Be happy for me 

When it finally came time to say goodnight, I was once again actually glad. Though I had indeed enjoyed the company, I was surly, aggravated, and once again very frustrated, laying there on my back, bending my leg just a little in order to better hide and disguise the erection I was once again sporting. Giving me a quick brief kiss on the lips, mom of course kissing me on the forehead, they then said goodnight and left, closing my door leaving me to lay there in the darkness cursing my stupidity.

I know that nearly a full hour has passed. I’d glanced over at the digital clock on my nightstand often enough to watch the time slowly tick by with sleep eluding me as I lay there. When I heard the sound of my door quietly opening, I actually feigned being asleep, still a bit cross, I wasn’t in any sort of mood to be asked if I needed anything. What I needed was to be left alone.

No…what I needed was a nice hard orgasm. And at the moment as I heard the silent approach of footsteps crossing over towards my bed, I didn’t think I was going to be allowed either one.

I thought at first it was mom coming in to check on me, but when I heard the soft almost whispered sound of my Aunt’s voice, I finally opened my eyes.

“Jim? Are you asleep?”

“Wish I was,” I answered in response. Once again I’m sure my aunt heard the edge to my tone of voice as she sat down beside me there on the bed.

“Can I get you…do anything for you to help you sleep?” she now asked.

Mom had gotten some sleeping pills for me, but I didn’t like taking them, always feeling too groggy in the morning the two times that I had. “No…thanks, I’ll eventually fall asleep,” I assured her. She continued to sit, her hand once again coming up to rest comfortably on my thigh. I could tell by her silence she was thinking, waiting for her to tell me whatever it was she was thinking about.

“You know Jim…I may very well be your aunt and all, but…you and I have always had a very close relationship, which I’ve really appreciated having and sharing with you over the years. And as such, I’m always concerned and worried about your welfare…and well, just because I happen to be your aunt, that doesn’t mean I don’t understand certain needs…even in my own nephew.”

She moved her hand some, sliding it up my thigh, though still on top of the sheet, though she now held it mere inches away from my once again growing erection. I was beginning to think it would never go down when it finally did…and now, here it was rising up quite rapidly just because she’d semi grazed my thigh a little, causing it to do so. The fact was…I was still trying to digest her words, had she just said…just intimated what I thought she had?

“I’m ah…not sure I’m following you,” I said simply.

She chuckled softly. “Yes I guess I should probably be a bit more specific as to my meaning,” she said. And by way of doing that…simply slid her hand beneath the sheet. I then felt her fumbling about for a moment, suddenly reaching up to locate my awakened prick, now holding it in her hand.


“Shh…just relax, lay back and let me do this for you,” she whispered quietly. I didn’t know what to say, what to do…if anything but do as she’d asked me to do. Even in the semi darkness of my bedroom, which wasn’t totally dark as the moon outside gave off just enough light to sort of see by, I looked down, seeing the movement there beneath the sheet as she slowly, pleasurably, began fondling and working my cock.

“That feel good?” she now asked, a small catch to her voice, a nervous, excited trembling perhaps. The fact she was as nervous as I was, was interesting. But the most obvious, nervous, exciting thing was…my wonderfully attractive, sexy aunt…was beating me off!

“Yes…yes, oh fuck…yes. Oh god! Sorry…I didn’t mean,”

“Shh,” she said again, still manipulating my cock, though she did so softly, slowly…not as though she was clinically pumping it up and down just in order to give me release. My aunt was actually enjoying herself while she did this. “It’s ok…I understand, and not like I haven’t heard the word before,” she giggled softly. “Just relax, enjoy it…and if you want to say fuck again…say it. I know where you’re coming from.”


She giggled.

“Oh fuck!”

This time she sighed…pleasurably.

“Oh fuck Kath…I’m…I’m…oh fuck. I’m going to come!”

“Yes baby…yes, come for your aunt Sophia, do it baby, do it…let me feel your hard strong prick squirting out all that hot naughty juice,” she then said letting her own desires surface, though I’m not sure at the time she even then realized how much she really had.

Series NavigationBe happy for me – 2 >>

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