incoming. Keep the kisses indoors, kids. Impressionable youngsters are watching.”

The number of kids had slowed, but a trio was laughing, walking up the path. I felt the hands sliding down my sides, retrieving the treats. “One of each, for each of them,” Nova said, three bags in her hands. She flipped them over so all the writing was going the same direction.

One brown bag, one yellow bag for each of the kids. I looked up and saw a virtual army of kids on their way. There must have been at least a dozen.

“You have enough for all of them?” Stella asked. I could feel her hand moving around, checking how many bags were left. There was a small problem. It wasn’t really a pocket. There was a bag attached to the opening, and pinned to my pants belt. It was easy to reach inside and miss the bag. Stella seemed to discover that, giggling as her hand felt around, rubbing my side.

“Seems like it,” Nova said, pulling out a handful.

“There were 40 bags of each,” I told them.

I felt her hand slide back into the gap on my side, and struggled not to make a scene, when she discovered the same issue, and her hands started rubbing my hip. “Feels good on this side,” she giggled.

“Nova…” her mother whispered, warningly. As if she had any room to talk, her hand was being wicked, inside my outfit, rubbing my side and upper thigh, only a scant couple of inches from really being naughty.

The kids were upon us, and the girl’s hands kept slipping in my outfit, retrieving bags, each of them putting a package of M&Ms into the goody bags held up before them.

Nova was keeping her near hand inside my outfit, leaning close to me, crushing the side of her outfit. She’d pull out a candy, then slide her hand back in, and give me a teasing rub before snagging the next treat to be passed out.

Stella was no better, her hand never leaving the pocket for long. Her hand was more exploratory, wandering around, front and back. She gave my ass an unexpected squeeze, and I almost jumped.

The last of the trick-or-treaters left, and Nova leaned over, looking around me. Her hand was still in my outfit. “Mom! What was that?” she hissed.

“Nice buns,” Stella giggled.

“Dad!” Nova, called out. “Mom’s being bad.”

“God, Nova, I can’t believe you told me!” Stella whined.

Brian walked up behind her, picking her up bodily, hoisting her high, like a toy. “Jesus, Angie, we’ve just met the boy. Give the kids some space, before you scare him off.”

“We’re just playing around, Brian,” she whined.

I laughed. “She’s not going to scare me off. I love the fact that the girls are close. My sister and my Mom don’t get along all that well.”

“See?” Stella whined, wiggling in his grip. Her struggles had the bottom of her dress riding high on her hips, her legs kicking. A tiny little black thong was exposed, along with a red and black garter belt. Sweet Jesus. Her mom was hot.

We seemed to have weathered the storm. We hadn’t seen a kid for a few minutes. A group of teenagers came running up to the door, and I felt like something was missing when Nova pulled out the candy, my other side was lonely.

I reached into the pocket, and Stella was there, slapping my hand away. “I’ll be good,” she said.

“You better,” Nova teased.

“That was mean, telling on me,” Stella pouted, whispering to her daughter. “Remember, two can play that game, sweetie.”

“What? You’re going to tell me? I didn’t do anything. He is my date.”

“Your costume?” Stella teased, warningly.

“Mom! You promised,” Nova gasped.

“I never thought you’d tell on me,” Stella said sadly.

Their hands were back to being bad, although they seemed to be ignoring me other than as a candy dispenser, and a body to be teased.

“I’m sorry, Mom. Dad’s not mad. He knows we’re just playing around. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Still, you never told on me before,” Stella said. She seemed upset. I put my arm around her, and she leaned into me. Her hand moved to the back, rubbing my rear. Her husband couldn’t have been 10 feet away, putting away the last remnants of the candy.

“This is different, you know?” Nova said softly.

“I know, sugar. I only want to help. I like him. He’s not like the others. More like your dad.”

I was nervous. Nova’s hand was on my backside, only a couple of inches from her mother’s. I felt a little more movement, and the hands were together. Weird, but nice.

“I know Mom. I know you want to help. Some things I need to do for myself. Ok?”

“You’re sure?” Stella asked nervously.

“No,” Nova said softly. “I’m scared. I can’t let that stop me.”

Stella let go of me, and moved over to her daughter. She reached up and hugged her, and Nova turned and hugged her mother almost desperately. “Thanks for being here,” Nova said softly.

“Always baby. Whatever you need from me or your Dad. I love you.”

Nova gave her a big squeeze. “I know, I love you guys.”

Stella, let go of her daughter and stood in front of me. She reached her arms up and I leaned over, letting her wrap her arms around my neck, while I gave her a hug.

“She’s worth it all,” Stella whispered into my ear.

“I know. I’ll try to be worthy.”

She almost broke my neck and she squeezed so tightly. “You are. Be good to her. Gentle and slow, Ok?”

“Gentle and slow.”

She gave me a quick kiss on the lips, surprising, even with all the teasing going on. She pulled away, before turning to her daughter. “Can I have a couple of the special ones before I go?”

“Not too many,” Nova said softly.

Stella reached into the front pocket. She pulled out a few and looked at them, sorting out two of each color. She slid her hand back inside and I got goosebumps when she reached down my front, her hand rubbing against me. It was hard, not too surprising, and she gave my shaft a squeeze. She gave me a wink, and turned to her daughter, showing her hand. “Two of each? One for me and one for your dad?”

Nova, nodded.

Stella turned away. “Are you done here?” she called out. “I think it’s time for us to head home.”

Nova walked in, closing her door, and turning off the outside light. I emptied my side pockets, only a handful of packets left from each side.

Her parents said goodnight, her father giving me a crushing handshake. “Call, anytime. I’ll understand, and help where I can.”

“Dad!” Nova griped.

“You’re difficult. I love you baby, but God knows you’re not easy to be around sometimes. There’s going to be times when he needs help maneuvering the minefield.”

“Geez, you make me sound like some kind of ticking time-bomb. You’re supposed to be on my side.”

“I’m on your side. But us guys gotta stick together. I saw you two ganging up on him.” He gave me a wink.

Stella gave me a hug. “Wonderful meeting you, Ethan. I hope we get a chance to really get to know each other. Don’t be a stranger.”

I hugged her back. “I had a great time tonight. Thanks for everything, and making me feel so comfortable.”

She gave me a quick kiss on the lips, gave her daughter a hug, and they departed. Nova rushed off to the kitchen, and returned with a big empty jar. “Special M&Ms. In here.”

Clearly, she was anxious, so I dumped them in the jar, making sure to get all of them. She put a lid on the jar, and shook it. She took the jar to the pantry, and put it on a shelf. After that I could see her body relax. I was starting to recognize her stress symptoms easier.

She walked to the cabinet, pulling out a few liquor bottles. “I need a drink. Can I make you one?”

“Sure, whatever you’re having.”

Series Navigation<< Naughty Revenge made her fall – part 1Naughty Revenge made her fall – part 3 >>

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