Who would have considered – 3

This Story is part of Who'd Have Thought Series

“I’m not aware of anything, but tell you what. I’ll talk to her, you know…like we used to do, see if she’ll open up to me about anything. Though to be honest mom, I don’t really think there is anything going on that you should be worried about.”

“Oh I’m not worried, just curious. She seems to be running around the house with the same look of contentment on her face that I have on mine these days!” Mom said, reaching down, giving my groin a familiar little squeeze. “And speaking of which…one way or the other, tonight…even if we have to go outside to do it, you’re fucking me come hell or high water!”

Need I say it?


I think that night was the closest I ever came to having a nervous breakdown. After it had gotten reasonably dark outside, and with Stella still up in her room studying, mom came back down stairs after having taken a shower. She was wearing only her house robe. I knew the minute she looked at me, she had nothing underneath it.

“Come on…while we can, we’re going outside!” She informed me whispering. Nervous, but resigned, I followed.

“Are you sure this is a safe thing to do?” I asked worriedly.

“Maybe not…but I’m not waiting any longer. I need that cock of yours inside my pussy! And I need it now!”

I followed her outside towards the swing. That infamous familiar swing. “Here, sit…take your shorts down, but leave everything else on…just in case. If your sister does come looking for us, we’ll have plenty of time to just sit down, side by side and pretend to be enjoying the evening air together!”

It maybe wasn’t the best of plans…but it was doable. Even I knew the moment Stella came down and poked her head out the sliding glass doors, that would trigger the outdoor lights. As strange as it sounded, I also knew, she’d be temporarily blinded, waiting for her eyes to adjust. We’d have plenty of time to reposition ourselves there in the swing, especially as Stella would still need to walk out a little ways onto the deck before she could see us sitting there…acting naturally.

Sliding down over me in a reverse cowgirl, mom proceeded to fuck the lights out. I began to wonder if the swing would in fact support us both, though thank god it did. Even after we had both orgasmed, it was almost a relief in the sense that we’d done it…gotten away with it, more than it had felt good. Though admittedly, it had.

“Well, that helps to take the edge off anyway…but tomorrow night, after Stella goes to work, you and I are making up for some lost time here!” She told me.

I then kissed her good night, exchanging sincere, “I love you’s” with her, which we both truly meant, and then headed upstairs to my own room. I was honestly hoping that by now Stella would be too tired perhaps after having had to study for so long, and would forget about tonight. I even crept past her door, entering my room, and as quietly as I could, I soon slipped under the covers, and minutes later, was happily sound asleep.



“Shh, it’s me!” Stella said, whispering. It was pitch black, she was in my room, straddling my chest, and she was naked.

“You can’t be in here!” I whispered back, alarmed now…and wide-fucking awake!”

“Be quiet Thomas, I told you. No…I warned you, one way or the other, tonight…”

“Yeah, but not here…not now, it’s late. She could hear us, or…or come looking for us or something,” I stammered, not making any sense.

“Don’t worry, she won’t. She’s fast asleep. And besides, I left the light on in my room, and my radio playing really soft. If she does get up, she’ll think I’m still up and go back to bed. Oh, and I locked the door too,” even if she calls out to me and I don’t answer, then she’ll think I simply fell asleep the way I was.”

“So how the hell do you get back into your room if the doors are locked?”

“Easy, I hid the key in the bathroom silly.”

However, there was an even bigger problem facing me at the moment. Stella was sitting squarely on my dick. I could feel the wetness of her pussy sliding up and down the length of it, as I grew…like it or not, and as she got wetter and wetter.

“Stella, you know we can’t…” I said meaning it…but also knowing I wasn’t the one who was really in control here either.

“Shh, be quiet…you want mom walking in here?”

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