Exploring quick incest – 2

“Ok, someone want to tell me what’s going on here?” she asked, though I was at least grateful by the tone of her voice that she didn’t appear angry. Just curiously confused…as I was. “Did it say in the paper that today’s national nude day or something? Because if it is…I’m overdressed.” Though that was when she also looked down, and saw I was still trying very hard to conceal an erection. That’s when her eyebrows rose up a little.

Thank god Jacob came to my rescue.

“Actually, I was asking daddy about Maria,” she began, once again causing Janet  to lift a curious eyebrow. “I was wondering if I actually looked like her at all. I’ve seen a few old pictures, but they don’t really do her much justice. And in fact, daddy says I actually look more like you, that I do her,” she explained. Relief came when I saw Janet  smiling at that.

“Ok, but why are you naked?” Janet  asked, still sounding curiously amused at least.

“Well, to be honest…I was wondering if we were built much the same, looked much the same, that’s why. And the only way I knew how to do that, was to let daddy see me, so he could tell me…openly and honestly.”

It was the simple truth…in a way. But Janet  seemed to easily accept that, turning towards me. “Well, does she?”

“I guess, though I don’t honestly remember all that clearly,” I responded. “It’s been a long time. But yeah…I suppose so, they do seem to have about the same size breasts, figure…all that,” I quickly added. Once again I noticed my wife’s expression. She was now enjoying this for some reason, enjoying my discomfort to some extent, finding the whole situation funny. Which I wasn’t. Especially still trying to hide a partial erection.

“So…you really do think Jacob looks more like me than she does your first wife?” Janet  asked, surprising me…and even Jacob to some extent.

“Yeah, actually…does,” I said once again looking up as Jacob continued to stand there in the buff, not even trying to cover herself up yet.

“And you think we could actually pass off as sisters even?” She asked, now standing and moving over, to stand beside our daughter.

“Sure…I suppose so,” I ventured.

And then Janet  dropped the Maxe she was wearing. Now standing side-by-side Jacob, the two of them completely naked.

“How about now?” She laughed, as did Jacob seeing what Janet  had just done, knowing full well it had been meant as a major tease, especially under the circumstances, and especially as Janet  also knew what we were pMaxably both thinking at that very moment.

“Ok…so someone wants to tell me what the hell’s going on around here?” Max asked.

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