A Strange But Happy Friendship – A Memoir by Mike – Part 2

This Story is part of A Strange But Happy Friendship Series

“So you fucked her.” Joe was behind me, scarf wrapped around his neck, obviously, he followed me inside, and I stood there speechless, trying to get my dick back in my pants. femoral.
“Listen, man, like I said it was a mistake, I made a terrible mistake, when you said she told you all about us, I assume she told you as well. I’ll talk about that. I’m sorry I didn’t.” …..I mean…….. Oh SHIT”

“I need to pee,” he said as he approached the bathroom door. I nervously walked past him, allowing him to use the restroom.
I just got back into the hot tub and I saw my friend Heather’s face light up as I approached

“So what do you think, do you love him? He’s amazing, isn’t he? Tell me you love him? He’s so nice, he’s told you about us, we’re thinking of moving here,” she yelled.
Ok, calm down, think before you say “I told myself.

“Yes, he seems like a very nice man, and I can see why you like him, and yes I like him, he sounds genuine, from what I heard last night. Now, it’s true that he looks pretty amazing, and yes he told me about your plans and I think that’s great news I’m glad you’re this close and we can move on. everything that we have left”

We hugged and hugged each other in the hot tub, and for the first time ever, I noticed my friend Heather’s toned breasts compared to my ass. “wow what the hell now” my head started buzzing, “where the hell is that coming from, why are you thinking about her boobs, you should think about Joe’s dick” “wait for a minute little, what the hell are you doing, now you’re thinking about his dick and his boobs, god, what’s going on.

Suddenly, tremors began to tingle inside my shorts. I tried to smile and push Heather away to give herself some space when suddenly Joe came back from the bathroom with another bottle of wine. I saw two other full bottles on the table but this one he used to refill our glasses.

“Looking at you two, it’s all so cozy and close.” Joe laughed. My friend Heather was above cloud nine.
“My two favorite men in the whole world, here with me” she snarled
Joe climbed into the hot tub, but instead of sitting next to Heather, he slid in beside me, making me the middle man. He hands me a drink and we “normally” sit and drink.

“It’s a beautiful place you have here, Mike, I mean so secluded but so open, I mean stunning,” Heather said as the night progressed. I commented, “Yes, the view is one of the reasons I chose this place, I can imagine the balcony, spread out and I just know I have to have this house. The neighbors are all downstairs than me, so I’m like I’m above them on my own little cloud”

A Strange But Happy Friendship continues on the next page

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