After hours with strange erotic dining – part 1

This Story is part of After hours with strange erotic dining Series

Maria gulped at the idea. “I’ll do what I can, but no promises.”

“You are, without doubt, the most professional chef with whom I’ve worked. Surely you realize the dish won’t be complete without every ingredient. In order to get the full flavor profile you really should commit fully to the entire process.”

“It’s a good thing I’m working here,” Liz replied, petulantly. “And not at your new restaurant.”

“If you do me this favor, I’ll give you equity in the restaurant. I know you’re interested in opening another restaurant, right? An all new venture? I’ll make you co-owner. Just help me with this. It’ll be a big money-maker for both of us. Frankly, the whole thing is fucking hot and my prospective clients agree.”

It was an offer Maria could not refuse. Her culinary ambitions, combined with resources from Mr. Harris, made this the offer of a lifetime.

“I’ll take you at your word,” she said, pleased with the outcome. “I love helping these students, but no promises on how far I’ll go. As long as everything is clean and orderly, I’ll take a closer look. Who knows, maybe I’ll even sample the finished product.”

“You know, I fully expected a world-renowned chef such as yourself to be a little more open-minded in this type of situation. I realize you work long hours and I’ve watched you sacrifice a personal life for this restaurant. Maybe it’s time to live a little. You’re a beautiful woman and deserve some personal happiness. You just might find that you like it.”

“We’ve become good friends over the years, but don’t push it,” she said playfully, changing the mood.

He laughed, while rising from his seat. “Have a good night, Lizzie.”

Alone again at the table, she chided herself for agreeing so easily. Had she just agreed to co-ownership in a restaurant that seemed more like a peep show? For once, her ambition might have clouded her better judgment. But at the same time,  Bradleywas probably right. Live a little. The culinary students were lovely people. And if she were honest with herself, playing a more hands-on role would be an exciting challenge.


It was Saturday night and the culinary students arrived after the regular kitchen staff departed. Watching as the kitchen was brought back to life, Maria admired the passion with which they worked. There were plenty of things to do in the city and most people their age were out having fun. But they were here, working on their craft and perfecting their art.

The kitchen was winding down as they finished preparing the food. Maria never stopped moving, happy to assist in any way possible. The students remained respectful and took each suggestion seriously. The dialogue was open, honest and reminded her of how much cooking mentors helped when she trained long ago. In fact, the student’s enthusiasm was contagious and she found herself looking forward to their finished product.

Taking a moment to check the main serving table in the dining room, she found Janet who was just emerging from the ladies room. The Asian girl had excused herself ten minutes before to go and wash up prior to the main event. Maria couldn’t help but notice Janet was wearing her chef’s jacket and nothing else, not even pants or shoes.

“I hear you’ll be observing more closely today,”Janet said brightly.

“It’s true,” Maria replied, trying to match the enthusiasm. “I’ve been asked to take a greater role, so that’s what I’ll do.”

“Nice. You were such a wallflower last time,”Janet teased.

“Was I? Honestly, I was fascinated by everyone’s handiwork.”

“Thank you,” Janet replied. “That means a lot coming from you. We’ve eaten here several times in the past few weeks and we all agree your reputation is greatly deserved.”

Maria smiled, “How lovely of you to say.”

“Anytime. We’re blessed to have your guidance.”

Their private interlude was interrupted when Ben and Robert came over to the table. Both men had their hands full, each holding plates and bowls containing their specially made sauces and cuts of meat. After placing them on the table, they turned and looked expectantly at Janet.

“I guess it’s time to start plating,” Janet blushed, then unbuttoned her chef’s jacket.

Unlike the first session, Maria was now close to the action. She stood next to the young Asian student who boldly removed her top. Though her chest was flat, she had large, dark nipples.

Maria envied the nonchalance with which Janet moved. Clearly not bothered by her lack of attire, the student exuded confidence indicating she was completely comfortable being nude. Maria was far too self-conscious to even contemplate such a daring exhibition.

As the surreal scene unfolded, Maria tried not to gawk. To the other students, this was normal and they appeared completely unfazed by Janet’s bareness.

“We brought you something,” Robert said.

Maria snapped out of her trance. “Yes?”

She was handed a small stack of papers. At first glance, they looked like menus.

“These are our recipes,” Robert explained. “Along with diagrams of our serving plan.”

“Pardon me?”

Robert pointed to the header at the top of each page. “We’ve designed different menus that will enhance the natural flavors of specific body types. It’s a revolutionary style of serving Nyotaimori. Cool, isn’t it?”

Immediately, Maria understood their strategy. Since Janet was a young Asian woman, she’d be served with food and sauces utilizing an eastern flavor profile. Ginger, sesame and soy would highlight sauces and be paired with Japanese vegetables and meats. Admittedly, it did seem very innovative.

Flipping through the list of recipes, she stopped at the very end when her eyes settled on the most shocking page of all. Across the top, MATURE was written and below was a menu designed to be served on a naked mature woman. It included a variety of cheeses, balsamic vinegar, and cured meats, all foods which required an aging process. Was this some sort of insult? Or a backhanded compliment?

She wondered what kind of older woman would agree to such an outrageous proposal. It was one thing for a sexy young woman to display her body with flamboyance, but another for someone over the age of forty to do it? Shaking her head, she turned her attention to the task at hand as the students finished arranging food around Janet’s breasts, stomach, and freshly shaven crotch.

A male student bit into a piece of fish he had removed from Janet’s abdomen, then sucked sauce from around her dark nipple.

“Tasty,” Ben said, chewing the food slowly. “I think this one is just right.”

Robert chimed in. “Liz, we’d love your opinion on the next bite.”

Seeing the student’s hopeful expression put Maria on the spot. Was she actually expected to taste food from the flesh of a naked culinary student? And from a nipple of all places?

Anticipation filled the room as a red-headed girl named Andrea handed her a piece of fish to eat. “For you.”

“Thank you,” Maria said nervously, accepting the offered food item.

With all eyes on her, she felt obligated to take a bite. What would be the harm? It was just a nipple.

She put the bite of fish into her mouth, and before chewing, bent down and took Janet’s nipple into her mouth. Gently, she sucked a bit of the remaining sauce.

This was her first experience with a woman’s nipple and it was strangely arousing, despite the fact that she was being watched by the other students. Janet’s nipple was initially supple, but when engulfed by Maria’s mouth, it became instantly hard. Knowing she caused such a reaction was very satisfying to the older chef. And she had to admit the sauce was absolutely scrumptious. Swirling her tongue around the appetizing presentation, she gathered as much as possible.

When Maria pulled away, she studied the erect nipple. Pointed proudly at the ceiling, it was completely clean! Realizing she may have been overly enthusiastic, Maria was initially embarrassed. She was somewhat relieved to see Janet’s relaxed expression after such a vigorous nipple sucking.

The group watched her eat the fish with interest. She chewed delicately, allowing the flavors to mix as she savored their combined taste.

“It’s wonderful,” Maria said after swallowing the food. “The fish is perfectly cooked and the sauce is lovely. My only criticism would be that the sauce has a bit too much rice wine vinegar. Other than that, it’s marvelous.”

The group seemed to take her advice to heart. After two other students quickly licked Janet’s other breast, there seemed to be a consensus on that matter and they moved onto the next offering.

A young Hispanic student named Christina held out a glass containing a thick, pink beverage.

“Would you like some bubble tea?” Christina asked. “It’s a great palate cleanser.”

Finally, Maria thought. Something refreshing might wash the distractingly pleasant taste of Janet’s nipple from her mouth. And since this was being served in a glass, it was just her cup of tea, so to speak.

“Sure,” she replied. “Thank you, that looks amazing.”

Instead of handing the glass to Maria, Christina held the cup over Mieko’s exposed pussy. It was a shocking gesture, but seemed entirely normal to this culinary group.

Maria resisted the strong urge to look inside Janet’s opening, until now. It was too obscene… too personal. She certainly didn’t want to seem like a creepy pervert who ogled a student’s sex organs!

Now, she had no choice but to confront the pussy, which was being offered as a flavor enhancer for the tea. The group waited, wondering what was taking so long. Not wanting to be rude, Maria slowly bent down, praying that someone would stop this culinary madness.

While they all watched, she advanced her lips towards the pussy and reluctantly pressed her mouth against the clean shaven labia. Keeping her tongue to herself, she was careful not to lick the undeniably enticing fleshy petals. While a far cry from oral sex, in Maria’s opinion it was pretty close. She tried to keep in mind that it was just an erotic way of dining, as if that might help.

Maria braced herself when Christina poured the drink over Janet’s clitoris, allowing the drink to flow right into her mouth. The concoction was beyond delicious. Had the fluids from Janet’s pussy contributed to that potent flavor? Maria couldn’t be sure without drinking straight from the cup or licking Janet’s pussy without the addition of the drink. But that would be unthinkable!

She gulped and gulped as the fluid kept trickling down into her open mouth. Once the serving was complete, Maria pulled away. She saw that excess tapioca was about to drip onto the table, and instinctively her tongue darted out to catch the last drop. As an unintended result, she lickedJanet’s pussy when there really wasn’t a need to do so. Maria was stunned at her own actions!

“What do you think?” Christina asked with a warm smile. “Was that your first taste of a woman’s nectar? Did you enjoy the flavor?”

Maria patted her lips with a napkin. “It was… delicious.”

She tried to look serious, but was mortified that she had just licked a pussy in front of this group of young students. They appeared untroubled by what she considered to be a major personal faux pas. In fact, the students seemed thankful that she had enjoyed their creation.


The next day. Maria sat down for a quick cup of coffee and light pastry late in the afternoon. It was quiet before the storm. Dinner service was about to begin and she had already given her staff marching orders.

After finishing her snack, a familiar face entered the dining room. Maria was surprised to see one of her students approaching her table.

“May I sit?” Christina asked, with a polite smile.

Maria grinned. “Yes, of course! I’m very happy to see you.”

The student was clearly excited to have this private moment with her mentor and sat down at the table. They exchanged the usual pleasantries, almost like old friends.

“Thank you so much,” the student began. “We really appreciate your time and effort. Although we don’t say it often enough, words can’t express how valuable your input has been.”

Maria blushed from the praise. This is what made teaching worthwhile.

“It’s truly my pleasure. You’re all so talented and working with your group has been very rewarding. In fact, I’m learning a lot as well. Yesterday was an interesting experience, to say the least.”

They both giggled at the secret only they would understand.

“That’s actually what I wanted to speak with you about,” Christina continued. “On behalf of our group, we want to show our appreciation in a different way. We would like… ummm….”

With a group this kinky, Maria tried to prepare herself. Who knows what they would consider as a show of gratitude.

“Yes?” Maria prompted in a motherly tone. “You can ask me anything.”

After hours with strange erotic dining – part 1 will continue in the next page.

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