Friends With Benefits – Part 2

This Story is part of Friends with benefits Series

“Me?” I asked stupidly.

And now she did laugh, though reaching for a cookie. She dipped it in her coffee, and then lifted it towards her mouth. Only the soft mushy edge disappeared as she removed it again. It was the most sensual thing I had ever seen her do. Aside from well, you know.

“It’s almost funny in a way. Perhaps even poetic.”

“Yeah? And how’s that?”

She leaned forward, getting ready to dip her cookie again, though this time I noticed her robe had parted just a little. Not a lot mind you, not enough to be overly suggestive or anything, but enough to hint at the fact, Joy really did have a nice pair of breasts.

“What I was actually fantasizing about, when you saw me…was just that. Walking in and catching me, seeing me like that. Pretty wild huh?” She asked.

“So you weren’t mad then?”

“Mad? Are you crazy? Didn’t you hear what I just said? If anything I was a little shocked and surprised yes…I mean after all Xavier, the very thing I happened to be thinking about, had just happened. Had you not turned and walked away when you did…you’d have seen me continue…certainly that. Which I was quite disappointed in when you actually left. And I knew then I had to call. That we had to fix this before it got all blown out of proportion and ruined everything else that we have.”

“I’m really glad you did,” I said, taking a cookie, dipping it. Though it mostly fell off and into my cup. It was a nice ice-breaker, especially for what came next.

“Yeah, me too. But I still have another question to ask Xavier, and you still haven’t really answered my previous question either.”

I thought back…only then realizing. “Which one do you want me to answer first?” She again laughed, tossing her head back a little, causing her robe to open even more. I now had a pretty good side-view of her left breast, just short of the hidden nipple beneath the cloth.

“Do you enjoy masturbating Xavier? And how often? And what do you like to think about when you do?” She asked.

“Well, for starters…that’s three questions,” I grinned back at her, though answering the first two. “Yes I do…and perhaps even more so these days,” I think I actually blushed. “And maybe once a day, or every other day at least,” I confessed. Though I temporarily held off on answering her third question. I wasn’t sure she was ready to hear about how often I had in fact thought about her, even in the simplest of ways.

“Do you…sometimes, think about me?” She asked, and then I noticed her hands coming up, the sash on her robe undone. It fell apart, fully. Both breasts now totally and fully revealed to me. I sucked in my breath and slowly let it out, my eyes still feasting on her.

“Often,” I said softly, almost in a whisper. “I think about you very…often.”

She stood up, though scooting her chair off to one side before sitting down again. Though her robe, if anything, remained fully open as she did. I could now see a small dark tuft of hair just above her mound as she sat down again, though this time spreading her legs. Almost obscenely as she did. I was mesmerized…hypnotized by it. By her.

“Will you watch me…Xavier?” She asked, her fingers slowly sliding down between her legs. One hand now spreads her swollen, glistening lips apart. The other, teasingly, tenderly even, skimming the hard shiny surface of her tiny protruding clit. “Will you let me do what I was doing? Only just fantasizing and thinking about earlier? Only this time…for real?”

I took another deep cleansing breath again, realizing as I did that my prick was hard, swollen, and now straining uncomfortably against the press of my jeans. Perhaps my glance down briefly gave that away. Though I now heard Joy’s intake of breath as I glanced back at her. One hand now pinching on a hard delicate nipple, tweaking it. The other, still thumbing, strumming that precious naughty nub between her lips.

“Are you hard Xavier? Are you getting hard thinking about this? About watching me? I would love to see your cock Xavier. You know I would. I always would love to watch you stroking it, while you’re watching me. Would you like that Xavier? Would you like to really jerk off, actually seeing me instead of just fantasizing about it?”

I had learned early on in our relationship that Joy was one that always spoke her mind when she felt like it. I had thought then that perhaps sometimes she had divulged, or shared too much. But then I realized, she wasn’t that way with everybody. Usually only with me, though I had learned she did have one other girlfriend who she had very often confided in as well.

So hearing her now, hearing her allowing herself this uninhibited, unbridled discussion of her feelings and desires, wasn’t all that surprising. This was Joy…this was how she truly was. And frankly, I found it refreshing. In comparison, I’m not sure I even heard Cindy say fuck…except towards the end there. And then it didn’t really have the same effect as I might have liked. Or maybe…it did.

In answer to her question, I stood up, unbuckling my jeans, and then kicking them off before sitting down again. And just as she’d done, scooting my own chair out and away from the table, now sitting across from her. My proud prick stands hard and full at attention.

“Oh fuck!” She moaned aloud. Which is the way I’d long hoped to actually hear that word used. It was like music to my ears. I watched as her fingers dove deep inside her pussy, as though imagining them to be my cock, sliding into her like that. “You have no idea how often I have wondered…hoped to see, and feel that Xavier. You truly have a beautiful hard cock!”

That was a first. I’d never heard it called beautiful before. Though I do recall one other woman saying something about it being a “nice one” or something like that. But never beautiful. And not like it was out of the ordinary either. Nice enough length, girth…and certainly firmness. Though I think the fairly good-sized head seemed to be a playful toy with the women for some reason.

“And you have nice…” I stammered slightly perhaps, though I was looking everywhere at once. My mind is trying to sort out which, what…I should compliment, or comment on first.

“Say it out loud Xavier,” she giggled. “Tell me what you like looking at. I want to hear it. Do you like my titties?” She now asked to hold them.

“Yes,” I responded.

“Then say it.”

“I like your…tits!” I spat, enjoying the sound of the words, which for some reason, seemed to run an additional tremor of thrill and desire down the length of my shaft.

“What else?” She pressed, one hand going back to her pussy, drawing my eyes down along with it as she did that.

“I like your…pussy,” I leered at her. Meaning it. Though I saw her pout. “What?”

“You pet a pussy. Which is ok if we’re just starting out. Then you can call it a pussy all you want to if you wish. But once it’s like this. Once it’s all nice, hot…throbbing and wet. It’s not a pussy any more Xavier. It’s a cunt. It’s a hungry, naughty, dirty, nasty little cunt if you will. Just like your prick isn’t a prick any more when it’s all hard and naughty like that, like it is now. Now it’s a cock, just like my cunt. So tell me Xavier…what is it that you like again?”

“I like your fucking cunt!”

“That’s better,” she grinned, and then sat back, playing with her cunt and tits in ways I had never seen before.


I guess that’s where it all started. The beginning of it. The beginning of this. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself here. It’s a long story, and I mean to tell it. Just how it happened, and why. Maybe then you’ll understand everything. I know at first I didn’t. But now I do. But that’s when I think the real me came out. Just as it had for Joy.


In all the years I’d been married to Cindy, I had never seen her masturbate, not really. Sure, I had on some rare occasions gotten her to touch herself for me while I watched, like for thirty seconds if that. And even then, it was going through the motions, not actually getting or feeling any pleasure from it. Did she ever masturbate? Probably, but it wasn’t something she would share with me, or even discuss. Anytime I told her I had, just to see if it would arouse or interest her, she seemed to take offense by it instead.

Almost as though by having done so, I had cheated her out of something. So sitting here across from Joy, watching her like I was now, was probably one of the most memorable days of my entire life. The fact that she could be so free in doing so. So vocal, so uninhibited, so lusty. It was a thrill beyond imagination. And all the while, sitting there not just stroking…but seriously playing with my own “cock” for her.

“Cum on me Xavier,” she had asked with a sultry tone of voice that I had never heard before. “I want you to spray all that sweet hot juice all over my cunt. I want to use it to get myself off with Xavier, while you watch me. While you watch me teasing my own clit with your hot creamy spunk.”

I stood up, like a Zombie, still fisting my prick, and stepped towards her, almost aiming it. Her face was flushed, her breath growing quicker now as she waited on me. Her fingers spread her labia, exposing even more of those slick, pink inner depths. I’m not exactly a ‘clit connoisseur’ or anything. But I knew for sure that Joy’s clit was a lot bigger than Cindy’s had been, as well as any other women I had ever been with.

It was fascinating to look at, seeing that tiny little shaft so hard and so swollen as she stretched her lips even more. Like a miniature little cock, I could see it throb as I closed the distance between us. My shaft now only a foot away as I stood there in front of her.

“Do it Xavier. Cum for me. Squirt on me. Spray my cunt with your cream Xavier. I need it now. I want it. I want to cum for you. NOW!”

And just like that, I was pumping out what felt like a gallon of cum, fascinated at my own copious discharge as streamer after streamer of hot flying spunk crossed the distance between us. In seconds, the entire opening of her luscious quim seemed to be drenched and covered with my white sticky spunk.

And then true to her word, she too was cumming. Watching her, literally looking into her open eyes as she came, as she came looking into mine, was the most erotic thing I had ever seen before in my entire life.


There was a brief moment of awkwardness. Not for her. For me. I was basically on uncharted waters here, and had no idea as to the protocol for something like this. But Joy seemed to be well ahead of me on that as well. She stood…holding out her hand to me, which I quickly accepted, pulling her up, drawing her into my arms where we kissed for the first time. It was long, passionate, and lusty. Already I could feel the quiver of renewed desire surging through me.

“Come on Xavier. We need a shower...and a chat,” she said simply. And then still holding onto my hand, led me up stairs towards her bedroom and bath.


If I’d been expecting more to happen as we showered, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Yeah, we washed one another, head to toe. Which was intimate in its own right. Once again something I had never really done with Cindy either. But even then as we washed one another, there was no real attempt at trying, or attempting to arouse one another as we did. I don’t know why I sensed this, or seemed to know. Perhaps it was the way she began washing me that hinted it wasn’t to be…not yet anyway. That and the fact Joy felt it was very important for us to have a nice long chat first…about “things” as she put it.

As I said. We’d already planned a nice little evening dinner together for later. Something we were both looking forward to. And perhaps more so now. But I also knew that Joy had something on her mind, questions and concerns perhaps, which I did as well. We’d obviously crossed a line here, and I think we were both wondering just how far we had stepped over it…and would we continue on from there?

After showering and dressing, I followed Joy outside to the coolness of her shaded patio where we again sat down with cold drinks this time. And though she was smiling, I couldn’t help but feel there was a concern of sorts on her face as she looked at me, and then began speaking.

“That was nice. And that was really fun,” she began. “But..”

Here it was. The ‘but’. I’d been half expecting it.

“But what?” I quite naturally asked. Again she smiled, though continuing.

“But this is Xavier. You’ve now seen a particular side of me that you haven’t seen before. And now that you have, you need to know…I’m not one to put that particular cat back into the sack so to speak. As you’ve already witnessed, when I’m aroused…when I’m horny…I like to express that. I’m vocal about it, because it further arouses me. I like to do things, see things, talk about things…openly. That’s who I am, and who I’ve always been. And nothings going to change that. If we’re going to continue on, and take this any further…then you need to be aware of that.” Now I was smiling.

“I don’t have any problems with that,” I said honestly.

“I’m glad to hear you say that,” she responded, “but there’s more I need to say as well.”

I settled back in my chair, letting her know she had my full and undivided attention here.

“We already have a great friendship Xavier. Something I have come to appreciate and rely on. And I don’t want anything to happen that would jeopardize that.”

“Ah oh,” I thought. “Here’s the real but to all this!”

“So you need to know,” she continued. “Our friendship comes first. Period. The sex, and I hope there will be lots and lots of that. It’s just that. Something fun and special, yes. But it’s just sex Xavier. I don’t want, or need any long-term commitment because of it. I don’t want you to feel like it will ever be anything more than that. I don’t want…or expect you to stop seeing other women, and I certainly don’t want any secrets, or obstacles to suddenly come between us. I couldn’t live with that, or accept that. Like I said Xavier, our friendship is far more important to me than anything else.”

Admittedly I was a little relieved, though a little confused too. I knew that neither one of us was in a position, or wanting anything of a more permanent nature, especially this soon…for either of us. So hearing that was indeed a bit of relief. But I also knew that I really had no desire to see or date anyone else either, though I didn’t address that with her, content to simply sit and listen, and pretty much agree to everything she was telling me.

“I am who I am, Xavier. And though you’ve only seen a little bit of that side of me, I like to do naughty, nasty things Xavier. I like to have fun. I want to feel sultry at times, nasty at others. I like to express myself, as you’ve seen. I don’t like holding back, and I don’t like it when someone else does either Xavier. Can you understand what it is I’m telling you here? Is that something you can accept from me, out of me if we’re to continue on with anything else?”

“I haven’t heard anything that would cause me any problems,” I assured her. “If anything, I would find that sort of openness refreshing.”

“Be careful of what you ask for,” she said slyly, grinning. “I’ve already gone far too long living a lie, and suffering because of it. Something I now refuse to do any longer. You need to expect the unexpected from me Xavier. Just as I hope to see happen with you. I think we can have a wild, exciting time with one another Xavier. And as long as neither one of us throws any jealous restraints or commitments on one another that would jeopardize or destroy our friendship, then I think you and I are going to get along just fine.”

At the moment, I was one happy camper. And after everything she had said, I was just as pleased to find myself sitting there with one hell of an erection. And I thought it was a good time, and perhaps a good way to show her that I was just as open with this as she was. So I told her so. Told her I had a nice hard cock waiting for her if she wanted it.

“What I want at the moment, is for you to come over here, and then cum all over my face.”

That was another first for me. And I happily accepted her invitation.


We had actually parted company shortly after that. Each of us had a “things to do list” that needed attending to before dinner. Joy had gone shopping for a list of things she needed, and I had some general household cleaning to do, which I’d been putting off. Now for some reason, I felt it was important to tidy things up just a bit. I couldn’t imagine that whatever ‘sex-capades’ we became involved in would all be happening at her place.

I had just come back from picking up a few bottles of wine to go along with dinner, and the evening, when the phone rang. Once again it was no surprise as to who was calling me. I even found myself somewhat excited, and expectant as I answered.

“Just wanted to tell you. Don’t dress for dinner. Literally,” I heard her say with a laugh, and then hung up the phone before I could respond to that. I stood, peering out the kitchen window that offered me an angled view across the way into her yard. Seconds later I saw her emerge from the house, carrying out a tablecloth and some cutlery as she set the table. Nude. I wondered briefly if tying a bow tie to my erect prick would be over the top.

“Nah,” I surmised. If anything…it would prove to her in a very subtle way that I was up for whatever fun and games she had in mind without really having to say much. After neatly tying my bow tie, I grabbed up a couple of bottles of wine, and then headed on over to her place. Right on time. She laughed openly upon seeing me, taking one of the bottles of wine from me, handing me a corkscrew as she did.

“Pour us a glass,” she said, all the while looking at my decorated prick appreciatively. “We’ll have a drink first before starting dinner. I’ve planned a seven course meal for the evening,” she announced, much to my surprise. Obviously, it was going to be a long evening. Though I had no real idea at the time how long, or just how wonderful it would prove out to be. I got the first hint of what was to come when she came out with two very small dinner salads.

“A toast!” I offered to hold up my glass. She picked hers up holding it towards mine. “To good times.”

“To have fun times.”

“To naughty times.”

“To dirty times.”

“To nasty times.”

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