Bella puts a terrific show for cheating husband – part 3

“Bella, uh…everything all set?”

“He’s ready.” I said softly while getting a bottle of water from the fridge. “Question is, are you?”

“Oh yeah,” he breathed in a tone that caused a wave of heat to flow through my pussy. “I am so ready.”

“Good. Be here in ten minutes. Let yourself in and knock on the bedroom door.”

I hung up and after taking a few swallows from the bottle, poured the rest of the cold water into a cup and walked down the hallway to our bedroom. I paused in front of the door and looked within myself for that stereotypical hesitation, people always felt when they were about to be mean to someone who deserved it.

To my delight, I could find none whatsoever. William deserved everything he was about to get. Walking into the room I closed the door behind me and walked over in front of where I’d left the chair.

I’d put the chair so close to the bed I could barely stand between the edge of it and his knees. I looked down at him and shook my head disgustedly. His stomach was so big I couldn’t even see his dick. His tits had gotten almost as big as mine and with his head down on his chest I could see his double chin.

Not that I ever felt that looks should matter in love, but I’d worked hard to stay looking good for him and this fat prick was fucking some girl telling her how pathetic I was. I closed my eyes as I felt that rage begin to build within me. Opening my eyes, I threw the water in his face.

“Wake up, asshole.” I hissed. William jerked and his eyes opened about halfway. He looked at me and seemed to be trying to focus on my face. Reaching out, I grabbed his nipple and gave it a hard twist. “I said wake up!”

William cried out, or at least he would have had there not been a red ball in his mouth. Apparently just realizing that himself, his eyes widened and his arms jerked as he tried to move them. I watched, smiling as he looked down and saw his wrists secured to the arms of the chair. He looked back up and started yelling behind the gag.

“What’s the matter, honey?” I asked sweetly, “I thought you wanted me to have more fun! After all, according to you, all I am is a used up pathetic old hag!”

William stopped and, narrowing his eyes, yelled again. I had the impression he was trying to demand me to let him go and shook my head.

“Nope, you’re going to sit your pathetic ass right there and watch the special treat I have for you!”

He tried to speak around the gag and I sensed it was a question.

“Why? Well because I think one good turn deserves another and I was treated to your special performance yesterday so time to return the favor.”

Putting the glass down on the floor I picked up my I-Pad from the bed and turned it on, bringing up the video Luke had sent me. I hit play and held it up in front of his face.

“See? I gotta watch this yesterday!”

All the color drained from his face and he started yelling again.

“Don’t bother, William. No way out of this. That’s you in that video; God knows you couldn’t find another guy with that small of a dick who couldn’t last more than a minute.”

I heard Jenny moaning from the screen and sighed, “Good move going with a young one. She’s probably inexperienced enough to think you’re a decent lay.”

William turned his head and reached out, I grabbed his hair and yanked him back to face me.

“You’re going to miss my favorite part!” I told him.

William wrenched his head to the side again and letting him go I picked up the small remote from the nightstand and pressed the button. The black shock collar round his neck went off and with a startled yelp William’s head jerked and he looked at me stunned.

“I said fucking watch!” I yelled at him.

William flinched and started to close his eyes, I hit the remote and again he yelped. This time he kept his eyes open as I shoved the screen directly in his face. From that screen came William laughing, “How do we look, baby?”

“You son of a bitch!” I shouted, losing my cool. “How fucking dare you?”

I tossed the I-Pad onto the floor not caring if it broke or not and grabbed William’s face pulled towards mine until our eyes were inches apart.

“What did I ever do to you? I’ve been good to you William. I was a good wife. I did everything for you! Hell I actually made an effort to keep looking good for you! Look at you, fat, out of shape, no interest in sex, at least with me anyway. And you have the balls to tell that fucking whore I’m not interested anymore?”

Reaching down I grabbed the roll of fat around his stomach. “I should be the one not interested! Fuck, last time we tried I had to push this out of my way to blow you!”

William yelped as I twisted his skin and reaching lower, I found his shriveled cock and held it.

“Yeah, you remember our last time? When you came in my mouth and all over my face and made me feel like a whore?” I gave his cock a squeeze and his eyes bulged. “Well hope you liked that because that’s the last time this little thing gets anywhere near me!”

I let him go before I lost control and really squeezed. Shaking my head, I continued in a softer voice, “And in our bed William? Fucking her in my bed and mocking me.” I grunted disgustedly, “Wiping your cum on my pillow like a spiteful teenager?”

Sitting on the bed in front of him I sighed, “If you didn’t want to be here anymore you could have said so, but no, you had to go and hurt me, humiliate me, laughing and fucking in front of our picture. Asking me how you look with your whore.”

I looked down into my lap at the remote and once again focusing on my hurt, took a deep breath and raised my gaze and locked it onto his nervous brown eyes.

“Well William, I’m going to give you the same chance. Going to show you what it’s like to be hurt and humiliated. Going to show you how I look with someone who’s more fun than you, which could really just be a dildo at this point, but I want more than that.” I gave him a cold smile and held up the remote. “And you’ll watch, William. You’re going to watch everything that happens or you get this.”

I hit the remote and William cried out and jerked in the chair.

“Like that?” I asked, “The guy at the store said they’re supposed to be dog training collars, but he tweaks them and resells them to train other kinds of pets.” I shrugged and zapped him again. “I told him it didn’t matter, I’m using it on a dog anyway,”

William jumped in his chair at the sound of a knock.

“Hope you’re comfortable,” I said softly, giving him a kiss on his sweaty cheek, “Show’s about to start.”

Drawing my legs up onto the bed, I crawled down to the foot of the bed so I was facing the door and sitting up on my knees, called out, “Come on in, baby!”

The door opened and Luke came in wearing a black t-shirt and the usual skintight jeans. As he closed the door behind him, I heard William start yelling behind the gag, but didn’t look over. Right now my eyes were too busy taking in Luke’s amazing body and that delicious looking bulge in his jeans. I licked my lips at thought that I was minutes away from unzipping those jeans and tasting that cock.

“Damn, Bella,” Luke said, returning my appraising gaze, “You look good.”

“You think?” I asked, “I think you’re being nice. This robe does nothing for me.”

“Maybe you could use it to cover him.” Luke pointed at William and added with a smirk, “Christ he looks like the before in a diet commercial.” He then looked at William and made a show of staring and said, “Where’s his dick?”

“Under that flab somewhere.” I shrugged, then with a smile asked, “Where’s my dick?”

“It’s right here, sexy.” Luke said, stepping up to the bed and reaching for his zipper.

“Oh no, honey,” I shoved his hands away, “That’s my job, I get to unwrap my present!”

I turned at the sound of William screaming behind his gag. His face was beat red and he was jerking back and forth in his chair.

“Behave yourself.” I told him and hit the remote.

William cried out and Luke whispered, “Jeez Bella, I…”

He stopped when I looked at him “Man or boy, Luke?”

Luke shrugged, “Hell he deserves it. Don’t you, asshole? A fine woman like this wants to be with your ugly ass and you treat her like shit?”

Luke emitted a nasty laugh that caused my pussy to start to drip. He was standing right in front of me and reaching out, I began running my hands down his tattooed biceps.

“Well your loss my gain, William.” Luke winked, “Because I’m going to enjoy showing Bella what it’s like to fuck a real man.”

“Okay, that’s enough attention over there,” I said and sitting back, untied my robe and let it slide from my shoulders, “How about you pay attention to me?”

“I…oh, damn.”

Luke’s eyes widened and another wave of heat went through my pussy at the look of pure lust on his face as he looked me up and down. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up. Luke raised his arms over his head and raised up higher on my knees. I got it over his head and tossed it on the floor.

“Oh, look at you.” I whispered as I ran my hands down his muscular chest and rock hard stomach. “Look at this William, look at what a man who cares about himself looks like.”

Leaning forward, I flicked my tongue out across Luke’s nipple and smiled when I felt a shiver go through him. I began making a show of slowly swirling my tongue around his nipple as my hands continued to caress his body. I heard William yelling again and picking up the remote hit the button twice in rapid succession. Luke reached up and taking my face in his hands pulled me up to him. I started to say something, but his lips were immediately pressed to mine and I groaned at the sense of urgency in them.

Luke’s powerful arms slid around my slender waist and I gasped as he crushed me against him. His lips were eagerly devouring mine and as I parted them to properly return the kiss his tongue quickly darted into my mouth. I moaned as his tongue danced across mine and his lips slid back and forth across my mouth. I slipped my arms around him and began rubbing and squeezing the hard muscles of his back. His warm toned skin felt incredible against me as did my nipples pressing into his chest through the thin material of the bra.

Luke removed his lips from my neck and moaned in protest, I tried to recapture them. My sounds of disappointment quickly turned into a sigh of pleasure when he nuzzled his face into my neck and his lips found the soft skin just under my ear. I arched my head back, giving him better access to my flesh and moaned softly as his lips slid down and he began sucking gently on the skin between my neck and shoulder. My hands continued to explore his warm back and I was aware of my hips beginning to rock.

I was so wet, I could feel the thong sticking to my pussy. That wetness increased when I felt Luke’s fingers beginning to unhook my bra. I felt my heart begin to erase and a feeling of anticipation run through me at the thought of soon being naked in front of a guy half my age. I felt my bra release and Luke’s hands on my shoulders; slipping his fingers beneath the straps he slowly slid them down my shoulders as his lips remained fastened to my neck. Luke eased back and slid the straps further down my arms.

Releasing my arms from around him I pulled them towards me and allowed the straps to come off. Luke leaned back and moving quickly, I placed my hand on the front of the bra, holding it to my tits.

“You want to see them baby?”

“Hell yeah.” Luke whispered

“Yeah, you want to see his tits?” I smiled and glanced over at William who was sweating, his eyes bulging as he stared at us. “He wants to see my tits, William. You know the ones you didn’t think were good enough for you. Should I show him?”

William shook his head and with a laugh, I whipped my bra off and threw it at him. Putting my arms up over my head, I asked Luke, “You like them honey?”

“They’re beautiful”

Luke reached up and cupping my small tits in his large hands gave them a gentle squeeze before sliding his hands over them. I moaned as he fondled my tits, enjoying the way my nipples felt against his palms. Luke’s eyes were fixed on them and I loved the way he was looking. Damn! It felt good to be wanted!

“Are you sure you like them? That jerk over there said they were little girl tits.”

“They’re perfect, like the rest of you.” Luke said and caused me to moan when cupping them again he began to slide his thumbs across my aching nipples. “Besides, he’s just mad because he’s got a little boy dick.”

“Well if you like them so much, suck on them!”

I grabbed the back of Luke’s head and practically shoved his face into my tits. He didn’t seem to mind as I felt his soft warm mouth engulf my left nipple.

“Oh yes!” I moaned arching my back to shove my tit further into Luke’s eager mouth. “That’s it baby, suck those tits, and show me how much you want them!”

Luke switched to my other tit and this time opened his mouth wide enough to take almost the entire thing in his mouth. His hand was busy on my other nipple, rolling it between his fingers and I felt a shiver go through me at the feeling of his other hand caressing my stomach, just over my thong. I heard William protesting through the gag and turning my head to look at him, pressed Luke’s face into my tit and asked, “How do we look, baby?”

William cried out behind the gag and squeezed his eyes shut. Grabbing the remote from the bed, I angrily hit the button. “Look at us!” I snapped. William yelped, but kept his eyes shut and I hit it again, “I said look at me you prick! Watch me the way I had to watch you!”

William opened his eyes and began whimpering behind the gag as Luke once again switched off to sucking my other nipple. I gasped as his hand slid down into my thong then cried out as his fingers slid through the wet lips of my pussy. Luke started rubbing his fingers slowly up and down and I thrust my hips hard into them. He found my clit and resting my head on his shoulder I moaned as he began rubbing it in hard fast circles.

Bella puts a terrific show for her cheating husband – part 3 will continue in the next page.

Series Navigation<< Bella puts a terrific show for cheating husband – part 2Bella puts a terrific show for cheating husband – part 4 >>

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