His sister makes him jealous

This Story is part of Jealousy Series

“Fuck!” I thought to myself. “This is a bit wicked…but is it really incest? No…how could it be? She’s just curious…about “it” is all,” I again assured myself. “It’s not about me directly…not really,” I said, arguing with myself, seeking some assurance that my own arousal was because of Xavier’s mouth on my cock, and not on the fact it was my sister laying just a few feet away that was truly arousing me while she did that.


It wasn’t long before Xavier shifted positions there on the couch, suddenly climbing over to sit in my lap. She’d been wearing a short skirt, and I soon learned no panties as she reached down, guiding me up in between her legs.

“Don’t worry…she’s sound asleep,” Xavier professed once more. “And even if she does wake up, it’s not like she doesn’t know we’re doing it. Chances are she’ll just run off to bed, or if she doesn’t then we will. But right now…I need you inside me,” she said, nipping at my ear as I felt her slick, soft, deliciously wet pussy engulf me. I once again closed my eyes, squinting…looking, and sure enough, saw Nova doing the same thing I was, squinting back.

Xavier had bunched up her skirt just enough that I knew damn well Nova could see her taking my cock as she slowly rose up and down my shaft, almost purposely. “Suck my tits,” she then informed me, which I loved doing anyway, but I knew even as she said that, it was to ensure my attention was elsewhere, and not worried about my sister.

I happily unbuttoned the blouse she was wearing, removed her bra, and after she’d wiggled out of that, began lapping away, and sucking her hard fat thick nipples. That was one of the few areas they were completely different in. Xavier had dark tan, large areolas that covered a good portion of her rather large breasts. Nova’s in comparison, were a rosy red color, only half as large around perhaps, but a bit longer even, sticking up nice and hard as I so recently remembered seeing them as she lay there playing with one of them.

I sucked…looking over, carefully, and saw my sister’s hand suddenly sneak down between her legs, though trying to appear as though she were simply sleeping like that, one hand tucked down comfortably, and innocently, though I knew damn good and well what she was doing to herself as she lay there.

Admittedly, I was damn fucking horny. And I was fairly confident that Nova had a bird’s eye-view as my cock slid in and out of her best friends, soaking wet cunt. The sounds of which I could easily hear myself as our tempo gradually intensified. At this point…I was way beyond caring, even if Nova was to sit up and actually watch us…pointedly, not to mention doing anything else. Though the subtle movement of her hand confirmed that very fact as she continued to lay there, still squinting…still watching us.

I could feel my own orgasm build, knew I was only moments away from spewing a gallon of cum inside my girlfriend’s cunt…and told her so. Something she loved hearing, which almost always triggered her own release.

“Fuck baby…I’m going to squirt in you,” I told her, enjoying the sound of those words, just as she did. She loved hearing me tell her that, loved it when I said “squirt” with each and every ejaculate of my cock as it spurted deeply inside her.

“Yes baby, yes! Squirt in me! Fill my fucking cunt!” I began doing so, only then looking over at my sister again, eyes open…just as hers were. She now looked at me, the movement of her hand more than obvious between her legs, as was the look in her eyes as we locked eyes with one another, watching one another cum.


Though Xavier spent the night with me, and though we had in fact made love again, she woke early in the morning, leaving before sun up. Needing to work that day, she also needed to go home, shower and change clothes. Though I sensed her leaving, I was far too out of it myself to fully wake up and say good-bye to her. Only waking when I heard the soft knock on my bedroom door, Nova now peeking in at me as I in turn rolled over looking at her.

“You up? Or do you want to sleep for a bit yet?” She began. “Thought I’d ask…because I was getting hungry and wondered if I should fix something for you too.”

I lay there looking at her, the memory of two things immediately coming to mind. One…watching her cum as I did. Two…hearing the soft faint click of my bedroom door opening the night before. And though I couldn’t see her clearly, I could tell the door had opened a crack. Once again, Nova had stood for a time looking in on us while we fucked. That knowledge of her doing so, once again adding to my excitement and enjoyment, caused me to experience yet again another very intense and satisfying orgasm.

“Yeah, I’m hungry…but we need to talk first.”

“About what?” She asked tentatively, though she did step further into my room. I sat up, keeping the sheets up over myself, especially as I was still nude. I patted a spot next to me however, inviting her over.

“Well…for one thing, about what you saw down in the den, and what I saw at the same time. And then again…last night. Obviously, I knew you were peeking in on us.”


“Yeah, that. So…you want to talk about it?”

“What’s to talk about?” I frowned at her, and then smiled. She smiled back, blushing. “Look Tom, it’s no big deal. I was…I was just curious, that’s all. And then…seeing the two of you, well…I got aroused, a little…” she said, blushing even more than she had been.

“A little?” I chuckled trying not to laugh. “Looked to me like more than just a little!” Though who was I to talk? Laying here in bed, naked as the day I was born, my sexy hot little sister sitting next to me, in what was nothing more than a too tight tee shirt which she wore to bed, along with her panties, wasn’t exactly in-sexy attire as she sat here next to me. I couldn’t help but glance at her suddenly hard nipples, which hadn’t been minutes ago. Each one now nicely firm and hard, poking against her white, wife beater tee shirt, which was making me harder now too.

And mine at the moment was even more noticeable than she was, as she glanced over my way, looking down at the sheet, seeing the all too obvious tent pole. I bent my knees slightly, trying to hide it…too late of course as she smiled.

“Looks to me like someone else is more than a little aroused too,” she said feeling a bit more confident all of a sudden. “I’d have thought Xavier had worked all that out of you last night the way you two were carrying on!”

“Yeah well…not quite obviously. But let’s be honest here shall we? Just because you’re my sister, doesn’t mean I can’t get humanly aroused…especially with you sitting there the way you are,” I said, nodding at her chest as she looked down at herself, seeing what I was. She wasn’t exactly blushing, her face still a bit red, but a different kind of red, in a different way. Especially the way she was now looking at me. Flushed…heated. Yeah, definitely aroused. Just as I was. She was smiling however.

“So…what you’re telling me is…little sister turns you on?”

Now it was my turn to blush. “That’s not exactly what I was…what I was trying to say,” Nova giggled, and then reached down suddenly lifting her tee shirt up and over her head.

“So tell me, what was it you were trying to say then? That you weren’t getting aroused looking at these?”

I know my mouth was open, because I closed it, unable to find enough moisture inside my mouth to find words. The fact I was now staring at my own sister’s ripe, luscious tits had stolen my sanity for a moment as I tried to make myself register what I was actually looking at. What I said was…”Fuck Nova…those are nice!”

Now she did laugh, and shook her chest at me, making them wobble and bounce about considerably. But she didn’t let it go there either. Suddenly, she spun around on the bed, pouncing on me, or rather on my lap. Thank god the sheet was between us. Even then, I felt her groin suddenly pressing down against my very firm cock.

“You think so huh?” She laughed again, once again jiggling her boobs in front of me, though making it worse as I felt her likewise press down even more firmly against my shaft too. I wasn’t sure she was doing it on purpose…but how could she not? If I could feel it…she had to have felt it as well.

“Nova…” I tried. Only now she was looking down, looking at where she pressed against me, where her panty covered cunt rested firmly and precisely against my sheet covered prick. Which by the way, was now showing a bit of a darker spot where the two of us met.

“Jesus Tom! You’re fucking hard!” She exclaimed. She then looked up at me, and simply said…”I want to see it!”

“Nova…” I tried once more, but she continued, heading me off, knowing damn good and well what I was trying to do here.

“Oh come on Tom…show me. Don’t weird out just because I’m your little sister. It’s not like we haven’t, well…sort of, seen one another before. Which reminds me…you really do owe me one! So come on, quit being so damn shy and all big brother on me.”

I knew of course what she was talking about. It was weeks before she let me off the hook because of it. But she was forgetting one thing. She’d already gotten even with me for that one…a long time ago. Obviously, she’d forgotten.

“We’re already even,” I reminded her. “Remember? You walked in on me a couple of weeks after I caught you bare-assed out in the hallway?”

“That didn’t count.”

“What do you mean that didn’t count?” I asked incredulously.

“I didn’t actually see anything, not really. Sure…I knew what you were doing, but you covered up so fast…I didn’t actually see it.”

“Well…you certainly saw it yesterday while it was going in and out of Xavier,” I now added.

She chuckled. “Not totally, only partially. I mean I saw you at an angle yes, so some of it, just not…well, not it…it!”

“It, it?”

She was getting exasperated with me, though I was doing so on purpose, still trying to worm out of this situation if I could, which didn’t look as though I was really going to.

“I’ll let you touch my tits if you’ll let me see it.”

They were only a few inches away from my face as it was, her comment redirecting my gaze back at them as though a magnet. God she had nice looking tits, and though like I said, almost the exact same size and shape as Xavier’s, for some oddball reason, they were even more alluring, more arousing to me. Perhaps that forbidden fruit thing. Though in this case, two fruits. Nice ripe full ones that I was in fact dying to touch, if not actually bite on and chew.

“Jesus,” I said instead, feeling my cock throb at even thinking along those lines…not to mention an additional press of my sister’s now soaking pussy still pressing against it, even between the sheets. That small little spot had grown considerably from both sides. Obviously, she was adding a bit of her own arousal to the situation just as much as I was.

Almost before I knew what I was doing, I reached up, one hand suddenly surrounding each one of my own sister’s breasts! Her eyes lit up, opening wide as she sighed upon feeling that, and then closed almost as quickly as she sighed again, this time grinding herself against me a bit more purposely and fully. I was so tempted to suck on one of her tits, nearly doing so, but then catching myself, actually letting go of her breasts.

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