I really love that Playful hours – 2

“Good morning mother,” I said pleasantly enough, walking over to embrace her, actually giving her a warm friendly hug as well as a kiss on the lips, which I very often did, as opposed to just on her cheek. But I allowed it to linger perhaps just a fraction longer than normal.

“You’re up early!” she said, actually blushing a little at being caught in the same semi-revealing outfit that my Aunt had worn, though I think too, that fractionary second of a kiss had had something to do with her being a bit flustered.

“Isn’t that…?” I ignored her question, pointedly looking at what she was wearing, particularly, as her own nipples were in fact erect, and quite hard pressing against the somewhat thin material of her camisole.

She knew of course what I was asking, still blushing. “Yeah, it is. Believe it or not…Victoria bought me one as well, though the only size they had I could wear was in the same color as the one she got. So even though we’re sort of twins…I like wearing it, looks…”

“Sexy,” I said, cutting her off, finishing her sentence for her, saying that, mainly because it did, though it caused her to blush again even more so than she already was.

“Really? You think? You think your old frumpy looking mother actually looks sexy in this?”

I sighed…exasperated, which I’d done numerous times before whenever mom had purposely belittled herself. “Once again mom…you’re not old, and you’re certainly not frumpy! Especially in that! And if you don’t mind my saying it…because I’m going to anyway, you look hot as hell in that outfit. I wish you’d wear something like that a bit more often in fact.”

She laughed at that. “Why? Your father certainly wouldn’t notice. Hell anymore Kyle, I’m not sure he’d notice me even if I ran around the house naked instead!”

Now it was my turn to laugh. “Well…I’d certainly notice it if you did that!” I told her, actually feeling my prick stiffen a little as I crossed over, purposely sitting down at the table as mom poured each one of us a cup of coffee, taking a seat directly across from me. But I had to, I now had a full-blown erection as I sat there across the way from her, and nothing more than the robe I was wearing in concealing that.

“Such things…about your own mother,” she mused more to herself than to me actually.

“Well it’s true mom, you’re an attractive looking woman, no matter what dad says or does, he doesn’t realize the true sensual treasure he has.”

Mom looked at me, as though a question had formed, though she didn’t ask it or comment on what I’d just said either. Once again evading it, turning away, sipping her coffee. Though all that did was provide me with another moment to glance down towards her breasts again. Sure enough, her nipples were even harder than they were before, pressing against the material of her sleepwear.

“Where’s Aunt Victoria?”

“Still in bed, snoring away,” she’d said.

“Interesting,” I thought to myself. Maybe she did snore, but not loudly, I’d heard her myself before. And with my old room down at the far end of the hall…

“I’m sure she’ll be up soon though, as soon as she smells the coffee. By the way…I was wondering if you had any plans for today?”

It was a golden opportunity. I’d been sitting there trying to come up with a nice segue into bringing up the subject myself.

“Matter of fact…yes. Got an email from a friend of mine late last night, inviting me to go and spend the day hanging out with him. Told me to bring an overnight bag along, just in case we get too tanked up later on this evening to go anywhere, or do anything. So I thought I might as well head over shortly after breakfast. Which reminds me… ok if I use the car?”

I saw a light suddenly go off inside her head, along with a bit of a smile upon hearing that. “Sure, why not? And besides, if your Aunt and I decide to go anywhere, we can always take her car. But I think we’ll just stay in, watch a movie or something…a really good chick-flick,” she added knowing how much I hated sitting around watching those, which was a small insurance policy about me coming back that evening.

“Yuch!” I responded. “Now for sure I’m planning on spending the night!” I could see that my answer was exactly the one she was hoping to hear. Which is also when my Aunt came strolling into the kitchen, still “twinly” dressed, though she quickly walked over, leaning forward in order to likewise give me a kiss on the cheek. I turned my head however as she did, catching her on the lips instead. Surprised perhaps by that…but she returned the kiss, raising up, and then winking at me.

“So, where is it you’re spending the night?” she then asked. “With some hot horny girl perhaps?”

“Victoria!” Mom chided her sister, though all she did was laugh.


“I wish…” I replied. “Unfortunately, no…just a guy friend of mine, who invited me to hang out, and spend the day with him.” It was hard not to notice the sudden turn of my Aunt’s head as she looked at mom, no doubt smiling at her upon hearing that. And mom too, likewise smiled back in that same “secretive” expression the two of them had so frequently shared as though I had no clue that they were. “Though I don’t mind telling you…if I had the chance to spend the evening with two hot ladies like yourself, I’d for damn sure prefer doing that as opposed to any hot young things anywhere else,” I told them both.

Victoria gave me an appraised knowing look, but said nothing. Mom just snickered and took down another empty cup for Aunt Victoria, pouring her one, and then refreshing our own. As she leaned forward, I got a tantalizing glimpse of my own mother’s bare breasts, the neckline ballooning out just enough to allow me to do so. Interestingly enough, Victoria saw that, saw where my eyes were looking, one eyebrow raised in curious note of it. I then looked at her…and winked.

She laughed, and then winked back.

“What’s so funny?” Mom asked.

And then Aunt Victoria got me back…big time.

“Nothing much, just caught your son looking down the neck of your gown at your titties,” she said. “I think you’ve just given him a woody!”

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