Exploring quick incest – 5

“No worse than the way Max sucks it when he’s licking me,” she confessed. “About the same really…though sometimes I have to tell him to suck it a little harder too,” she said looking over at her brother who now sat on the floor in front of us now, once again absentmindedly fondling his dick.

“Don’t feel bad…your mother very often says the same thing to me,” I told my son. And sometimes, she tells me just the opposite too. “Not too hard damn it!” I joked.

“I do not!” Janet said in defense, though she knew I was only joking around when I said that. “As horny as you get me when you’re going down on me…you could suck it off entirely, and I’d be in heaven!” she stated.

Jacob sighed a bit more deeply, having given the pump another squeeze. Her clit now extends itself even further inside the tube than her mother had.

“Fuck…it’s a tiny cock!” Max observed leaning forward for a closer look.

“In a way, yes,” Janet said, chuckling.

“I could say…that you have a really big clit Max!” Jacob charged him. “You’re always asking me if I’ve ever done anything with any of my girlfriends, or if I ever would…wondering if I’d enjoy sucking another woman’s clit…while she sucked mine,” Jacob tossed out, though I think it was the heat and the excitement of the moment as to why she did so. Janet and I locked eyes looking at one another briefly without comment.

Realizing what she’d just said perhaps, she blushed profusely, turning towards her mother. Janet was doing the same looking at her.

“Have you?” she asked simply.

The one thing about Janet was, I’d never known her to openly lie to anyone…especially the kids. She might evade the question, or not even answer it at all…but she never lies about something she’d been directly asked about.

“Yes…I have. But that’s all I’m willing to admit to, at the moment,” she told her. “We can talk about it later…but not right now.”

“Hmm, naughty!” Jacob chortled, causing her mother to blush even more. And then removed the clit sucker, her clit quickly slipping back in size a little, though she reached down, clasping it with her fingers. “Oooh, that is sensitive…in a good way!” She moaned. “Now…where the hell’s that rabbit?”

“I think I need something to drink,” I said standing, actually wanting to change my observation, watching the two of them now sitting side by side. Each of them beautiful in their own unique way, and incredibly sensual looking, so uninhibitedly sitting there playing with themselves the way that they were. I poured myself a drink, walking around behind the couch, now looking down at them from above that way. One hand on my glass, the other on my dick, stroking.

“Hmm, I’m starting to get close with this thing,” Jacob moaned a bit deeper. She was letting her mother’s toy pretty much do all the work, not even really fucking herself with it, as it rested just inside her pussy.

The bands of small steel balls slowly rotating in opposite directions against one another, vibrating as well, while the “clit-tickler” on the rabbit she held pressed gently against her clit. “But what would really help push me over the edge here…is if someone was playing with my tits while I do this,” she informed everyone. Looking towards her mother.

I was fairly certain it had been a direct request, but perhaps again side-stepping it with her, Janet merely turned looking up towards me. “I’m sure your father would be more than happy to help you with that,” she said as she sat working a slightly different vibrator in and out of her own pussy. “Wouldn’t you?” She asked.

I had visions of us having another family discussion again at some point, but at the moment, I was only more than happy to reach over now clasping both of my daughter’s breasts in hand, and begin caressing them, teasing them along with her nipples as she continued on, fucking herself with her mother’s toy.

“Need some help too mom?” Max asked anxiously, as she looked down at him on the floor. She laughed. “Sure…why not, like father…like son,” she added simply. In a flash, Max was standing next to me behind the couch as the two of us stood there, touching titty, watching the gals as they proceeded to masturbate towards pleasure, now urging one another on.

“God this is hot!” Jacob exclaimed, her eyes looking a bit glazed now as she looked at her mother. “Oh fuck…I’m gonna come mom…I’m gonna cum!”

She didn’t squirt this time, though she definitely got a lot more juicy. The sound of her liquid climax easily heard as she only now pummeled herself with the toy, truly fucking her cunt. Almost immediately upon seeing, and hearing her do that…Janet came too. Tossing her head back against the headrest of the couch, Max still holding onto her tits, watching, though the sexy whore in her now took over, crying out.

“Pull on them! Twist them baby…yank on my nipples for me!” She demanded. I was half expecting that. I knew that she came harder more forcefully whenever I did…though I knew when to do it unlike Max. He quickly obeyed however, doing just as she’d asked, and then came violently, thrashing, moaning, spanking her clit with the palm of her hand as she climaxed.

Max and I stood looking at one another…grinning. Each of us still softly now, caressing the girls’ breasts until they had slowly come down from their intense, mutual orgasms.

“Whew…now I need a drink!” Janet said standing up. Jacob on the other hand is still basking in her own Euphoria, the toy off now, though still buried deeply inside her where it for the moment remained.

“Ok…” Janet said walking over handing me a fresh drink as well. “Now I think…it’s our turn to watch you two!” With that, Jacob opened her eyes, sitting up, suddenly awake and alert once again.

“Oh yeah…I do like seeing that,” she stated. “I once watched Max and a couple of his friends jerking off together a couple of months ago. That was fucking hot too!”

“When? Where?” Max asked, genuinely surprised. “You did not! I didn’t see you!”

She laughed. “Ah ha! Gotcha! So you really did do that, didn’t you!” She teased having tricked her brother into admitting that he had done that, when she’d obviously suspected it.

Suddenly, it was just like old times again, but with an interesting little twist.

“Listen, before we…I…do anything here. I am sort of curious about something else.”

“What’s that?” My wife asked, answering me, though it was evident by the look she was giving Max, she was still curious to hear more about what he’d said.

“Well, to be honest, I was sort of expecting to see whatever it was that the two of you went shopping for and picked up today.”

“Yes well…about that,” Janet said looking at Jacob. “We got those for another reason, though I told Jacob that was something she and Max needed to discuss first, and then come to you with. I’m not sure they have yet. Especially with everything that happened earlier on this evening,” she added.

“No…we didn’t, not really,” Jacob said looking over at her brother. “Only a little bit. But after what Max told me about what you and he did today, I figured maybe you might consider it,” she said. “So after I talked to mom…she said I’d better check with you first.”

“About what?”

“We want to do a movie too, daddy. Only not just Max and I…you know? But all of us are in it…together.”

I looked over at Max, he was hiding a smile. “Tell you what…let me think about it tonight, and we’ll discuss it tomorrow. A bit late to do anything tonight now anyway. And I’d also like the chance to talk to mom on it some more as well. That sounds ok with you two?” I asked Max now.

“That sounds fine daddy…tomorrow would pMaxably be better anyway. Then mom and I can show our new sexy stuff off for both of you if you’d like. In the meantime…I think I’m ready to have a bit more fun again, watching you two.”

“Ditto that,” Janet grinned, giving me a mischievous look. “And I do think it’s pMaxably a good idea that your father and I chat about this a bit more before we finally decide if we’re actually going to do that,” she added. Though I couldn’t help but wonder…if she wasn’t so inclined to, why had they bought what they obviously did in the first place?

I knew better than to say anything though. Now, was definitely not the time. Especially when Janet took my hand, and Jacob then took Max’s leading us over to sit down beside one another there on the couch. The two of them then prostrated themselves there on the floor in front of us.

“Well?” Jacob asked. “It’s your turn!” she said.

“You heard your daughter…and you heard your sister,” Janet said, first looking at me, and then at Max. “Let’s see some jerking off!”

To be continued…

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