What happens after school, stays after school – part 2

With no hesitation she lifted her legs and stretched them out in front of me. Her feet were only about a foot in front of my face and as I watched she straightened, causing the muscles in her calves to bulge. I could feel my face getting hot again as I stared at her red toenails. Christ, even her feet were sexy.

As if she had read my mind she playfully wiggled her toes and in order to keep myself from gawking, I turned my head and felt my heart begin to beat faster. When her legs went up, Miss Iris’s dress had slid up as well and I had a clear shot of the cheeks of her ass.

I also caught another glimpse of red material and from what little I saw knew it had to be a thong. I knew I should turn my head, but was frozen by the sight of the curve of her ass. In addition to my heart beating faster by the minute I felt my cock beginning to swell and again had the eerie feeling I was in the middle of one of my own fantasies. Miss Iris mercifully lowered her legs, but instead of cIrising them again, left them stretched out along the couch so her feet were in front of my knees.

“You hot Toby?” Miss Iris asked.

“Uh…a little.” No lie there, I was beginning to sweat.

“I am too,” she smirked, “Or so I’ve heard anyway.”

I forced a smile back at her and sat there with my hands in my lap, hoping to cover the bulge of my rapidly growing cock.

“First off,” Miss Iris began. “I’ll start with other than a few misplaced commas’ your grammar has really improved.”

“Thank you.” I nodded, feeling better she was starting to sound like a teacher again.

“Most of those mistakes were during the…” she winked, “Climax of the story so I cut you some slack. Now as for the story itself, the subject matter shocked me, but once I got over it I have to say, very well done!”

“Thanks again.” This time my smile was real.

“Tell you what Toby, I read this thing three times.”

“You did?”

“Oh, yeah I did. It got better every time! Hell last time around I had to put it down because I needed my hands to…”

She trailed off and stared at me with an expectant look on her face. I put my hands up and shrugged, “I…I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

“Really? Wow, guess you’re writing from imagination, not experience.” She smirked at me, “That’s okay that stuff can be taught, but okay let me read you one of my favorite parts okay?”

“Sure.” I laughed, “I’m really curious to know what you thought was so good.”

Miss Iris made a show of clearing her throat and I smiled as she began reading,

“I watched transfixed as Miss Iris’s full red lips enveloped the swollen head of my engorged cock.”

The smile left my face and my stomach felt as if someone had kicked it.

“Inch by teasing inch she worked her soft lips and warm wet mouth down the length of my shaft.”

“I…. oh my god.” I whispered. I’d sent the wrong fucking story.

“I moaned in surprised pleasure when I felt her lips touch the base. I was fairly well hung and no girl had ever taken me all the way before….” Looking up at me, she shook her head. “Really Toby? Are you that hung and no other girl? What, all two or three that you may have had?”

“Miss Iris,” I began.

“That’s okay though it’s erotica so you can exaggerate, let’s see….” She snapped her fingers. “Here we are. She shook her head and I gasped when I felt her tongue slide out and lick my balls.”

“Miss Iris,” I exclaimed, “I…I am so sorry I…”

I stopped as she raised her finger to me. “Don’t interrupt Toby.” Clearing her throat again, she continued to read.

“Miss Iris began bobbing her head in a slow steady rhythm and as she did her big brown eyes were locked onto mine,” she looked up at me. “That’s a mistake, her brown eyes locked into mine make it sound as if you have brown eyes, which you don’t, you my dear have beautiful blue eyes.”

‘Oh, fuck me.” I sighed.

“That’s exactly what I’m doing!” she laughed, waving the story, “Well not yet, you don’t fuck me until after I slobber all over my tits and you bring me to a…” she rolled her eyes “Screaming climax.”

I stared at her helplessly and tossing the story onto the table in front of the couch, Miss Iris shook her head and said, “So Toby, you have anything to say for yourself?”

“Just…” I sighed, “Look Miss Iris.”

“Call me Saira.”


“Sure, go ahead, I mean after that story I figure you’re pretty familiar with me so why not?”

“Well it would be kind of disrespectful.”

She rolled her eyes, “But writing about tonguing my ass isn’t?”

“I…I don’t know what to say Miss…Saira. I…I was an idiot and sent the wrong story.”

“I think the point here is that you wrote that story at all.” She pointed out.

“I’m sorry and I’ll get going now, I…I guess I’ll see you in Mr. Robert’s office on Monday.”

“You’re leaving?” she asked, “You have your hot teacher all to yourself wearing a playful little dress and reading dirty stories and you’re going to leave,” she sighed, “Guess you’re all talk then.”

I stared at her and couldn’t help notice how fucking good she looked. Her legs were stretched out at an angle that had her feet dangling off the cushion right next to my legs and her skirt had ridden up to show even more of her thighs. And those tits! With her slouched the way she was they were pushed up even more. My eyes worked up to her face and she wasn’t just smiling, she looked as if she were trying not to laugh. In an instant I realized what this was; she was fucking with me.

She’d had a good laugh reading the story and was getting a kick out of teasing and flirting before lowering the boom on me. She was getting a charge out of my being into her and having fun at my expense. I felt more humiliated than before, but the only good thing was seeing we were alone and she was laughing. Maybe she would let me off the hook by just making me feel stupid. I started to stand.

“I…I feel like an idiot,” I said quietly, “And you’re just making fun of me,” I told her, “I know I deserve it, but I have to go.”

“Toby, stop.” She said, sitting up and putting her hand on my shoulder, “I want you to stay here, we need to talk about this.”

“Talk about what?” I asked, shaking my head, but staying seated, “The F you’re going to give me?”

“From what I’ve read I would think an F from me is exactly what you want!” she laughed.

I was blushing again and put my head in my hands.

“Aww aren’t you cute!” she cooed. “But seriously, I want to ask you something.”

“What is it?” I asked to remove my face from my hands.

“Well first, just to make things a little more embarrassing for you, I went to the site you mentioned at the bottom of your story and found your others.” She whistled, “I have to say, I never knew I was so insatiable! In most of those stories I can’t even wait to get home, I fuck on my desk more than my bed!”

“I was just….:”

“Okay, no more making fun of you.” She slid closer to the point our hips were touching and resting her hand on my arm said, “You know Toby when I first opened this story I was pretty shocked, and honestly more than a little pissed.”

“I…I can see that.” I answered looking down at her hand.

Her long red nails looked damn good on my forearm, and unable to help it, my eyes slid over to her chest, she was leaning towards me and I could see straight down her dress. My eyes widened when I saw I had been right earlier, there was no bra and I could see right down to the pink skin that surrounded her nipples. I could smell her perfume and despite my predicament felt my cock twitching again.

“I’m going to put you at ease Toby,” she began, “No one is going to know about this okay?”

“Thank you!” I said as a feeling of relief flooded through me.

“And I’m not going to flunk you, because it was a story, it was on time and it was,” she released a breathy sigh directly in my ear that further encouraged my growing cock. “Sooo well written, very, shall we say, inspiring?”

I turned to look at her and this time there was no hint of a smile on her face. That face was only about a foot from mine and I marveled at even up close how truly beautiful she was. She had to be at least forty, but her skin was smooth and flawless, she could easily pass for thirty. As I looked at her she cock her head slightly to the side and this time did give me a smile, but a softer one. I looked at her full red lips and wondered what they would look like trailing down my chest. Stop that! I’d just dodged a serious bullet and needed to…

“However,” she continued, “bring me back to reality. “You do owe me something Toby.”

“What’s that?” I asked nervously as she lifted her hand and started trailing her long red nails down my arm.

“Just an answer to a very simple question, but it’s an important one and if you answer it honestly, then not only are you off the hook, but I’ll tell you a little secret, but you have to answer it, fair enough?”

“I…yes.” I managed to get out as she had learned even closer and was pretty much whispering in my ear at this point.

“So tell me, my good looking young admirer, have you really fantasized about me like that? Have you lied alone in your bed and thought of me?” she paused then lowering her voice even more continued, “Have you really come to think of me?”

She pulled her head from my ear and turned to face her, I glanced down at her tits and noticed she was breathing heavier. My gaze returned to her face and I saw her lips were parted slightly and her brown eyes were bright. She looked…..ready. If I were writing that would be the word. I was suddenly struck by the thought that she might not be playing at this point, then again…What the hell at this point I had nothing to lose.

“Yes,” I began. “I…I’ve been thinking about you for a long time…” I looked away from her, “You’re the hottest woman I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh, I like that answer Toby!” she purred in a sultry voice, “I really do.”

“You…you do?”

Was she pulling my chain again? My cock was fully erect and the pants were so tight I knew it would be visible and made sure to keep my hands down.

“Why wouldn’t I?” she asked, “Let me tell you something Toby, you are one hell of a good looking boy. Those blue eyes with that black hair, hmmm-mmm” she nodded, “I love that look and,” she reached out and squeezed my arm. “Neck down is pretty impressive too.”

“I…feel the same way about you.” I said then immediately felt stupid.

Miss Iris smiled, but again it seemed playful. “Hmmm you’re smoother in your stories, but that’s okay, I like being nervous.”

“You…you do? Well then I guess you should really like me then?”

She laughed delightedly and clapped her hands.

“That was better,” she then gave me a sly smile, “Am I making you nervous Toby?”

“Yes.” I nodded like a fool.

“Don’t be,” she said, “Because it’s my turn to tell you a little secret of my own.”

“Okay.” I nodded and shivered as her nails started trailing up and down my arm again.

“The reason I liked your story so much Toby, is because you’re absolutely right about me.”

“I was?”

What happens after school, stays after school – part 2 will continue in the next page

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