Exploring quick incest

obviously didn’t see it that way, and they’d ended up in a full-blown fight over it. Barb had told Janet  Darren had already stormed out of the house heading off to his favorite local tavern. And under the circumstances, coming up there this weekend wasn’t pMaxably a very good idea. I couldn’t have agreed more, and was quite happy to turn the car around and head home again. If anything,

I was actually looking forward to not visiting with our friends this particular weekend. Very often, until we got back home at least, Janet  was less inclined to do anything of a sexual nature while we were there. The guest room was right next door to their bedroom, and we very often overheard the two of them having sex. Something that Barb once told Janet , was almost a given for them, whenever we came to visit. It was almost expected, which again was another reason Janet  thought it wise that we didn’t. If we could hear them…

“Well, I don’t mind telling you babe…I’m almost glad we’re heading home. I’ve been horny enough all day as it is, and wasn’t looking forward to having to keep my hands off you for an entire weekend!”

Janet  laughed at that. “Yeah, me too. I was thinking the same thing, and had pretty much decided to rape you once we got there anyway, just because I am,” she informed me. And then surprised me a little as she suddenly began to unbutton the blouse she was wearing.

That was one of the things I so loved about my wife. Not only was she still playful, mischievous, she could be under the right circumstances, downright gutty. And this apparently was proving to be one of those times. Though it was starting to get dark, it was still possible for someone to pass us by on the other lane and see into the car. Janet  didn’t seem to care however as she finished peeling off her blouse, unhooking her bra, and throwing both items into the back seat.

“Goodness Janet !” I started looking over at her as she sat there topless, those gorgeous breasts of hers clearly revealed, not only to me…but to anyone else who might happen to drive next to us and look inside. She laughed at that.

“What?” She said teasingly, fingering her hard taut nipples. “Just remember to keep your eyes on the road,” she reminded me. “Or I’ll put these away again.”

It didn’t take long to feel the stiffness in my pants competing with the bottom portion of the steering wheel. Janet  didn’t fail to notice that either, now reaching over, unzipping my fly. As hard as I was, it took a minute or two for her to finally wrestle my stiff prick out of my shorts, finally freeing it. We still had thirty minutes ahead of us before we got home however, and to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to last that long. I needn’t have worried. Taking me by surprise once again, Janet  leaned over engulfing my prick inside her mouth as we drove.

Fucking A!” I exclaimed as her sweet warm mouth fully engulfed my shaft as she began sucking it. Once again she giggled around my dick, still sweetly sucking it.

“I’ll only let you come if you promise you can get it up again after we get home,” she informed me. That wasn’t a pMaxlem for me either. Given a few minutes in between time, I’d easily done that for her before. And I knew going in this would be no exception, as aroused as I now was.

“That’s a guarantee,” I told her watching an eighteen-wheeler pass us by on the left, though the driver had made no notice or indication he’d seen anything, quickly moving ahead of us as Janet  continued to lap away at my blood engorged cock. Seconds after that, I felt the first delicious surge of my cream shooting into my wife’s mouth as she proceeded to devour me. Soon after, she sat up still licking her lips, still fondling her breasts.

“Now I’m really horny!” She announced as she reached back over the seat retrieving her blouse and bra, though I was delighted to see her only put her blouse back on again, stuffing her bra inside her purse as we took the exit off the freeway, heading towards our subdivision.

Pulling onto our street, the first thing we both noticed was that all the lights were off. Not all that surprising, as it was possible that one or both of the kids had gone out for the night, especially being a Friday night. But the car was there. We had given the kids a car to share, which again they managed to do without too much argument over who needed or was using it. But with it being parked in the driveway, that meant that most likely they were both home. But with all the lights out, especially this early in the evening, it was an interesting curiosity.

“Maybe they’re downstairs in the den watching a movie,” Janet  wondered aloud, and then turned towards me. The den was on the opposite side of the house with the sliding glass doors extending out towards our patio from there. If that’s where they were, no lights would be showing on this side as we pulled into the drive and then on into the garage. “Please tell me you put that DVD away,” Janet  stated somewhat worriedly.

“Shit!” I responded, confirming her worst fears. “I forgot!”

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