Sharing a secret pleasure

This is a new story called “Sharing a secret pleasure” let’s begin….. I have always been a light sleeper. The smallest noise usually wakes me up immediately. So it was on a particular evening just a short hour or so after having crawled into bed. My wife June on the other hand was a sound sleeper. She had once slept right through a mild earthquake that had awoken me the moment it even began.

I had heard the sound of the front door opening downstairs. I knew Nora, our daughter had arrived home from her “date” at the graduation dance they had had at school. I looked over at the clock on the nightstand, it was just then a quarter of two in the morning. No big deal really, that was expected. And with Nora basically an adult now anyway, my wife and I generally had no more “rules’ ‘ for Nora other than to help out around the house until she’d made some decision about what she wanted to do with herself after graduation.

What I wasn’t expecting was the sound of someone else’s voice speaking, even though they were whispering, as was my daughter. And though I couldn’t exactly make out what was being said, I knew two things. One, the other voice was definitely female too, which was a bit of a surprise.

And two, they were both giggling about something. Why she would bring another female friend home with her at this time of the night was unusual, unless of course her friend was too intoxicated to make it home by herself. Perhaps she’d end up in some kind of trouble because of it. It wouldn’t be beyond the norm for Nora to offer up a place for someone to spend the night. And certainly not anything that either my wife or I would have been opposed to either. In a way I was almost relieved, at least it wasn’t some guy she was actually trying to sneak into the house.

When I heard more giggling, and a concerned “Shhh” being given by my daughter, my curiosity got the best of me. What I didn’t need, and what I knew my wife would come unglued over, was to wake up and find Nora’s friend had gotten sick all over the carpet or something.

If she was drunk, or if they both were in fact, then I at least felt like I needed to play responsible parent and ensure everything was ok downstairs. Slipping into my robe, though I wore nothing beneath it, I quietly slipped out into the hallway closing the door behind me. And though again it would take an atom bomb going off to wake June, I didn’t feel like running the risk and having a late night confrontation over it with our daughter either.

I quietly made my way down the stairs, though I already knew through their own attempt at being quiet, they had likewise made their way down the hallway towards Nora’s bedroom. As I reached the bottom landing, I heard the faint click of my daughter’s bedroom door as she closed it, and then locked it.

Now that was unusual. We had always, always respected Nora’s privacy while growing up. Never just barging into her room without knocking first, and without being invited to enter. And because of that, she had never once locked her bedroom door, at least not to the point that I was aware of anyway. So locking it now, at this time of night seemed a little out of character, even for her.

Once again padding down the hallway quietly in my bare feet, I approached her door, intending to listen only for a moment and assure myself that all was well inside my daughter’s bedroom. What I then heard however surprised me. Still speaking softly and in low tones, it was still enough to hear what was being said, especially as quiet as it was inside the rest of the house.

“God you’ve got nice tits, I wish mine were as big and full as yours are,” the other young woman spoke. Suddenly I had this “daddy shouldn’t even be thinking this,” vision bouncing around inside my head of my daughter’s full bare breasts sitting there.

Yeah, my daughter and my wife both had fairly large breasts, ran in the family I suppose, which included her cousins. And though it was at times hard not to notice them, I did my level best to chase those sorts of thoughts away the moment I realized I was even entertaining any.

Which I actually stood there trying to do, my thoughts then that they were simply getting undressed in preparation for going to sleep. What young girl hasn’t commented on seeing a girlfriend’s body, and perhaps commenting on something like that just as she’d done? It wasn’t something guys would certainly do…not usually anyway, but girls? Sure…why not? Perfectly normal. I half turned preparing to retrace my steps and slip back quietly up to the bedroom.

“Fuck you make me horny Nora! I love playing with your boobs!”

“And I like playing with yours too,” My daughter spoke in a lust-filled voice, unlike anything I had ever heard from her before. “Come here…so I can suck on them!”

I froze in my tracks turning back towards the door.

“I love playing with your clit too, your pussy’s so wet and juicy!”

“So’s yours,” my daughter responded, once again with that lilt to her tone of voice, telling me how aroused she was.

I hate to admit it, but it was like being at the scene of a horrible accident. You didn’t want to look, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away either. It was like that, only in this instance, I couldn’t stop listening. And worse, I now realized I had an erection! I was getting horny myself just standing there listening in on my own sweet young daughter and her girlfriend, obviously touching one another.

Once again there was another pleasured sigh by the two of them, in addition to another fit of giggles.

“So…you still haven’t lost it to a boy yet?”

“Not yet…I’m saving it for someone special, though I’m starting to wonder if that’ll ever really happen. Probably not. Maybe I should let Andy have my cherry, he’s been after it long enough, and he is fairly sweet in his own way, even though he does have a pretty small cock!”

I was learning more and more about my own daughter than I’d ever meant too. Once again almost relieved to know she was actually still a virgin, yet on the other hand, hearing that she was now seriously considering giving it up to some pimply-faced kid with a small dick. Another vision I had to chase away with fire inside my head.

“What about you?” Tracy asked, moaning pleasurably. “Ever had a cock up inside here yet?”

“Not yet…though I guess I’m technically not a virgin any more either. My sister had told me a while back that it would be best to get it over with my own hand, rather than let some dumb-assed guy attempt to do it. So she helped me.”

“No shit? Really? Sharon did?”

“Oh yeah…she had a nice slim vibrator she used to masturbate with every day, and probably still does come to think of it. But yeah…we used that to finally take my cherry with. So now I use all sorts of things whenever I play with myself, not just her vibrator, though I now have one of my own too. But no…in answer to your question, I still haven’t had a guy’s dick inside there, and now knowing what I do…not sure I even want to!”

Having heard the name Sharon, I now had a vague idea of who the other girl was, not too surprisingly either. She’d been over to the house a number of times, though so had a few other girls. But as far as I knew, Henry was the only girl who had an older sister by that name.

Though certainly not related in any way shape or form, Henry and Nora could have passed for sisters, and very often did. They were roughly the same size and shape, though Nora indeed had slightly larger boobs from what I’d seen. Beyond that, they both wore their dark brown hair long, and in nearly the same style, even the color of their light brown eyes was almost identical. And they even looked a little bit alike, enough at least anyway to pass as sisters whenever they went out together.

“Especially the way you eat pussy,” Henry now said, as I heard rustling about on the bed, once again my mind’s eye imagining, seeing the two of them as my daughter situated herself between her girlfriend’s legs.

“You mean…like this?” she asked, giggling softly. I now heard what could only be described as down to earth pussy-licking. Something I quite enjoyed doing myself, so I was very familiar with the erotic sounds being made, and what was obviously happening. The next thing I realized was that I had my hand on my dick, and had been unconsciously stroking it as I stood there.

In all the years as my daughter’s father, I had never not once pleasured myself while thinking about her, though even then…I tried to convince myself it wasn’t my daughter I was actually thinking about, but the succulent wet split she was currently licking, belonging to that of her girlfriend. Which for the moment at least, was the image I now had inside my head, though it changed quickly to Nora just seconds after that, and took me a while before I once again tried chasing that thought away.

It was no use. Try as I might, I kept coming back to Henry laying between my daughter’s legs…and then finally, me.

“Oh God yes…yes Nora yes! Finger my pussy! Suck my clit! Make me cum…please baby please…make me cum!”

Even though it was Henry saying the words, in my mind, I could hear Nora speaking them, writhing about there on the bed pleasurably as I lay between my own daughter’s legs, sucking her clit. When I felt the first tremor of my own impending orgasm begin,

I hurriedly cupped the palm of my hand over the end of my dick, spurting into it. Even then, there was so much that it began seeping out of my hand, down my shaft as I continued to milk out what for me became a knee bending climax.

And then of course, seconds afterwards…the guilt set in.

With the two of them still carrying on, I slipped quietly down the hallway back towards the stairs. As I did, I wondered if this was something I should bring up and discuss with my wife. I put a big “whoa” to that thought however, realizing if I did, she’d no doubt wonder what the hell I thought I was doing, standing there listening in on our daughter’s private thoughts, and intimacy.

Neither Jane nor I had ever had a problem with people being gay or straight or anything in between. Though neither one of us had ever considered the possibility that Nora was anything other than a heterosexual female. Even if she was bi…that wasn’t something that her mother or I would ever make any big deal out of. But what her mother would make a big deal out of, was my having stood there listening to the two of them.

No…this was one I was going to have to deal with myself, and in a very private way. I’d always been close to Nora, we’d shared confidences and secrets with one another in the past. And I’d never once betrayed that with her. So long as it didn’t jeopardize her safety, welfare or that of anyone else.

That was the promise I had made to her with only one stipulation. Thus, I felt that when the right time, the right moment presented itself, if it in fact ever did…then I would try and talk to her about it. Until then, I was determined to keep my mouth shut.

But I now found myself struggling with totally impure and improper thoughts more than I ever had!


On the weekends June and I took turns sleeping in. She got Saturdays, I got Sundays. And as such I found myself rolling out of bed just before eight o’clock, which even then was almost late for me. The alarm wouldn’t go off for another hour yet, though June no doubt would hit the snooze on it at least three times before finally getting up. Once again throwing on my bathrobe, I tiptoed quietly into the bathroom to pee. Though I now stood there looking down at a morning woody, that was far more woody, than morning.

Sharing a secret pleasure will continue on the next page

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