Land Of The Necromancers

Chapter 2   =The Kidnapping=

That same night I was in bed with Giselle. She had fallen asleep after I had spent time helping her forget the cares of the day. I thought I heard a noise outside, so I got out of bed to investigate. Pushing the curtain aside I peered into the darkness but could see nothing, so I went over to the door that opened onto the veranda. Turning the handle, I slowly inched my head out.

Still nothing, so I stepped out into the night air and whispered “who is there, show yourself.” Suddenly a hand covered my mouth! I tried to scream but couldn’t make a sound. Then someone picked me up and began running. We must have gone a hundred yards before I was thrown into a waiting van. The door slammed and the vehicle took off as the hand pulled away from my mouth.

HOW DARE YOU!!! My master will tear you to pieces!

“You stupid bitch, you’ve just been rescued!”

RESCUED?!! What made you think I needed to be rescued!

“We are taking the planet back from those man eating bastards”

You have no right interfere! This is the way of things!

“They have killed billions over the years! Eating each of them while still alive!”

The people at the mills are raised for food, they are supposed to be eaten. I’ve prepared hundreds of them.

“You little bitch! You’ve been with them so long that you think this genocide is perfectly normal!”

They are kind to me. I am provided with everything I need. I am loved and my life is perfect.

“There’s no sense talking to you! You’re just as disgusting as they are.”

I will demand that you are eaten with no mercy. You will scream in agony as the flesh is ripped from your bones! Then the next day you will be shit into a hole in the ground where you belong!

“What a delightful young lady.”

I turned my head and ignored him. The ride became bumpy, like we were traveling on a dirt road. Finally the vehicle stopped and the rear doors opened.

“Jerry my man! What the hell did you bring home with you?”

“An ungrateful child who has absolutely no sense of right and wrong.”

“Miss don’t pay any attention to him, he needs to work on his manners. I am Bradley, and what might your name be?”


“Kendra… That’s a beautiful name. I apologize for the rough ride, we have to make do with what we can get.”

You don’t know how much trouble you are in!

“Well,,, I’m not going to let that bother me”

I’m leaving!

“No one will stop you. But if you are caught by Necromancers, you will probably be eaten on the spot.”

I don’t believe you! It’s unlawful to eat females. I would be taken to a breeding mill where I would enjoy having sex for the rest of my life!

“Oh dear, you have no idea what it’s like in the real world. Those breeding mills are nothing like you believe they are. Listen sweetheart, at least you are safe here. I really don’t want anything bad to happen to you. We have been trying to liberate as many servants as possible before we attack.”

I was escorted to a dormitory to stay in. There were other girls living there that had been taken from their masters. I made friends with a few, and it was interesting to hear their stories. My roommate’s name was Donna. She was like me and had helped prepare others to be eaten. I was beginning to realize that perhaps I was wrong. The only human life I really valued, was my own. It made me feel dirty and evil. Donna was such a comfort to me and explained that it wasn’t my fault.

There were classes where I learned how to read and write. The dormitory was made up of girls just like me that needed to heal. I had found a new home.

One night Donna was lonely slipped in bed with me. It was comforting to feel her beside me. The room was pitch black but I knew she had moved closer because I could feel her warm breath on my face. Suddenly her lips met mine. I had never kissed a girl before. Her tongue slid into my mouth and I couldn’t believe how it made me feel. We continued to kiss as I lightly caressed her.

I reached under her nightgown and fondled her soft boobies and she began to moan. She responded by reaching down and placing her hand between my legs.  It felt wrong but I couldn’t resist her attention. I spread my legs allowing her fingers to slip inside. Suddenly there was an explosion! We jumped to our feet and ran to the window.

Chapter 3   =Surprise Attack=

We could see shadows of men running about and heard more explosions with balls of fire rising into the darkness. Someone opened our door and said we needed to evacuate. We quickly grabbed our jackets and put on shoes. Everyone was in the halls and were being directed out the rear exit. There were men with weapons outside that led us into the woods. We hiked all night, away from my feeling of security. Donna and I walked hand in hand until sunrise.

Everyone gathered together and were informed that the Necromancers had most likely obtained weapons from the old military installations to use against us. Their mental control was no longer effective, thanks to the technology that had been developed. We were told not to be alarmed and this would only push us ahead of schedule for the main engagement.

A new temporary camp was established until it was time to strike back. In the weeks that followed, more vehicles with weapons arrived. The older boys were being trained for the assault. I offered to help and was told I could help keep the fighters supplied with food and ammunition. I was thankful to be involved.

I learned that the device keeping everyone safe from the Necromancer’s influence was called a jammer. It was mounted to a big truck and had a twenty mile range. As long as we were within that perimeter, we were safe from their influence. Donna always seemed to stay in sight of me. I would look forward to the evenings and our time together. She was my comfort throughout all of this. I kept telling myself that when this was over, the two of us would invent a new life together.

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