What happens after school, stays after school – part 1

I hadn’t sent the damn story off yet! I shook my head, trying to clear it and getting up, staggered over to my computer. Bringing up the story, I right clicked it to send to and after punching in Miss Iris’s email sent it off. I closed the screen and as I began to turn saw the time on the computer was eleven forty. Damn that was close I thought as I went back to bed. I almost got myself in some serious trouble.


I awoke to the sound of my cell ringing and with a groan rolled over to answer it. On Friday’s I worked six to close and hadn’t gotten home until two thirty this morning. By the time I’d settled down enough to sleep it had been close to four and I could barely force my eyes open. The clock on my night stand said eight am and I groaned again. I grabbed the phone and without looking at the number, grumbled, “Who is it?”

“Well good morning to you too, sunshine!” a female voice chirped in my ear.

“Who…who is this?” I asked, trying to place the voice.

“You don’t recognize my voice?” There was an exaggerated sigh. “And here I thought I was your favorite!”

“Favorite?” I sat up and shook my head, “Ken?” it didn’t quite sound like her, but it was my only guess as I tried to clear the cobwebs from my sleep-addled mind.

“Ken?” This was followed by laughter. “I guess there are worse things than to be confused with a pretty young girl.”

“Look I’m sorry, but…”

“Toby, it’s Miss Iris.”

“Miss….?” Holy shit, how did I miss her voice? I’d only heard it whispering dirty things in my ear for a couple of years now. “I’m sorry! I was sleeping and…”

“No worries, I probably sound different on the phone, and besides,” she paused briefly before continuing, “I’m sure my voice isn’t the one you would imagine in your ear in the morning.”

I paused thinking that was a little eerie after my last thought. Clearing my throat I asked,

“Umm…is everything okay?”

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