To my lovely jin

This Story is part of Dear Sweet Jin Series

It was almost impressive enough that I felt like telling someone. (I said almost). The first few spurts actually surprising me, going well up and over the top of my head, hitting the headboard, if not the wall behind me, (which I later ended up cleaning up after) but after those, readjusting my aim just a little, I was still surprised and in awe of myself as I emptied my nuts against myself, finally having to cup my hand over my dick because it was spurting so much.

I even briefly wondered if there was some sort of a valve I’d somehow fucked up, thus allowing my cock to continue to pump out streamers of white sticky stuff as I’d never squirted this much of it in my entire life before. Finally, as it began to ebb, and now just ooze slightly out of the tip, I released my dick, still seeing stars, still trying to catch my breath…and the image of Jin standing there in her yard looking up at me forever frozen in time as I lay there.

And then my phone rang.

“Fucking A!” I jumped scaring myself to death when I did. “Now what?”


It was Sophia, and she was balling her eyes out. “Oh Jim! Jim! My God damn, fucking little sister!” She wailed uncontrollably over the phone.

It was a day of firsts all the way around. Never once had I heard Sophia cuss like that before. A few sprinkled damns, hells, and even a shit or two once, but never once had I heard her say God Damn, or EVER use the proverbial “F” word!

“Calm down Majice” I said using the cutesy affectionate name I’d begun calling her, which usually did the trick…but not this time as she kept talking over me even then. “What happened?”

“She…she…she told mom and dad!”

“Told them what?” I asked as the hairs on the back of my neck suddenly stood up. I knew her dad, he’d as soon kill me as look at me, and he was twice the size of any man I knew, so I also knew he could do it too!

“Oh Jim, Oliver…I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have ever confided in the little shit, she…she told them about our plans for this weekend!”

I was stunned hearing that Suzie, Sophia’s little sister could inJind be a pain in the royal ass, and usually was whenever I came over, always hanging around us as though hoping to catch us doing anything. So I wasn’t too surprised at that. What I was surprised at was Sophia actually confiding something like that in her.

“Why did she do that?” I finally managed to ask her.

“Be…because she was jealous that’s why! Jealous because mom and dad were forcing her to go with them over the weekend rather than letting her stay home with me. That’s why! So she told them! Told them you were coming over after they left, so we could…’do it!'” She all but whispered into the phone. Which then made me wonder just how close her parents were to her as she stood there talking to me, though I’m sure she’d already had to sneak away just to make this phone call.

“So now what?”

Sophia started bawling again, which took me another several minutes in which to calm her down enough to talk coherently to me. “They…they’re, oh god Oliver! They’re making me go to my Aunts house for the entire summer!” She burst out once more. “And they’re making me go with them tonight too!” She now added. “I’m…I’m upstairs here in my room packing now, which is the only way I could have a moment to call you…tell you what was happening! Oh Oliver! Daddy said I wasn’t ever to see or speak to you again…if I did, if I do…he’s…he’s threatened to ship me off to some sort of girls school instead of University in the fall!”

I was speechless…sad in a way too. And yet…strangely elated.

“I have to go Oliver,” she said crying once again. “But…I’ll, I’ll write. I promise! I’ll write to you every day, somehow…someway, we’ll make this work Oliver. I swear it! I promise! I’ll write to you!”

So much for Sophia. Though as it worked out, she only wrote me one letter. A dear John, or in my case a dear Jim. Which was just as well, all things considered.

But that phone call, that moment in history, brought about the most amazing memory, most amazing experience I ever had. And I had no clue it was coming either. Not until two hours later.


I actually was a little bummed after we’d hung up. Especially when I went looking for my two, (maybe it was three) errant cum-shots that had splattered against the headboard of the bed and against the wall behind that. Whatever hopes, plans…or assignations that had been scheduled for later, had suddenly evaporated.

Though weirdly…my cock still hadn’t. Sure…it had gone down some, but it was still pretty fucking firm as I stood there looking down at myself. Horny is as horny does. But in this case at least, twisting another well-known phrase just a bit. I had a boner, and no place to go.

But at least there was Jin. And I smiled. If nothing else, I could go over, tell her what had just happened, maybe even get a sympathetic hug out of it, peek down her blouse if nothing else…and add a fantasy file to my memory banks. At least losing Sophia (though I didn’t know it at the time that I really had) wouldn’t be a total waste.

I stood in the shower as though I was getting ready for a date anyway, whistling…actually happy, excited, looking forward to perhaps milking the evening now at Jin’s place with my tales of woe’s me and all that. I was even then imagining Jin holding my head against her breasts trying to comfort me…feeling my dick stiffening there in the shower…half tempted to work it again. Though I refrained from doing so, wanting the full-on “horniness” of the moment to encase me when I went over there.

Needless to say, Jin was surprised when I showed up at her door two hours later. “Jin? I need a friend,” I said.

They were the best five words I’d ever spoken to her.


“What happened Oliver? What’s wrong?”

And so I told her, though I didn’t say it with a smile on my face, or with any of the oddly felt joy I was keeping inside. Like I said, my heart was skipping beats at the moment with the sudden realization of the secret I now had, the secret I couldn’t tell anyone…especially Jin, that I knew what love felt like…for the first time in my life, because I felt it for her. Something I also knew, was a total and complete impossibility.

And so I told her everything that had happened, and Jin…just like always sat there listening, though this time sitting beside me, and yes…towards the end, she pulled me towards her, placing her hand on the back of my head, and guess what…(Joy oh joy!) pressing me against those soft pliant breasts as I actually began to blubber just a bit. Not an act either. I was sad, yet I was also happy as a clam, and a little scared…a little nervous, a little melancholy, and a whole lot aroused.

“You know, I shouldn’t be doing this, but since you are eighteen now, and soon out on your own here…I’ve never felt like if a man’s old enough to fight for his country, that he shouldn’t be old enough to have a drink.” Jin knew of course I was contemplating going into the service, something Uncle Thomas had done in having fought during the second world war. And with that, she then stood, walked over to a small cabinet where I know she kept a few bottles of liquor, mostly for guests or special occasions. Apparently, this was one of those.

She pulled out a bottle of brandy, and poured each of us a shot glass. Bringing one over to me, she sat down beside me once again. “To life…and all its ups and downs.” She toasted, clinking my glass, and then began to drink just as I added my own toast to that…though why on earth I then said what I did…still escapes me.

“And to all its ins and outs!” I added. “Or lack thereof.”

Jin spewed her brandy…all over me. My bad…my fault, but it really was funny. And we both sat laughing so hard because of it that our sides began to ache, and then she saw my fresh clean shirt all covered with spewed brandy.

“Oh Oliver! I’m so sorry!” She said honestly, aghast, embarrassed and ashamed that she’s basically spit-up all over me. “Take off that shirt so I can throw it in some water before it stains and becomes ruined!”

It’s not like she hadn’t seen me with a shirt off before. Plenty of times. And even as I took it off now, it didn’t seem weird or inappropriate in doing so. But she was helping me remove it too, the neck was a bit tight, and the gold chain I wore around my neck had gotten caught on the collar. She was reaching up trying to untangle that before I inadvertently broke it. Losing my balance, I quite naturally reached out to steady myself.

And when I did that, my hands came into contact with her breasts, just as she yanked and now pulled the shirt off me over the top of my head. We were both standing there looking at one another, my hands had been on her tits for a split second at least until the shirt came off. And then I did something I never thought I would.

I kissed Jin.

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