His sister makes him jealous

This Story is part of Jealousy Series

Nova laughed. “Yeah, and only once too, just before the two of you started dating!” Nova quipped. “I have to tell you Xavier, in the beginning, I was actually jealous, and even a little mad at my own brother for interrupting things just when they were starting to get interesting!”

Now Xavier laughed. “I know…aside from this, which I don’t really consider as cheating, I just didn’t feel right about getting involved with both of you. And I’m not too sure that Tom would have been too keen on the idea either. But I’ll say this…if anything ever does happen that might break us up…you’ll be the first one I’ll come to for some comfort…if and when that should happen…believe you me!”

“Nah…you guys are too good together,” Nova commented. “Even though I am willing to admit, I am a teeny-weeny bit jealous. But as long as you’re ok with doing this much…I’m ok too. And speaking of which…I’m so fucking close now, that I’d like to cum watching you cum. How about you? Are you ready to cum with me?” Nova asked.

“Fuck yes!” Xavier groaned, turning on the couch slightly, now facing my sister, though I still couldn’t see her too clearly. Nova had turned more directly as well, forcing me to step completely back behind the wall again outside the room, or she would most certainly catch movement, or perhaps even see me. I didn’t dare risk looking inside the room again. But just hearing what was taking place, and now visualizing it inside my head, it was still horny as all get out.

“God I love watching the way you play with your pussy,” Nova spoke hotly, the lust evident in the tone of her voice.

“And I love watching you,” Xavier shot back. “I love watching you fuck yourself with that thing,” she added. “Though I’m frankly surprised, you haven’t gone out and ‘officially’ given your virginity away yet,” she half teased.

“Haven’t met the right guy yet,” Nova moaned softly, beginning to pant, changing the subject almost as quickly. “You ready? Because I certainly am!”

“Oh yeah…I am too baby…go ahead, cum for me…cum with me,” Xavier groaned loudly and audibly. “Because…oh fuck….here, I go!” She cried out, and then as I had heard her do several times in the past, Xavier’s high pitched little wail of unbridled delight suddenly filled the air. Along with…my sisters.


Though I had honestly been tempted to take out my own cock and jerk it off while standing there, I was too afraid to do so. It would be one thing getting caught spying on them, something I could possibly turn and use against them. But…getting caught with my dick out, in front of my own sister no less, was something else entirely.

Using their own cries of delight to mask my retreat, I hurriedly, yet quietly made my way back up the stairs again. I slipped on my shoes, went out the back door, stood there for a moment collecting my breath, not to mention adjusting myself, and then came back inside the house again. Only this time, letting the back door slam behind me, just as it always did. And…I called out too.

“Xavier? Nova? You guys here?”

I no longer heard the sound of the TV being on, no surprise there. A quiet scuffle below as they no doubt hurried getting dressed again, or at least gathering their things together so they could dress. I then heard the padding of bare feet heading down the hallway towards my sister’s room, and the sound of her door quietly closing as I stood there at the top of the stairs listening. Smiling to myself, I left the kitchen area, stepped back into the hallway and then headed up the stairs to my room, once again calling out. “Xavier? Where are you?”

I then heard her calling out behind and below me of course. “Tom? You’re home?” And then the sound of her own footsteps coming up the stairs. “I thought you had to work this evening!” She said, sounding a bit out of breath, obviously startled and surprised, if not more than a bit shaken, but I passed it off as a nice pleasant surprise to find me coming home early.

I met her at the bottom of the stairs, kissing her, holding her close…and yeah, smelling her arousal and heat, though I’m not sure she could tell I could do that. But there’s no mistaking the funky, yummy stink of a woman’s hot, horny arousal. It was simply…intoxicating to me.

“So…since I’m home, what would you like to do tonight?” I asked.

“What do you think?” She leered suggestively at me, even placing her hand down between my legs, a bit surprised to feel I wasn’t entirely soft, not having yet grown flaccid after my too recent encounter with the two of them. “Feels like…you’ve got the same idea in mind that I do,” she winked, fondling me some more until I was rock-hard solid once again.

“Sounds like a plan,” I told her, “a little later,” I then added, mouthing the word “Nova”. She frowned, but then nodded her head in acknowledgement of that.

“How about pizza and a movie?” She then asked. “And of course…some wine to go along with it. You know how Nova gets after a couple of glasses of wine, she almost always falls asleep after she does that.”

Which was true, she usually did. Though I couldn’t help wondering as I quickly agreed to that, if the two of them hadn’t already set something up after hearing their earlier conversation. And frankly…I was both curious, as well as a little turned on to realize that my own sister wanted to watch the two of us actually fucking.

“You order the pizza while I go upstairs and shower,” I informed her. “And I’ll even let the two of you order the movie too. Just make it something we’ll all enjoy seeing together,” I added. “No chick flicks.”

“How about a chick flick with skin in it?” She asked. I laughed at that.

“Only IF there’s enough skin worthwhile,” I told her, and then scooted up to my room, and the bathroom where I proceeded to take a nice long relaxing shower, and let the two of them finish making whatever plans they might have had. By the time I came back down the stairs again, the pizza had arrived, and there was an open bottle of wine with three glasses waiting for me to bring down the stairs to the den with me.

I had worn only my bathrobe, something I was prone to do whenever we were alone together like this, so being naked beneath it would be no real surprise. But I also knew, just knowing I was…would arouse and excite Xavier even more than she already was, if that were even possible under the circumstances.

They were already watching a movie, one I had seen once before, but was pleased to see which one they had picked out, as it was one of those coming of age stories of three young people, two women and one man, all sharing a place together during the summer, and the eventual relationship, sexually speaking, that developed between all three of them. I found it to be an interesting choice, sat down…poured the wine, and began eating the pizza.

As she usually did, Nova sat on the same couch I’d seen her laying down on earlier, with Xavier and I sharing the slightly larger couch together, though sitting side by side as opposed to laying down like Nova was. Midway through the movie, and after consuming two glasses of wine, Nova was already looking as though she were about to fall asleep.

“Told you,” Xavier laughed quietly looking over at her, just as she allowed her hand to slip between the folds of my bathrobe, once again seeking out my now flaccid cock.

“What are you doing?” I asked, feigning shock at her boldness.

“What do you think I’m doing?” She continued whispering, the two of us once again glancing over towards my sister, who now appeared to be dozing, though she’d rolled over on her side, still facing us, it appeared she had in fact fallen asleep. Somehow…I knew she wasn’t, however, that she was actually faking it, and wondered then if this was how the two of them had finally decided to do this.

By now, Xavier was openly fondling my cock making it stiff and full once again as I pretended to nervously glance over towards Nova while she did this. “Don’t worry…she’s asleep, told me earlier just how tired she was,” Xavier said, trying to reassure me. “And besides…I think this is sort of naughty, don’t you? Don’t you find it exciting to be messing around a little with your sister in the same room we are?”

I answered that by extending my hand, finding her breast as I began kneading it beneath the tee shirt she had on. Quite expectedly, finding no bra to have to fight through while doing so. She had indeed obviously come prepared for this.

“That’s what I thought,” she sighed softly, and then leaned over, taking my cock inside her mouth, gumming my somewhat larger head, something she knew I damn well enjoyed whenever she did that to me, as sensitive as it was. I closed my own eyes, only partially, squinting, looking over at my sister, without appearing to actually be looking. Sure enough, she too was squinting, looking back at us now.

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