Exploring quick incest – 3

Just hearing my daughter’s request triggered my release. No power on earth could have stopped it from happening at this point. I felt my nuts tighten even more than they already were. My balls suddenly imploding, or so it seemed, and the first surge of extreme pleasure began making its way up the length of my shaft. I stepped back, pulling out, now resting my football field sized cock, (or so it seemed anyway) in the crevice of my wife’s firm beautiful ass. I saw my prick tip thMax, the tiny eye slit opening like curtains on a stage, and then an explosion that made me nearly see double.

What I could only describe as a rope of semen now flew from the head of my prick. It shot with so much velocity that it easily cleared the top of my wife’s head with a good foot or more, landing directly onto the table. This…followed by a second equally as powerful rope of spunk that didn’t quite make it as far, splashing against the back of my wife’s neck instead,

much of which then crash-landed in her hair, shampooing it for her quite unexpectedly. Though Janet didn’t seem to mind, now laughing with the pleasured delight of it as I continued to lay tracers, which criss-crossed her back as I continued to pump out my semen upon her with my hand.

“Fucking A daddy! Fucking A!” Jacob bellowed in delight as she stood there watching me.

“Ditto that!” Max finally responded, and then without any further warning, he too slipped out of his sister, stepping back just as I had done.

Peter North would have been jealous…or proud, either one. I was certainly both as well. As hard-felt, and as copious as my own orgasm had been, it was an amazing sight to suddenly see Max’s prick as he too released.

Max’s first two rockets of spunk completely cleared the patio table, landing somewhere on the floor on the other side. He quickly readjusted his aim however, now lashing his sister’s back and sweet ass as he splurged against her, covering her in a blanket of cum that was as equally impressive, if not more so than my own had been.

“Yes! Yes!” I only then heard my wife crying out as she stood there watching our son squirt, finally standing leaning in and embracing me. Her full breasts felt like they were on fire as they sizzled against my chest, her hard points pressed against me, kissing me now deeply. “God I’m hot!” She spoke with her tongue still fucking my mouth. “I need to cum!”

And then she stood, leaning there against the table, looking at me with crazed, lust filled eyes. I was personally transfixed, all around and about me suddenly a blur, fogged out as my entire focus now was directed upon my wife. Only once before had I seen her look like this, an animal in heat as she reached down, simultaneously spreading her legs.

One hand now splitting her lips, the opening of her cunt a deep blood red, pulsating like the beast it had become. Her other hand working her clit, unsheathed, a tiny cock that now stood beckoning, waiting for the touch of her fingers as she pinched it, pulling it, her eyes glued on mine as I stood there watching her, hypnotized.

“You love it when I finger-fuck my cunt don’t you honey?” she asked, her words somewhat slurred as though drunk. And drunk she was in a way, her lust-filled mind driving her on, the decadence of her speech as she allowed whatever inhibitions she might have had at one point to completely evaporate. Like I said…only once before had I seen her like this, and it scared me a little. Yet at the same time…arousing me almost instantaneously even though I’d just climaxed.

“Yes!” I answered back, surprised at feeling my own cock stirring so soon.

Only then did I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. My daughter and son, momentarily forgotten. Max likewise stepped back, his prick still dripping semen, his sister looking over, now leaning against the table next to her mom. Like mother…like daughter, she now looked down, watching, emulating what her mother stood doing to herself. Like matching erotic, hot naughty bookends they were. Max and I stood as though statues were watching the two of them.

As though they’d once discussed it, perhaps sharing trade secrets, or had even taught one another how, Jacob performed the same frictioned-functions on herself that her mother was doing. Hands and fingers a blur…clits stroked, tickled and petted with both the slap of the hand, and amazing speed as they stood side by side, holding themselves open. I’d never seen anything like it before. And before I even knew what I was doing, I now stood, hand on my cock again, stroking it as I watched, just as Max was now doing too.

“You love watching me finger myself don’t you baby?” Janet spoke, her slurred speech giving evidence to just how close she actually was. “You like seeing me so naughty for you don’t you Daison? And now…so naughty for our own children, seeing their mother stroking her cunt, pinching her clit, fucking her fingers inside. Makes you horny hot doesn’t it honey? Just like it’s doing to me now…any moment now…coming for you, for them.”

“Fuck yes! Yes!” Jacob added, still doing the same to herself. “I want to come with you mom, see you gush, hear it…watch it, while I do!” She added excitedly.

“Then watch me!” Janet half growled, the tone of voice a deeper throaty sound than I’d ever heard before. Her eyes burrowing into me as she turned looking over at her daughter, half facing her now, still strumming her clit like a guitar. And then she seemed to seize up, though only for a moment, her hand stilling briefly.

You could have heard a pin drop. Even Jacob quit stroking herself, as had Max and I done.

And then she came. It began as a trickle, almost as though she were peeing, though she wasn’t. And what was for a moment a small little trickle of nearly clear fluid, became a deluge of delight. As though a dam had burst, the sudden gush of fluid that literally cascaded from within the depths of my wife’s cunt, was more than I’d ever seen or certainly felt before. It was stunning,

surprising me…surprising all of us, and perhaps Janet herself as she looked down, still holding herself apart with her hands. The eruption of her cunt beyond belief, her sudden ear-piercing cry of pure pleasure now filling the air. The moment she’d done that, Jacob turned more directly towards her mother, and that all too familiar little streamer of hers, now joining her moms.

Below us, the flag stones were suddenly turned from the rich sandy red color they’d once been, to an almost blood-red color. The sound of each one of them actually wetting the stones, the splatter of their climax spraying against my ankles as I stood only a foot or so away. Once again the sound of their respective hands, pummeling their clits, frigging them frantically as though hoping to milk out each and every last drop, each and every mind-numbing pleasure they’d brought off to themselves.

My balls again tight, almost wondrously so. Furious movement next to me, glancing over briefly as Max too stood jacking his reawakened prick just as unashamedly as I now was.

The girls are still in the last stages of their own sweetness, smiling through half-glazed eyes at one another, and then at us. I had never in my life come a second time so quickly after I had the first. And yet, here I was…just about to do that.

“Fuck! I’m going to cum again!” Max announced equally as lost in the pleasure of his own mind. As though in slow motion, he turned slightly, just as I did, as though we’d choreographed it, planned it somehow ahead of time. Even the girls seemed to respond, picking up on our cue, each of them cupping their breasts, pressing them together now. Janet smiled, nodding her head at Max, turning. Jacob, doing the same, smiling at me. Her young, tantalizing breasts are the perfect target.

I’d not planned it, certainly not thought about it, and yet…I knew now within a millisecond of time, I was about to cream my own daughter’s breasts, just as Max was about to do to his mothers.

Talk about crossing swords so to speak. We couldn’t have planned it any better if we’d tried either. The moment I felt the first spurt of my prick go off once again, Max’s did. With each of us now forming what was basically an “X” standing as we were, facing one another, I began squirting against Jacob, her breasts easily catching the first couple of streamers I ejaculated, while Janet in turn did the exact same with Max.

Our semen, literally and figuratively, crosses paths towards their marks. I wish to hell I’d filmed it somehow, been able to play it back in slow motion as I honestly believe, our semen collided mid-air at some point, no doubt mingling yet continuing on to their respective targets.

The bottom line was, the girls were soon soaked, lathering in our mutual spunking into their breasts a few moments later as I finally staggered back all but collapsing back into my chair. It took me a long while to collect myself. The intensity of the past hour was unbelievable, though I was again struggling with a couple of issues here too. I hadn’t exactly done anything to my daughter…and yet, in a very very intimate way, I most certainly had. I wondered what Janet was thinking and feeling as well. Though knowing her, I was fairly confident we’d be discussing it before too much longer somewhere else where we could have some privacy in doing so.

And then of course, the kids. My thoughts then as to how they’d think about it after the arousal had passed, when reality once again came rushing back at us. We’d crossed an imaginary line here perhaps, but I didn’t see how we could go backwards from it either. The only thing I saw was setting a new mark, drawing a new line or something, and then vowing not to cross over it.

Again, I was very interested in hearing what Janet thought as she’d been quite specific in the beginning about doing anything more than simply being watched, and watching one another. No…we hadn’t touched, nor been touched, but we’d certainly muddied up the proverbial water just short of that as I saw it.

Still, it was a relaxed atmosphere as we all sat collecting ourselves now, still naked, and still feeling quite comfortable in being so in front of one another. Finally, “mom” took over again.

“Well, I think it’s time to get a little cleaned up, start some breakfast here,” she stated. “Jacob? After you do, come down and help me. Max? Daison? I think you two are due for a shower before we eat, so you’d best get at it. I know I’d like one myself…so let’s get the show on the road here shall we?”

The kids quickly darted off to begin doing just that. I waited until they had gone inside, and then spoke to my wife.

“Obviously, I think we need to discuss what just happened,” I told her.

“Yes, we pMaxably should,” she agreed. “Which we’ll do while we’re in the shower, and while you’re fucking me again,” she smiled.

In a way…I’d just gotten an answer. Janet was obviously still aroused. If we had crossed any lines, she wasn’t letting on to me that we had anyway. Perhaps we’d bent one a little. But if she was ok with what we’d just done, with what we’d just allowed to happen. Then who was I to say otherwise.

I smiled and followed her up the stairs, surprised that my prick was already starting to harden again.

To be continued…

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