I really love that Playful hours – 2

“Oh…well I was sort of hoping that maybe tomorrow by chance, as I happen to be off tomorrow, “Home Alone” I typed, giving them an LOL, that they might then contact me. There was a noticeable pause, and though I certainly couldn’t hear them discussing it, just seeing them as they sat there, I knew that they were when finally one of them reached back towards the keyboard.

“Well…it just so happens, you might be in luck, as we will be around tomorrow, yes. Only one small problem that we might have to work around. But…if you’re indeed going to be there, leave your IM up. IF we can, and if it works out…we’ll contact you sometime during the day.”

I told them I would, that I’d leave the site up and running, and if and when they could indeed contact me, that I would indeed be here, waiting for them no matter what.

It was shortly after that however, that Naughty Time once again reminded me of what her request had been.

“Ever masturbated using a woman’s pair of panties before?” She then asked.

“Can’t say as I have…no,” I responded back honestly. Though she knew through earlier conversations that we’d had, that I was indeed living at home, and had briefly spoken about my mother, and that I’d been somewhat worried about her as she’d been obviously going without herself, a topic which had come up in conversation when Naughty Time had informed me, she’d been going through much the same thing herself.

Which was why she’d joined this particular site in the first place, though she had also again mentioned living alone. Which is why I was still more inclined to believe I had initially contacted my Aunt quote by coincidence. Still, there were too many unanswered questions remaining, and after what had happened tonight, I now knew I had to have the answers, at least one of them anyway.

“I would love to see you working that lovely hard cock of yours, with a pair of panties,” she informed me. “Think you can manage to sneak a pair of them so I can watch you?” She asked. Provided of course you get your web-cam up and working again,” she then added.

“Yeah, I think so,” I replied back, figuring I had to, at the very least, since she’d done what I’d asked and requested of her. In spades as it turned out. “And for sure…I’ll get fixed, even if I have to go out and get another one!” I assured her.

Shortly after that, we signed off as it was again late. I then quietly walked over to the door of my room, opening it. Upstairs, the faint sounds of footsteps moving about. I closed the door again, heading over towards my bed, where I lay in the darkness for a very, very long time…thinking about tomorrow.


Morning came all too early, especially for me. I had gotten very little sleep, surprised to find myself waking up as early as I had. It was only 6:15 in the morning. Hearing the sound of footsteps already padding about in the kitchen, I was up and alert as though I’d had twelve hours of sleep, adrenalin suddenly kicking in at once. I literally jumped out of bed, ran into the bathroom to pee, and then slipped into my robe and headed upstairs.

Mom was making coffee. She was wearing the same exact outfit that my Aunt had been when I opened the upstairs door stepping in. Normally, I knew by the surprised look in her face that she’d usually have put on a robe by now before getting dressed later. I’d caught her off guard, taken her by surprise, as she’d obviously just barely come downstairs in order to get the coffee going.

“Shit!” she actually exclaimed, jumping a little as I entered.

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