Exploring quick incest

It wasn’t that we’d be too embarrassed that the kids would discover an X-rated movie still sitting in the DVD player, they both knew we had them and actually watched them from time to time. And to be honest, we’d never made an issue with either one of them about not watching anything like that themselves, after all…they were both adults now. The pMaxlem was…this was one we’d made of ourselves, and had enjoyed watching together the evening before while the kids were out.

Janet  just shook her head. She wasn’t really mad at me…but I knew she was concerned about the kids discovering their own parents had made an X-rated movie of themselves, and had discovered it.

“It wasn’t labeled,” I said, hoping against hope that with nothing being on it to indicate what it was, the kids would simply set it off to one side prior to watching a regular movie.

“And you think that would stop either one of them from being curious about it if they saw it?” Janet  asked.

I had no answer for that and smiled sheepishly as we exited the car.

“Let’s find out,” Janet  suggested as she led me not through the back door into the house, but around back through the gate as we cautiously and quietly approached the den area in the back. Once again, the lights were off, though we could see the light blue flicker of the large flat-screen TV throwing off light, confirming the fact that the kids were at least watching something on the TV.

“You’d better pray Daison,” she told me, as she crept close to the house, taking my hand in hers pulling me behind her as she did. In fact I was. If the kids had discovered our X-rated movie, and were watching it, I could only surmise that would be the end of any more erotic activity for us that evening. Janet  was slow to get angry. But when she did…

And I honestly was praying they’d be watching something else. Anything at this point, even another one of our X-rated movies would be fine with me under the circumstances. At least that wouldn’t be nearly as bad as peeking in around the corner and seeing the two of us up on the big screen while our kids sat there on the couch eating popcorn, watching the two of us having sex.

Even before looking in through the window myself, my worst fears were realized however just by the look on my wife’s face. She was stunned, and I knew then I was about to look in and see my cock sliding in and out of my wife’s pussy as the kids sat there watching the two of us. Before I could move closer to do that however, Janet  who was still holding my arm pulled me back out of the way.

She looked wild-eyed, unable to speak for a moment. I had no words of my own either, visions once again of Max and Jacob sitting there in a state of amused shock perhaps, watching their parents fuck wasn’t anything I could find words to comment about.

I opened my mouth to speak, though again not sure of what I could even say as Janet  placed her hand over my mouth leading me away even further into the darkness of the back yard.

“What?” I mouthed only now even more confused and alarmed than I had been. A few feet further I felt it was safe to actually speak, though still whispering, and asked her. “They are watching us aren’t they?” I asked.

Janet  nodded her head yes, though I knew just in the way she’d done that there was more to it than what I’d imagined. And then I saw the strangest thing…her expression changed to one of shocked, embarrassed surprise, to one of pure unadulterated lustiness.

“Not only are they watching us fuck…they’re fucking while doing it,” she told me.

“They’re what?” I said almost too loudly, forgetting myself, though luckily we really were too far away for anyone to have overheard me say that. “Jesus!” I allowed myself to say expelling my breath. “Now what do we do? Are you sure?” I added, now needing to see it for myself, and immediately creeping back over towards the door so I could do just that.

To my surprise, Janet  followed behind me. “Don’t do anything,” she warned, “promise me,” she said, tugging on my arm just enough that I looked back towards her, nodding my head in agreement.

“I won’t, but I need to see this for myself,” I added.

Peering around the corner through the window, I felt five kinds of emotions all at once. Each one competing with the other as I tried to prioritize my thoughts, let alone what it was I was actually seeing. Initially I felt shocked of course, not only at seeing Janet  and myself there in all our decadent glory up on the big screen, but at the angle the kids were sitting on the “L-shaped” couch there in our den. Jacob sitting in Max’s lap riding him in a backwards cowgirl, both totally naked of course, fucking slowly away as the two of them sat there watching us.

My second emotion was confusion, heaped upon with a sort of morbid curiosity at actually seeing my own-daughter’s beautiful naked body. Her full breasts so tantalizingly revealed, bouncing up and down a bit as she rode Max’s hard stiff cock. Another sight I found myself trying to somehow digest as he held on to his sister’s hips, peering around the other side watching the two of us as we continued to fuck up on the screen. Me…now kneeling behind Janet , thrusting in and out of her in a frenzy, both of us periodically looking towards the camera, smiling wickedly at it as we did.

“Jesus!” I said again as I felt Janet ‘s presence as she leaned in next to me, likewise looking in at the two of them herself once again. As all those emotions fought for some semblance of control, there was now an additional one that began making an appearance, which was even more troubling to me.

I was becoming aroused watching the two of them. And with all of that going on at once, I felt unable to move, to speak, to do anything but just stand there, as now Janet  was doing. Sort of. And then I looked over at her. She had hiked up her skirt, her hand was down between her own legs and it was immediately evident what she was standing there doing to herself.

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