My Cleaning Lady – Ch. 02

This Story is part of My cleaning lady Series

“Whew! That was nice! Did you enjoy that? I certainly did,” she grinned, and then suddenly reached down, slipping a finger inside her pussy, withdrawing it, and then tasting herself. God…I wanted some of that!

“Fuck!” I mewled sitting there watching her.

“Wanna taste?” She asked slipping her hand down once again, pulling it away, a filament of her sticky girl cream clinging to it like the beginnings of a spiders web as she held it up, pressing her finger tips together, pulling them apart and then seeing the strand of her precious pussy cream splitting off into even more strands of her silly string, girl juice.

I was nodding my head like a kid in a candy store being asked if he wanted one of everything.

“Then finish your cold coffee,” she grinned mischievously, and finish hanging your door in the bathroom. Maybe after that, I’ll let you have a taste,” she winked at me. And before I could even respond to that, she stood. Quickly grabbing her silver egg, stuffing it back down between her legs again, and then heading off. I downed my coffee in one gulp, walked over and placed it in the sink along with hers. I stood there shaking my head, looking down at my somewhat flaccid member, and wiped the drool from the corner of my mouth.

It was going to be another long hot…interesting day. And it was starting to get warm temperature wise too.


An hour later I had finished the door, now swinging properly again, not to mention closing. Upon doing that, I went in search of Val, wondering what she’d been up to for the past hour. I found her downstairs in the laundry room. She had washed and folded every article of clothing I had. Since I didn’t yet have a bedroom set, which wouldn’t be delivered until sometime during the week, Val had made do with a long banquet table.

She had spread everything out, sorting it all into neat tidy little stacks. At the moment, she was sitting on the edge of the washer. I also noticed, she was no longer wearing her tiny black thong either. And…she had one of my magazines in hand as she sat there reading it as I came wandering down.

“Last load is in now,” she informed me. Along with the washer just then starting to head into the spin cycle, I could also hear the dryer still doing its thing. “Oh good! You’re just in time!” She giggled seconds later.

“For what?” I asked.

“For this,” she leered at me, putting the dirty magazine down she’d been thumbing through, and edging herself over to the edge of the washer as it began to hum itself into the high-speed spin cycle.

“Jesus H!” I said once more, shaking my head in wonder at her. This girl seemed to be insatiable, not to mention creative when it came to the myriad of ways she seemed to have in giving herself an orgasm. She was now riding the washer, almost fucking the corner of it in a way as it spun, rocking just enough as she rode it to actually derive some pleasure out of doing that.

And for the umpteenth time that day, I found myself standing there with another raging hard on. The fact I had actually gotten used to working naked came as no surprise to me now, nor that I was again becoming aroused as I was. Val was becoming an addiction to me, one that was beginning to worry me just a little. But so far, I was being as cautious as I could, and yet allowing myself the pleasure of watching her, and seeing what she did next, or next would be doing to me. How much further I’d allow that, or that she might…remained to be seen.

I was a little surprised when she didn’t appear to actually climax this time, once more jumping off as the machine finally began slowing down.

“Oh,” she giggled, a bit of flush in her cheeks. “Already came twice that way…don’t want to wear it out you know? We still have half a day ahead of us yet. And the best is yet to come!”

“Oh god..lord help me,” I told myself. Which is when she suddenly seemed to be hearing, listening to something. With a squeal and a giggle, she raced into the adjoining room. One that was mostly stored there in the basement, but which I knew faced the driveway carport of her place. I quickly joined her, and sure enough, saw her standing there looking out the basement window across the way.

“Oh goodie! Daddy’s just leaving!” She squealed excitedly again, and then started to run off.

“Hey! Where are you going in such a hurry?” I asked.

“Be right back!” She exclaimed. “Don’t go anywhere!” And then she dashed off up the stairs. I heard the screen door open, and then slam shut again moments later.

“Naked?” I asked myself. And then wandered back upstairs myself, wondering what the hell was going on now. Or about to.

It wasn’t long before I found out.


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