Feeling of first time I had it – 3

“Fuck…Lily!” It was like getting punched in the face with a sledgehammer. “I…I…I need to get going,” I stammered once again, this time standing up, grabbing my jeans, pulling them up as I did, stuffing my now very spent cock back inside them again as Mila now stood as well, though not moving away from me. I felt her taking my hand in hers, lifting it.

“Not before you make me a promise,” she said seriously.

“Ok, I promise!” I said not even knowing what I promised to do here when I said it. She laughed.

“I mean it,” she said, lifting my hand with hers, now placing it on her bare breast, clasping it, holding it there, though I didn’t dare take it away either. “Fuck…now I was touching her mother’s tit no less!” I thought. “I know you and Lily will talk about this…some of this anyway, but promise me that certain things we discussed and shared here will remain between us…for obvious reasons.”

“I promise!” I blurted out again, shaking like a leaf now, starting to step back, though she held me firmly against her, her hand still over mine, still holding it against her breast as I felt her squeeze it, and thus forcing me to squeeze her tit in the process.



“Promise me something else too,” she said, holding me against her.

“What?” I said shaking, totally expecting Lily to come walking in through the door any moment now, with my luck, even though she wouldn’t be getting off work for at least another hour yet.

“Promise me that if you ever feel like you can’t honor my request, Lily’s promise…that you’ll come to me instead then.”


“You heard what I said. If what the two of you are doing no longer is enough, if you can’t avoid temptation, then come to me instead. You can fuck me, as often as you want, wherever you want…just not her!”

She let me go then, stepping back, as I did. As though two magnets now facing one another the wrong way.

“You’re…you’re serious?”

“Very,” she said, speaking so. “Or anything else for that matter too,” she then added. “And it will remain just between us, I promise you that too,” she added. “As long as you never fuck my daughter.”

I stood there like one of those waggle dog dolls in the window of the car, just shaking my head, though my whole entire body was still shaking too as I left the house. She stood just inside the door, her robe still open as she called out to me one last time.

“Remember Rick, mum’s the word.”

Now where had I heard that one before?

*Anxiety in spades*

Needless to say I didn’t sleep much that night. Tossing and turning in bed. I still couldn’t believe what had happened, or why it had happened. Replaying it over and over in my mind, trying to sort it all out, reason it all out. Justify it where I could. In the end, I couldn’t of course, all I could do was accept it, and vow to never let it happen again. Never put myself in a position where it could. But more importantly, never ever tell Lily everything either.

Sure, I knew we’d discuss what it was that her mother and I supposedly did talk about. But I was going to let it be very generic, hopefully keep it down to what I hoped was a very similar conversation she’d had with her, mostly about the two of us just not having intercourse. And hope I’d get away with that.

I was lucky enough at school too, normally picking her up to take her to school, she had gone in earlier to help out with the set decorations that were being made for graduation before school started. So it meant not seeing or being with her until lunchtime at least. Even then I was dreading the questions that would most certainly come.

We met outside her locker just as we always did. I smiled, kissing her, just like I always did, trying to maintain, keep it as natural as possible. Succeeding at it too, though she was anxious and excited to hear all the details. (Yeah right). “Come on…let’s go out to your car,” she said anxiously, excitedly…wanting to hear what it was we’d discussed.

“Ok, but I don’t have as long today as I usually do either,” I announced, which thankfully I didn’t. As part of the choir, we had an early practice, and a long one, which we’d all agreed to do, giving up part of lunch in order to get started.

We’d barely gotten inside the car when she kissed me again, even putting my hand on her breast while we kissed.

“I’ve missed you!” She said,

“Missed you too,” I answered back, though I had.and did. But I was of course feeling guilty as hell too!

“So? How’d it go? What did the two of you discuss anyway?”

“Pretty much what I am sure the two of you did,” I said, trying to hedge my bet here.

“I doubt that,” she giggled, actually blushing a little. “Our talk got pretty hard core in a sense, but I told you it had.”

Now I was blushing, or so it felt like anyway. “Yeah, I’m sure ours wasn’t anything like that. We just mostly talked about plans for the future, yours and mine. Her concerns, your promises, you know…stuff like that.”

Lily sat back, looking at me.


“Mom said it was a bit more than that, but she’d let you be the one to tell me. Said you did discuss oral sex, our masturbation sessions, stuff like that, and said that you’d agreed not to pursue having intercourse with me.”

“Yeah, that too,” I quickly added. “Promised her I wouldn’t try and convince you otherwise.”

“So you won’t then?”

“No…I won’t. Promised her, and am promising you the same thing.”

“What did you tell her about the other stuff? I know she’s not very experienced about any of that, which is really too bad. But she said you got pretty specific with regards to why you liked it, what it felt like when I went down on you, and how good it felt. Did you two really discuss that?” She asked.

“Well yeah…I ah…yeah, I did. What can I say? I do like it. I like what you do to me, how it feels, so yeah…I told her.”

Lily grinned. “Sure we don’t have enough time?” She said reaching over undoing the button on my jeans, unzipping them and reaching in. I was as flaccid as they come.

“Maybe not,” I said, trying to smile, seeing the disappointment in her eyes. Maybe later? This evening?” I asked, hoping.

“I don’t know,” she said, scooting back over to her side of the car. “Mom’s schedule has changed, she has an early shift now. She’ll be home most of the evenings around eight. And with Julie  now aware of that, not much chance for keeping her out of our hair when mom’s not home. Sucks in a way doesn’t it?”

“Oh yeah…big time,” I agreed, wondering why Mila hadn’t bothered to mention that to me.

“Guess we’ll just have to make do, do what we can, when we can,” Lily told me, still obviously disappointed. “Maybe we can manage a few things, even when she’s home,” Lily suggested, though how that would even be possible, I had no idea.

“Oh yeah? How are we going to manage that?” I found myself asking.

“Well, believe it or not, mom did say that she knew this was apt to put a cramp in our love-life, with her being home more often than she has been. But she also said, she’d maybe try and be a bit more tolerant, give us some alone time…out back, on the couch from time to time.”

“She did?”

“Yeah, she did!” Lily grinned. “Isn’t that wild!”

“You have no idea,” I thought, simply smiling back at her.

**We are not alone**

As it turned out, it wasn’t until the next night that I came over, and as expected, Julie  was her usual pest self, not leaving the two of us alone long enough to even think of doing anything, let alone doing it. And then sure enough, we heard Mila’s car pulling into the drive right around eight o’clock. She greeted us both in her usual friendly way, with no subtle hints or anything else towards me, easing my mind just a little at least. By nine, she had shooed Julie  off to bed, giving us a surprising wink when she did, actually nodding her head in the direction of the back yard.

“Come on!” Lily said, taking my hand.

“Shit, are you sure about this? About your mom?”

“You saw…same as I did. She all but gave us her blessing!” Lily said. She stopped short of the door though, sending me out ahead of her. “I’ll be right there,” she said, and then turned back running back into the house. I walked out into the garage, through the door, and took a seat on the old familiar couch. Seconds ticking by when I heard the back door to the house open and close, and then moments later Lily as she finally came outside to join me. She was wearing my favorite sweater again. The magic one. And finally, I began feeling a whole lot better about things.

“Does she say anything to you?” I found myself asking.

“Yeah, she actually said to have fun, told us not to worry about anything, or about Rob barging in on us either. He’s still out with his friends, and not expected home for a while yet. Said she’d give us an hour to have fun and enjoy ourselves before I have to go back inside.”


“Yeah, seriously. Now, get your pants off. And then you can suck my tits for a bit!”

I did so, still nervous, but soon forgot all about anything else as I contentedly began nursing on Lily’s beautiful tits, her hand pleasurably stroking and working my cock as I did so. When I got close, I sat up as I usually did, Lily now treating me to a wonderful finish as she leaned over, engulfing my cock with her mouth, sucking it now fully instead. I leaned back, enjoying it, basking in the pleasure she was giving me.

I noticed something however. “Movement? Was that the curtain in her mother’s bedroom I just saw move?” I asked myself. I looked without looking. Sure enough, seconds later, I saw it part a bit more fully, though the lights were certainly off inside her mother’s bedroom. I knew then we were being watched. I didn’t dare tell her that, not sure why I felt I couldn’t, or shouldn’t. But I didn’t. I sat filling Lily’s mouth with my cream, knowing full well as I did, that Mila was watching us every single moment.

Afterwards, as Lily sat up again, her tits still showing, her sweater pulled up over the top of them just enough, she leaned back on the couch, now slipping off the pair of shorts she was wearing, sans panties of course. Spreading herself. “Oh baby, I am so fucking horny! Come on…eat me baby, suck my cunt!”

I knew even as I knelt down there on the ground in front of her, that Mila would be watching me do that. Watching me eating out her daughter’s pussy from the very beginning. Oddly enough, I was actually excited by that.

“Well Mila, if you really want to see it…then be my guest,” I said to myself as I knelt down between Lily’s widely spread legs, even pushing her back on the couch more than usual, holding her legs in the air with my hands as I lowered my face into her free-flowing succulent juices, and then tongue-fucked her, clit sucked her, into one hell of a tremendous orgasm. By the time I was done, sat up, and sneakily looked over towards the window, the curtains were closed again. I wondered for how long she had watched us. Wondering even then if she wasn’t at that very moment, laying in bed…masturbating, and pleasuring herself.

**Catch 22**

Talk about Murphy’s Law. It was as though fate was suddenly against us. My car broke down, and it would be weeks before I could earn enough money to get it fixed. So…there is sat. I was even forced into having to take the bus into work, which meant I had to leave earlier than usual in order to get there on time. Not to mention the extra time it took getting home again afterwards. Which put me getting home late at night, unable to sneak a quick drive by to see Lily.

And then to make matters worse. Dad got a new job, so mom quit hers in order to stay home again for a while. So coming over to my place after school for even an hour like we used to do, was also out of the question now too.

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