Flings with neighbor’s attractive daughter – 02

I took his hand. As we entered the living room, Carla stood across the room near the hallway. I made my way to the couch and gestured towards it, saying, “Come sit down, honey. You want something to drink?”

Carla shook her head and laughed. “The only thing I want in my mouth is you guys.” As Tom and I exchanged a “Are we dreaming?” glance, Carla laughed and exclaimed, “And no way am I sitting down. I’ll meet you in the bedroom!”

With a giggle that sent my overheated pussy flowing again, she turned from us and skipped down the corridor towards our bedroom. When she reached the door, she turned back to us and rolled her eyes. “Well, aren’t you coming?”

“We will be,” I said. Casting any semblance of control to the wind, I almost ran down the hallway after her.

Carla giggled and entered the room. I followed to see her standing in front of our bed, a huge smile on her face. I immediately went over to her. Moving so quickly she caught me by surprise, Carla threw her arms around my neck and pressed her lips hard to mine. Unlike the club, this was not a teasing kiss. I groaned as my incredibly eager young neighbor all but attacked my mouth. My arms went around her slim waist, and this time, it was Carla who moaned in her throat as I returned her kiss with equal fervor.

I felt movement next to me and saw Tom ease past me and stand behind Carla. He caught my eye and mouthed, “Goddamn” as he watched us kiss. My attention left Tom when Carla’s tongue pushed against my lips and I opened my mouth to welcome it inside. We both purred softly as her soft wet tongue danced across mine and we began to rock side to side causing our breasts to slide across each other. My nipples had been aching for the last half hour, and I decided it was time there was no clothing between us.

Slipping my hands down her ass, I grabbed the bottom of her dress and tugged on it. Continuing to thrill me with her enthusiasm, Carla broke the kiss and raised her arms over her head. I tugged the dress over her hips when she gave us another thrill.

“Oh, please let Tom do it!”

“Well, hey how can I say no to a sweet request like that?”

Tom slipped his hands underneath mine and I could feel them trembling with excitement. I eased back and watched with bated breath as Tom, with a teasing slowness I had to give him credit for, slid Carla’s dress off.

“Oh, honey.” I cooked. “Oh, look at you!”

Carla’s long slender body was nothing short of perfect. Her perky tits were small, but well shaped with delicious looking pink nipples. Those nipples looked as hard as mine felt and each one turned up slightly. Forcing my eyes down, I took in her smooth flat stomach along with the silver barbell pierced through her navel. My eyes then locked onto her smooth, pink pussy peeking out at me from between her thighs. Carla still had her arms over her head showing off and tossing her dress to the side; Tom reached around her and cupping her small tits in his large hands, gave them a squeeze.

“Oh, yes,” Carla moaned. Shoving her ass back into Tom, she ground it against him.

“How do they feel, baby?” I asked, licking my lips.

“Amazing,” holding them up, he started stroking her nipples with his thumbs,

“That feels sooo good!” Carla whimpered.

That sound sent a shiver down my spine, and I eagerly fastened my lips around her right nipple.

“Oh, my God!” Carla moaned as I began swirling my tongue expertly around her swollen pink flesh.

I gasped around her precious little nipple when I felt her hand in my hair as she shoved her chest into my face. I sucked as much of her breast into my mouth as I could and was rewarded with another of those adorable whimpers. Tom was still teasing her other nipple and had moved her blonde hair to the side and was kissing the soft skin of her neck. Carla reached back with her arm and wrapped it around his head, urging him to continue.

Still tonguing her nipple I stared at the look of absolute pleasure on her young face and realized I had far too much clothing on. Releasing her nipple I raised my arms up and sighed, “Me too?”

Carla groaned as my mouth left her nipple, but then moaned again when Tom quickly replaced it with his thumb. She gave me that eager smile and reached behind me, unzipped my dress. Her lips found mine and she began to tease them softly as her hands moved to my shoulders and pushed my dress down. When she got it to my waist, her hands went back around me and I felt my heart begin to pound as her fingers unsnapped my bra. I could feel her fingers trembling against my back and she was moaning softly into my mouth as Tom continued to fondle her nipples.

Carla pulled my bra apart and I straightened my arms for her to slide the straps off. Instead she grabbed the front and yanking it down caused my breasts to spring free.

“Damn they’re beautiful!” She slid her hands beneath them.

I started to thank her, but all that came out was a loud moan. She ducked her head and her full, pink lips fastened themselves to my hard, rose-colored nipple. Carla moaned around it as she began to suck it and her fingers stroked my other nipple. Tom was still fondling hers and leaning over. I caught his lips and our tongues explored each other’s mouths as Carla worked my nipples. Tom broke the kiss and removed his hands from Carla’s tits, grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up from my breasts.

She groaned in disappointment, but then squealed in delight, when Tom turned her to the side so she was standing between us and we each took a nipple into our mouths.

“Oh, fuck this is hot!” she cried out as she put her arms around us. As I licked her nipple, I looked across at Tom and felt my pussy start to drip watching him tongue that pretty pink nub. My hand slid down Carla’s flat stomach and she whimpered as my fingers began caressing the soft skin of her mound. She gasped and jerked forward as Tom’s hand had slid down her back and gave her ass a hard squeeze.

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