What happens when everyone is nude but you?

It’s a natural phenomenon; if everyone is clothed and one person is naked, all eyes go to the naked one. Perhaps you could say it’s sexual lust, but I think it’s just curiosity. It’s that someone is different that draws one’s eyes. Annie sat there with the wet, clinging bikini hiding parts of her body. Not willing, like us, to reveal it all. But that naked phenomenon works in reverse. When everyone is nude, exposed with no secrets, eyes travel to the one who is clothed. What’s beneath? What must she look like naked?

“Why is everyone looking at me?” said Annie.

“We’re not,” Warner said.

“You are. All of you. Am I a freak because I want to keep my swim suit on?” Annie said, almost pleading.

“No, it’s fine. That’s your choice, and we respect it.” Hannah offered.

“But you’re looking too,” Annie argued. “And you were staring at my crotch.”

“Sorry,” Hannah acknowledged. “It’s just that you must have some different body parts from the rest of us girls. I’m trying to see if you’ve got two vaginas inside that bikini bottom,” she joked.

“Very funny,” Betty pouted, as the others laughed.

We continued for a while in silence. Johnny casually scratched his thighs, combatting some itch there, ignoring his penis lying close by. Hannah swatted at a fly that landed on her bare breast.

Annie lay down on the blanket, on her stomach, hoping to reduce the stares. But in turning over, the bikini bottom scrunched up, filling the crevice of her backside. Her round, firm buttocks were fully exposed. She was keenly aware of it and wanted to reach behind, to straighten out the fabric, but was afraid that would just draw more attention to herself, emphasizing that she needed to cover what the others openly displayed. So, she lay there, frozen.

“The sun is pretty intense. Do you want some sunscreen?” I asked.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“I’ll put it on you,” I said, moving to Annie’s side. I applied the sunscreen on her back and moved lower. I’m a little embarrassed to say that her bare buttocks were an invitation I couldn’t resist. I was amused at her shyness and decided to have some fun with her. I smoothed lotion over the buttocks, rolling the soft, supple skin side to side. I even slid some lotion into her crack, eliciting a small gasp.

Maybe, she thought, this wasn’t such a good idea.

“That’s plenty, thank you,” Annie said.

“I haven’t done the legs,” I said, as I moved downward. I gently pulled her legs apart to get at the inner thighs. The bikini bottom that filled the crevice of the behind also filled that other crevice. The contour of Annie’s vulva, draped in the fabric, was easy to discern. Annie knew it.

Now, such a bikini mishap is not unheard of, and under normal conditions, people would discreetly pretend to ignore it. But Annie felt conspicuous, sure that everyone was watching, looking at her semi-covered private parts. As they were.

“I can’t take it anymore. You want to look, look.”

With that, she took off the bikini top. Her full breasts bounced on her chest as she shimmied off the bikini bottom. Neatly trimmed pubic hair covered her sex, filling the white untanned skin where the bottom had been.

“You’re beautiful,” Warner said. “Welcome.”

Once freed of her swimsuit, Annie was surprised at how liberated she felt. She was no longer different. Everyone was nude. And the stares stopped; after all, once the forbidden is revealed, it loses its allure.

What happens when everyone is nude but you? will continue in the next page.

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