Friends With Benefits

“Yeah, cause after we go downstairs, the first thing you’re going to do is take everything off.”

“Oh really!” Lily smiled in disbelief.

“Yeah…really. For the remainder of the weekend, until it’s time to leave Lily, you won’t be wearing any clothing!”

Her grin disappeared. “You’re serious? Nothing?”

“Nothing!” Adam confirmed as Jose nodded his own head in support of what the two boys must have discussed and agreed upon earlier. “So, we’ll meet you downstairs whenever you’re ready,” he finished, leading Jose back down the staircase.

Lily wandered back into the small bedroom, sitting down on the edge of the bed as she began to contemplate that this weekend really was turning into a lot more than she’d anticipated that it might. She honestly wasn’t sure she could go through with this, but as she sat staring down at herself, or more precisely her hand as it rested upon her thigh, she remembered the ‘pinky-pledge’ and knew that there was no way, no matter what those two came up with that would cause her to break her agreement.

Lily had no idea what actually might be in store for her, but she figured that whatever it was the boys had come up with, she could, and would show them that she wasn’t as inhibited or afraid as they obviously thought her to be. With renewed determination to show both Jose as well as Adam that she honestly could handle whatever the two of them dished out, she stood and slowly began removing her clothes.

It had been a fairly warm summer. And though the evenings up in the mountains still tended to get a bit cool, it was hardly that now. Lily stood looking down at herself. Her nipples were rock-hard, and not from any mountain chill. She realized that she really was aroused, just as she had been the night before as she’d sat grooming herself in the bathroom, trimming the downy-soft hair around her pussy. Lily had been surprised to actually discover that she was as aroused as she’d been thinking about “the possibilities” she’d mused, wondering what her two friends might actually come up with and expect from her.

And not that she hadn’t in the past entertained her own private fantasies regarding the two of them, she had. But the fact they had never even come close to acting on any sort of intimate contact between them had her nervously wondering what the two of them would actually look like naked, and even more amusing, “how would the two of them interact with her when she was?”

Lily had found herself extremely aroused considering the possibilities. She’d packed a small overnight bag including one very sexy, very revealing nightgown, along with another not quite as provocative, but certainly as sexy. She’d then gone into the bathroom, started the tub, and had begun trimming her pussy. Just doing that sent lusty shivers of excitement coursing through her.

Testing the water that had accumulated less than two or three inches, she lay down inside the tub. Lily was horny! She smiled wickedly to herself. She hadn’t done this in several months now. Placing herself beneath the faucet, Lily spread her legs, resting one foot on either side of the tub.

Adjusting the force of the water so that it wasn’t too strong, she closed her eyes, grinning to herself as the play of the pulsating water fell upon her perfectly, teasing as well as stimulating her clit. Reaching down with her hands, Lily spread her lips a part, revealing the hardness of her small little clit even more obscenely, where the water now kissed and caressed it with a cascade of warm bathing pleasures.

She’d experienced two quick little orgasms before settling in and really allowing the falling water to slap against her pussy for an extended length of time before allowing herself to finally succumb to a third, extremely intense climax. The fact that she actually was looking forward to the weekend, nervous a bit, but more curiously excited about what might actually occur between the three of them.

Lily shook her head, waking up from the erotic memory, forcing herself back into the present. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself, pinching her taut nipples, feeling an erotic thrill shooting through each one when she did. Padding bare-feet, almost silently down the hall towards the balcony, she leaned against the railing looking down into the room below. As she did, she saw both men sitting on one of the couches looking up at her, smiling expectantly.

“Holy shit!” Jose exclaimed as though he’d honestly thought Lily never would actually take her clothes off. “Damn baby…you’re fucking beautiful!”

Lily actually felt herself blush at the comment.

“Nice fucking tits!” he added with a low deep whistle as he sat there staring at her.

“Yes, they are!” Adam added gazing up towards her as well. “Lily?”


“Play with your tits!” Adam told her.

“What?” she asked, mildly surprised.

“You heard me! Play with your tits!”

She stared at him, feeling both embarrassed as well as very self-conscious.

“Remember? The bet? You said ‘anything!'”

She did, and she had. Closing her eyes so that she’d feel a little more comfortable, even though she was feeling extremely vulnerable at the moment, Lily reached up cupping both breasts within her hands and stood there above them while the two young men watched as she began fingering her nipples.

“Oh yeah, that’s good!” Adam urged her on in continuing. “Now…lick them!”

Lily’s eyes popped open.

“Ah huh…you heard me, now lick them!”

Lily cupped one of her breasts within her hands, lifting it, allowing her tongue to snake out tentatively teasing her nipple. Erotic shivers coursed through her, she could feel the wetness gathering between her legs as the outright decadence of standing there in full view while she stood licking her own nipples was wickedly appealing!

“Tell her to play with her pussy!” Jose implored Adam to ask her to do it. He laughed.

“Jose, I’m not the only one that can tell her to do stuff you know. She has to do whatever you tell her to do to remember?”

Jose let that thought settle in for a moment, almost surprised when it did that he had the same power over Lily that Adam had. “Oh yeah…cool!”

Lily soon alternated, now cupping and licking her right breast as the boys continued to watch her.

“Now…play with your pussy too!” Jose finally told her, finding his own voice. Once again Lily couldn’t help but open her eyes, looking back down into the room as though seeking confirmation they had really asked her to touch herself.

“You heard him!” Adam confirmed a second later. “We want to see you play with yourself!”

Lily certainly had masturbated, frequently in fact…especially lately. But she had never in her entire life ever done so in front of anyone before. Not even her ex-boyfriend Steven though he’d once suggested that she do so for him. Lily hesitated.

“Come on Lily!” Adam pressed softly.

“It might be easier for me to do that if the two of you were naked as well you know!” she blurted boldly, trying to buy some time, wondering if in fact either one of them would actually take off their clothing, or if all this was just some big bluff to see if they could actually get her to do things they’d really never intended or dreamed she would actually do. Which is when Adam stood up off the couch and began removing his clothes.

“I was just about to do that anyway!” he yelled up at her. Seeing that Adam was indeed stripping down, Jose stood and began removing his own clothing as well. Soon, each of them was as naked as she, sporting magnificent hard erections as they once again sat down on the couch.

“Now…where were we? Or actually…where were you?” Adam teased. “Something about touching yourself I believe?”

Trapped, with nowhere to go from here, she did. Lowering her hand, Lily allowed her fingers to slip just inside the moist warm folds of her flesh. Only somewhat surprised at herself for actually doing so, she was heated and aroused just enough that the initial shock that she could be doing such a thing in front of someone, especially her two friends, wasn’t nearly as bad as she’d at first thought it would be.

In fact, she found herself getting quite a kick out of the look on their faces as she began finger-fucking herself, actually enjoying the exquisite sensations that rapidly inflamed her pussy as well as her desire. Looking down into the room, she was just as equally pleased to see that both Jose and Adam sat there masturbating themselves, though appearing to do so without so much purpose as mindless automation as their eyes remained riveted on her as she continued to explore herself, now doing so with much more abandon that she had been.

“Make yourself cum too!” Jose now added really getting into this. “I want to see you make yourself cum!”

As good as she was feeling, Lily knew her own body. To merely stand there fingering her slit, occasionally rubbing her clitoris wasn’t going to easily get herself off. There was a lot more she enjoyed doing when she really got serious about pleasuring herself.

She would have to lower her own inhibitions even more if she was going to do that, allow herself to somehow block her two voyeurs out of her own mind if she was seriously going to allow herself the pleasure of experiencing an actual climax. Sure…she could fake having one, but even that as she only briefly considered it seemed in violation of their agreement. Something as simple as pretending to climax as opposed to actually doing so was something that in her mind, the ‘pinky-promise’ also covered.

Watching Jose and Adam jerking themselves off helped however. And the distance still between them gave her newfound courage to actually begin doing as they’d now asked. Lily began lightly slapping her lips with the tips of her fingers, knowing full well that this would begin to build the desired sweetness she needed in order to achieve orgasm. When the intensity was just as she liked it, Lily increased both the rapidity as well as the pressure upon the lips of her cunt as she now palmed herself, a combination of both cupping as well as slapping her outer, as well as inner lips.

“Oh God!” she actually moaned, forgetting herself, as well as momentarily forgetting she had an audience.

“Fuck yes Lily! That’s it baby, slap that pussy!” Jose called out excitedly.

Lily soon reached that level of pleasure where only then did she switch tactics upon herself, now driving the middle finger of her right hand deeply inside the wet slick passage of her split. Simultaneously, she pumped her finger inwards, lifting as she did to ensure that her swollen clitoris was being equally stimulated, her left hand now pinching, twisting, and pulling upon the inflamed nipple of her right breast.

“Yeah baby! Yeah! Shit yeah!” she heard Adam near yelling as she spiraled closer and closer towards climax. Lily felt the numbness come, felt the initial tingles of electricity as they discharged somewhere deep inside her soul, extending out to visit briefly with each nipple, especially the one she now held firmly between two fingers, gripping it vise-like, pulling on it and extending it outwards almost to the point of pleasured-pain. Only then did she feel the abundance of creamy nectar seem to explode inside her passage. The warmth, the pearly liquid now cascading forth to bathe her pummeling hand and fingers.

“Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! I’m cumming!” she actually screamed, feeling her knees weaken as she at last let go of her breast, grasping the railing for support as she allowed her body to surrender to the sweetness that now enveloped her almost too sensitive clit.

Lily exploded with ecstasy. Though finally removing her hand from deep within her split, she found herself rubbing the smoothness of her skin, her puffy swollen lips against the polished wood-grained railing as though still fucking her lover as the spasms of her orgasm slowly diminished.

“Fuck that was nice!” Adam finally exclaimed as Lily at last collected herself, once again standing straight, feeling the flush of both embarrassment as well as the ebb of unbridled excitement filling her cheeks.

“Now…come down here baby. Jose and I have something for you to do!” he leered wickedly.


By the time Lily’s bare foot touched the floor after making her way slowly down the stairs, Jose and Adam had stood, walking over to meet her. Before she knew it, Adam was kissing her, his lips pressed hotly, passionately against her own. Lily succumbed to the kiss, swimming in it, her eyes closing of their own accord as she allowed Adam’s tongue to playfully caress and tease her own.

The feel of Jose’s lips suddenly encircling one of her nipples merely ignited the not yet cold embers of her passion. Feeling his lips gently sucking her nipple made the kiss she was experiencing with Adam all the more sensual. When at last their kiss broke, she wasn’t at all surprised to find Jose waiting his turn to kiss her, nor upon doing that, the feel of Adam’s lips now capturing the nipple of her previously neglected breast.

As far as Lily was concerned, she was merely content to stand there, take turns kissing each man, and enjoy the delicious sensation of having her breasts licked and tickled simultaneously.

“Fuck I’m horny!” Jose finally exclaimed, unable to keep his own passion from reaching the boiling point. Adam laughed.

“Yeah, me too. Come on Lily, let’s head back over to the couch now.”

Each of them took one of her hands, leading her towards it as though fearful she would come to her senses and make some attempt at fleeing away. Which was the furthest thing on her mind at the moment. Aroused more than she’d ever been before in her entire life, Lily was excitedly curious to see just what the two men had in store for her, and more importantly perhaps, just how far they were planning on taking things.

Up until this very moment, Lily had not really gotten a good look at either man’s cock. As Jose led her towards the couch, sitting down, she was able to see that his prick was not quite as long as Adam’s was, though it did appear to be a little thicker around.

“What do you want me to do?” Lily asked as it became evident that Jose was leading up to something.

“Baby, something I’ve been dying to do for a long time now. What I’d like is for you to jack my cock off with those beautiful tits of yours!” Lily almost laughed. It had been one of the first things her “ex” had requested of her too.

“What’s with men and their fantasy to rub their cocks between a woman’s breasts anyway?” she asked jokingly.

“Well just look at them Lily! They’re beautiful! That’s why!”

Jose had already begun to reach for a nearby bottle of baby oil. Once again, this was something the two men had probably already discussed and planned for earlier. Kneeling before him on the floor, Lily held her large breasts together surrounding Jose’s prick as he began pouring a generous amount of baby oil all over her breasts as well as his cock.

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