When Ben felt love for the trippie Bailey – 03

“No. Monday sweetheart.” Rosalie replied.

Rosalie told Bailey she could return the corset in the morning. The girls went up to bed. I tidied up, locked the house and damped the fire down. As I went upstairs, I was certain I could hear a buzzing noise coming from the Olde Trip bedroom. I smiled to myself. “Good girl. She’s getting something.” I didn’t mention it to Rosalie when I got in. We had sex, it was quiet, quick and very satisfying for both of us. We slept well.

Sunday was our usual day. We all went to the pub for a couple of pints, came home. We had Sunday lunch about mid afternoon. Bailey left at the usual time at six

We were saying goodbye to Bailey, we normally both walked her to her car, this time Rosalie asked me to give her a few minutes with her, she wanted to ask her something.

As usual I did as I was told. We made gentle love that night. Rosalie told me not to be late home from work on Monday if I wanted my surprise.

I got home a few minutes early to find Bailey’s car parked out the front. Rosalie’s car was there as well. I walked in to see Bailey sitting on the sofa, she had her coat on. As soon as I got into the living room she got up and walked up to me. “Your surprise is upstairs. Rosalie asked me to help out.” With that she put her arms around me and dragged me to a full on kiss. She stepped back and said. “I love you. Goodbye.”

She walked to the front door, picked up a small bag and left without looking back. Strange I thought, but then I pushed that thought away wondering what help Rosalie would need.

I leapt up the stairs two at a time. I soon found out. Rosalie was tied in her wedding corset, spreadeagled and blindfolded on our 4 poster bed, with a shaven pussy.

Bailey must have done that. There was no way Rosalie could have tied herself that tightly. Bailey would have waited as a safety person. I saw our ball gag beside Rosalie’s head. I must have made a noise because Rosalie said. “I hope that my husband comes to claim his surprise?”

I walked up to her, dropping my clothes on the way. “Oh, it is.” With that I slipped the ball gag in her mouth and did the strap up tight. She can get loud.

In between her spread legs was our ostrich feather and a vibrator, I moved them to one side and laid there myself. I spent the next 20 minutes or so teasing her with my tongue, I even slipped a finger up her bum lubricated by her love juices. Then I used the vibrator, but still not letting her come. The shouting was leaking around the gag. I thought that was enough. I slid up her body and straight in hard and fast. Rosalie came almost straight away and kept coming as I hammered away at her. It didn’t take me long and I emptied myself.

I took the gag out and blindfolded it. “Bloody hell that was fantastic.” Rosalie said.

“I assume Bailey did this.” Indicating the ropes, I didn’t untie her, I hadn’t used the feather yet. The ball gag would have to go back in.

“Yes, but she did something strange.”

That took my mind back to Bailey leaving. “What?”

“Well, she held my head, kissed me on the lips and said ‘Sorry, I love you. Goodbye’.”

“She said almost the same to me.”

A startled look passed over her face and she tried to sit up.

“She’s left us, untie me, untie me now.”

Shit. I did. They had used slip knots so Rosalie was free in seconds, she rushed past me into Bailey’s bedroom. I had a thought and rushed downstairs. Bailey’s front door keys were on the hall table. Fuck. I rushed back upstairs. Rosalie was coming out of Bailey’s bedroom. “Her toothbrush and make up have gone, as well as her pictures, there are just a few clothes left. Shit. What have we done?”

“Can you track her phone?” I asked.

As she rushed downstairs she said.” Yes, that’s how we find each other when we’re shopping.”

She got to her phone and all I heard was. “Shit she’s on the M3, just going past Hook.”

She immediately dialed a number and all I heard her say was. “Bailey sweetheart, we are worried about you. We love you, please come home.” She looked at me and said, “It went to the answerphone.” She sent her a text saying almost the same thing and so did I. I asked her to come home so we could sort this out.

Rosalie looked at me. “Can we catch her up?”

“I don’t know, let’s assume she is going to Nottingham. What’s the traffic like on the M25?”

“It’s going to be shitty at this time of night.” Rosalie was looking at her phone flicking through stuff. “The traffic is at a stand still round by Heathrow.

“Nottingham is the only place I can think she would head for. Her family lives in Gotham, just outside Nottingham, not far from the M1.” I’m sure Rosalie knows more personal details about Bailey than I do. It’s what women chat about.

I ran the geography of England through my mind. “If we can’t catch her up, we should be able to track her and find her. How much fuel have you got in your car?”

“About 1/4 of a tank.” Rosalie replied.

“Mine’s got less but I’m happier driving mine.” We’d forgotten one thing, we were both still naked. “We won’t catch up here standing here like two ninnies. Quickly get dressed, anything will do.”

She took off the corset and we threw on some clothes and rushed out to the car. It was all taking time. We got to the petrol station. Rosalie went inside to pay as I was putting fuel in, She got a bunch of sandwiches and some juices in a bottle, we probably won’t get anything to eat this evening. I put just enough petrol in to get us to Nottingham, and a bit of driving around fuel.

The M25 was a non starter, so we decided to go north up the A34 round Oxford, that would be a pain. Bicester and then to Milton Keynes with all its freaking roundabouts, but with a bit of luck we might not be too far behind her when we hit the M1.

When we got started Rosalie put Gotham into the sat nav, we pretty much ignored it. It kept on taking us back to the motorway. The one that was at a standstill. Rosalie kept a track of where we were going by using a good old fashioned paper map. Every now and again she checked Bailey’s progress, fortunately for us the M25 traffic was very slow. But there again so was Oxford.

Whilst in the queue waiting to get over the M40, Rosalie said to me. “You know what you’re going to have to do to put this right. don’t you.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.

She carried on. “Sweetheart whilst I’m glad you love me, I know you love Bailey as well. I’ve given you permission to sleep with her, I want you to sleep with her. She wants you to sleep with her and you want to sleep with her. Why won’t you do it? We’ve never really talked about it.”

Series Navigation<< When Ben felt love for the trippie Bailey – 02When Ben felt love for the trippie Bailey – 04 >>

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