Feeling of first time I had it – 4

“Tell Lily? No…probably not. But I would certainly mention it to say…your parents perhaps? Sure, eventually Lily would probably hear about it, learn about it. But by then I would have concocted enough of a story that she’d believe me over you…trust me on this. Trying to protect her, you know? Not wanting her to find out that you’d actually tried to seduce me.”

“Seduce you? Who’s trying to seduce who here anyway? And seduce hell! This…fuck, this is nothing more than sheer black mail!”

“Call it whatever you’d like. Either way, you’ll lose. Think about it. All I’m asking is that you do this one thing for me. Let me see what it’s like, and after that…I promise I won’t ask you for anything else ever again. Hell, tell you what, I’ll even loan you the money to get your car fixed if you’d like. You can pay me later for it when you can. Though you don’t even have to do that if you don’t want to.”

“Keep your money,” I answered. “I’ll get it fixed when I can afford to do so myself.”

There was a long silent pause then, though I noticed as I sat there, she went back to fucking herself there in the water while I watched.

“So? What’s it going to be Rick? Do this one favor for me and then we call it even? Or what?”

“Just this once right? Then we’re even? Nothing else? Ever?”

“Not unless you want to, like I told you before. All you have to do is ask. You want to fuck me…then just ask, and I’m all yours, wherever, and whenever you’d like.”

I had an answer for that, but I kept it to myself. Now was not the time.

“When?” I said instead. I was now nervous about Lily coming home for one thing, and didn’t want to sit inside the bathroom any longer than I had to.

“How about now?” She asked suddenly standing up, suds running off her body, the fake cock still hanging between her legs.

“No fucking way. Lily could be home any moment now.”

“Oh that. I forgot to tell you, when she called earlier? She actually said that they couldn’t get anyone to come in and take over her shift. She won’t be home until after midnight. Told me to tell you she was sorry, that she’d call you tomorrow. I told her I’d tell you, and that maybe…just maybe, I’d arrange things so the two of you could have some alone time together. So…we still have several hours yet. Now’s as good a time as any, don’t you think?”

“Fine!” I said giving in, pissed at myself for doing so, but not really seeing any way out of this. “Where?” I then asked. “Here?”

“No silly. Not here. In the bedroom. And by the way, you’d damn well better make it good to. Make me cum, hard. No half-assed efforts. After all, I saw you in action once already, so I know what you’re capable of. You make this good for me, and I’ll make it good for you too. Less than a hundred percent…and the deals off. Understood?”

“At best, you’re getting ninety percent,” I said to myself. “After all, how the hell will you know?” I likewise asked, as I followed her down the hall towards the bedroom.

**Selling my soul**

This is the part where I wish I could say I just followed her into the room, gave her my ninety percent, rolled out from between her legs, and went home.

Unfortunately, that’s not what happened.

I honestly believe that Mila was the pure embodiment of what a Siren truly is. Following her into the room, watching her as she spread out there on her bed, lusciously naked, created a great deal of emotional turmoil for me. Had she been homely or ugly…maybe I could have kept myself from appreciating just how beautifully attractive she really was. And even though my outward demeanor was trying to say one thing, my hard cock was telling me something else. Though for the moment at least, I was trying very hard to ignore it.

“You might as well make yourself comfortable too, I think we’re going to be here a while,” she informed me in a very sultry sounding voice.

I was already resigned that I was going through with this, so if getting out of my own clothes would hurry up the process, then I was more than willing to do that. In moments I too was naked, though my involuntary arousal greeted Mila’s hungry eyes as she smiled licking her lips.

“Nice to see I have an effect on you,” she again purred, reaching down between her legs, stroking her own pussy, decadent and obscenely spreading her lips. I could see even now as I crawled up into the bed, preparing to situate myself between her outstretched legs that she was wet. Her juices glistening, the inner pink folds of her pussy winking at me as I steeled myself once more to hurriedly get this over with. So far I had remained silent, vowing not to say any more than I had to. I tentatively stuck out my tongue, running it up that wet glistening furrow of her sex.

She was even sweeter tasting that Lily was! “Fuck!” I thought, savoring her flavor and aroma, and yet desperately fighting to keep from enjoying it as I continued to lick, likewise probing with my fingers hoping to further stimulate her even more quickly. She reached down, taking my hands in hers however, lifting them up towards her breasts where she helped them to settle.

Her breasts were soft, pliable, and yet firm to the feel as my hands began kneading and caressing them. I could likewise feel the stiff thimble sized nipples pricking the palms of each hand as I glided over them. With a mind of their own, my fingers captured, rolling and pinching each thick nub, sending shivers of delight and renewed arousal coursing through me.

I could feel the press of my own stiff cock spearing the cool sheets, the escape of my own lubrications already beginning to saturate the spot where it did. I heard her moan, deeply…throatily, knowing full well that the ministrations of my tongue and lips as I continued to pleasurably assault her cunt was working its magic.

She was getting the full one hundred percent from me, even though at the moment I hadn’t quite realized that yet.

“Oh my god that’s heavenly!” She moaned even deeper, her knees bent now, splayed widely off to each side giving me even better access to her pussy as I playfully attacked her clit, sometimes capturing it with my lips, sucking it as though sucking her nipples. My fingers tapped on each of her nipples, then pinched, pulling, adding to her delight and joy. Her moans continuing, head rolling back and forth against the pillow, her ass now coming up to meet the occasional tongue thrusts as I fucked her pussy with it. “I had no idea…no idea!” She kept crying out over and over again.

I hadn’t even realized my own transition. Going in, angry, determined, upset, fearful and confused, and still aroused. Now…still determined yes, certainly aroused yes…but finding myself basking in the succulent delight of her pussy. Her juices were flowing, covering my face. Her exquisite breasts still filled my hands sending further signals of additional excitement and arousal down to my own hard stiff cock. I felt her beginning to stiffen, sensing the sudden intake of her breath as she momentarily held it.

Once again capturing her hard sweet clit between my lips, I sucked it for all I was worth. I felt her ass once again lift up off the bed, meeting me somewhere in the middle as I held on, still sucking, simultaneously flicking her nub with the tip of my tongue as I imprisoned it. And then she just simply exploded!

It was another first. At least for me, and very possibly for her as well. The abundance of juices flowing from her pussy early on was amazing enough as it was. But I had no clue myself, no idea whatsoever, nor at the time had I heard anything about a woman’s ability to squirt the way she suddenly began doing.

At first, I honestly thought she was peeing on me, but there was no odor of urine, no foul taste to the sudden gush of liquid that now filled my mouth. Forced to drink, or drown, I did so, a force of wills perhaps as I refused to relinquish the prize of her cunt as I continued to flick her clit with my tongue, somehow drinking and consuming the sweet essence of her climax as she continued to pump, squirt, spurt and saturate the two of us, along with the bed.

I didn’t even realize, or comprehend the high pitched squeal of delight that had permeated the entire room for several moments, her rapturous cry suddenly filling my ears as she thrashed wildly about now, forcing me with her own hands to back away from her heated cunt as the super-sensitivity of her ravished clit forced her into doing so.

“Enough! Enough!” She cried out, actually crying now, tears streaming down her face as she collapsed back into the bed, exhausted, her breath coming in quick raspy gulps of air as she fought to regain some semblance of composure.

I actually smiled, licking my lips, running my fingers over my chin wiping away the residue of her spending that still clung to me there.

She finally sat up, almost wild-eyed looking at me. “My god! That was the most amazing experience of my entire life!” And then with that, she pushed me over before I could even respond, her mouth seeking out, and quickly finding my shaft as she enveloped it, sucking and tonguing me. I fought emotionally with that only briefly. Likewise succumbing to the sudden sweet pleasure her mouth and lips were bringing me. Too emotionally drained now myself to fight against it, against her…against myself. And so I lay there, feeling the ecstasy of her returned pleasure.

Perhaps a better word for her was Succubus. Because she certainly did that, moments later drawing my very soul through the end of my cock. Swirling stars and the universe suddenly all about me as I caved into the perverse depravity I had so willingly shared with her.


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