Friends With Benefits – Part 3

This Story is part of Friends with benefits Series

Another look in her direction, albeit briefly, confirmed the fact that Nova too, had now undone a second button on her blouse. Tempted to look further, I refrained however, now delighted to more or less play along and see how this went.

“You’re welcome…again,” Joy laughed. “But what really got to me, and I mean in the very best of ways, was the way that Nova so candidly expressed her pleasure to me while I sat watching her. She talked to me, Xavier. She told me what she was feeling, how good it felt to be touching herself like that with her fingers. And then in specifics, what she was doing to herself exactly. And then what she’d eventually be doing to me. I tell you in all seriousness Xavier, I’d never been so turned on before in my entire life. Hearing the words.

Hearing Nova speaking to me that way was like making love to me not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. I knew right then and there I was never going back to the way I was…or had been. Though never with Dave. Not ever. He would never see, enjoy…or experience that side of me. Not ever in a million years. But with Nova. Wow, well now…that was a completely different story.”

“You can say that again,” Nova quipped. A third button undone now. And more than an ample hint of breast flesh peeking beneath the edge. Nova might have been in her early sixties perhaps, but I can assure you, her tits looked to be just as amazing as Joy’s were, even if I hadn’t really seen them yet. “Hearing Joy say fuck…and not out of anger was a real…pardon the pun…joy for me,” she giggled. “Hearing her expressing to me what she enjoyed doing…feeling, or having done, was liberating for her, just as it had once been for me. And as I had hoped, it was so.

All that hurt and pent up frustration seemed to evaporate right there in front of me whenever we came together. And especially after the abuse really began, I began to see a new found determination and courage in her that I had not seen before. Suffice it to say, it was shortly after that, that Joy filed charges against the creep and got rid of him.”

“Yeah, we celebrated by going down on one another for the very first time that night,” Joy offered. Her blouse is completely undone now. Both breasts clearly revealed, nipples hard, taut, and wanting perhaps as she simultaneously reached up to roll and pinch on one of them.

“So you see Xavier,” Nova stepped in, once more drawing my attention back to her, which was momentarily difficult to do seeing Joy and all. But then…I realized that she too was doing the same thing. Nova had smaller, pinker nipples, though slightly larger breasts. And yeah, did they hang a bit heavier and lower on her chest than Joy’s did…perhaps so. But damn if I didn’t find that fucking erotic anyway. “Joy and I will always be good close friends. Nasty friends.”

“Naughty friends,” Joy interjected, hands now pushing her slacks down her legs, along with her bikini panties.

“Dirty friends,” Nova added to that. Likewise now doing the same.

“Horny…lusty, wicked friends. Just like you can be, if you want to Xavier,” Joy coaxed.

“Entirely up to you Xavier,” Nova agreed, hands down between her legs now, as she sat up, spreading herself openly, obscenely…before standing up, crossing over to where she now sat down beside Joy, who was likewise playing with herself in much the same way. And then…playing with one another, hands in each other’s laps…looking towards me.

“So…what’s it going to be Xavier?” Joy asked. “Friends with benefits? Or just friends?”


I answered that question by standing up, and then by pulling my pants down. I think my prick bounced out and away from my briefs as hard and as firm as it had ever been. Already a droplet of precum seemed to drool from the end of my prick tip.

“Oh heavens! Let’s not waste that! Bring it to me!” Nova announced.

I actually had to waddle over…pants down around my ankles, shoes still on, though neither of them seemed to mind, and in fact, appeared to take more delight in the fact that I did. I soon found myself standing there in front of the two of them as they began licking, sucking, and teasing me with their tongues together. It was even better reaching down, fondling one of Nova’s magnificent breasts in one hand, and Joy’s in the other. They continued on for some time until the warning bells were going off in my head. As much stamina as I usually had, being tag-teamed like this was seriously drawing on my reserves.

“Does he talk?” Nova asked.

Joy laughed. “It took a while. But now he does, at least more so than he used to do,” she told her friend.

“So what would you like to see or do now Xavier?” Nova asked openly. And without a bit of hesitation, I told her exactly. Something I confess I had always desired and wanted to see.

“I want to see the two of you lick, and suck one another’s cunts.”

“Goodness. He even said the ‘C’ word!” Nova spoke in surprise. “Good for you dear, obviously, you’ve taught him well.”

“Just as you taught me Nova,” Joy laughed. “Now…get over here and start licking my cunt before Xavier loses a load here.”

“Only if he loses it someplace on me,” Nova announced excitedly. In seconds the two of them were busy lapping away at one another. Quite noisily I might add, which merely enhanced the entire scene. Hearing the two of them licking, slurping, squishing, moaning and groaning away, truly had me hovering on the edge there without doing anything. I didn’t dare. One touch on my cock would have had me spurting cock-cream everywhere!

Somehow I managed to keep from coming, even as they did. So beautifully getting one another off while I watched. Listening as well to the delightful, decadent sounds they made. Thrilling, pleasing and pleasuring one another in ways I would never have imagined. And even afterwards as they rolled away from one another, their faces still glistening with the spending of their release, they asked.

“What’s the one thing you would like the two of us to do for you Xavier? ” Nova asked me.

“Just the one?” I shot back, half joking…half serious. To which they both smiled looking at one another.

“See? Told you he’d be up for it,” Joy stated, obviously confirming some prior conversation they must have had. “So what would you like anyway? ” She asked again.

It was actually at the top of my ‘dirty-nasty’ things to do list. Though I’d never, ever imagined crossing that one off.

“I’m not even sure it’s actually possible, or that it would work out the way I’ve imagined it in my mind.”

Nova laughed. “Honey? If there’s one thing I’ve learned, if you can imagine it…then you can find a way to do it. And the best part is…you get to tell us…specifically, in clear, precise words, just exactly what it is you want the two of us to do to you.”


Yeah, maybe it was a little awkward at first getting into it. But once we were there…damn! It was even better than I had envisioned.

I lay there, with the girls sandwiching my cock between their respective cunts. It had taken some doing, along with a little trial and error, but eventually we had all figured it out. And true to form, just as Nova had said, “getting there had been half the fun.” Ok…maybe not quite half. But even that had been exciting. As I lay back watching, feeling…the girls had locked legs over and around one another with me somewhere in between.

I could feel the press of both cunts, so wet and slippery at this point as they ground against one another, and me! It was basically a combination of everything at once. Like two mouth’s nibbling, sucking and licking me. Or like the sweet sensual slickness of a woman’s pussy slithering down the side of a man’s prick, only in my case, both sides. And in a uniquely weird way perhaps, two cunts coming together, and sort of becoming one, fucking me. Me fucking them simultaneously, and the two of them likewise fucking one another.

I daresay that simultaneous orgasm is difficult enough. But I’d never heard of three people coming at the exact same time together, at least not in the way we did. And Nova was a squirter too. Another nice unexpected surprise, though I learned afterwards she didn’t always do so. But it was nice seeing it, and feeling it (and later tasting it) when she did. I know for a fact it was entirely out of my control.

I wouldn’t have stopped myself even if I’d wanted to, which I didn’t. The urge was too great, the pleasure too intense as I felt my cock throb, knowing full well that first jettison of spunk was only milliseconds away now as I began to cry out. And then, even as I did…much to my own delight and surprise, I simultaneously felt that liquid bath of Nova’s own cunt cream surrounding, and spraying against me, as well as against Joy’s split. Her cry, as loud and as long and as deep as my own, and as Nova’s as the three of us hung on, holding on….humping, pumping, and thrashing about there on the floor together.

“Holy fuck!” We all also said at the exact same time, which had made the experience even funnier, and even better. It was a long while before any of us even wished to move.

“I guess dinners are going to be a little late,” I started grinning happily.

“Hardly,” Joy informed me. “You were the main course. Like I told you earlier…Nova and I wanted you over for dinner. I didn’t say you were coming over for dinner. What I meant was…that you were having dinner.”

“Well in that case, Bon Appetit!” I offered my prick once more, already beginning to thicken up again.

“Desert then!” Joy half shouted, already racing towards the kitchen area. “I’ll grab the can of whipping cream and meet the two of you outside!”

And though my neighbors were back from vacation at this point, I could have cared less. If they didn’t care to hear three people having a wonderfully nasty time together…that was their problem.

It certainly wasn’t mine…not any more anyway. And never would be again.


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