To my lovely jin – 2

This Story is part of Dear Sweet Jin Series

After cleaning up again, we stumbled downstairs to the kitchen where thankfully fresh hot coffee was waiting for us. I was still tingling internally, every nerve ending seemingly alive and sparking, making me feel even more invigorated in a shorter recuperative period of time. I stood in order to retrieve the coffee pot and refill our cups.

“Good God Jim! You’re hard again! Already!”

I grinned sheepishly. “What can I say? You do it to me Jin. Just looking at you, sitting there so wonderfully naked, even drinking coffee seems erotic to me.” And she did, she simply did. Her marvelous bare breasts, which she’d teasingly allowed to rest on the tabletop, looked like she was serving up a plate of hot fresh titty just for me. If I’d been a cannibal, I’d have devoured her, devoured them…right then and there.

Though I poured the coffee, I sat the pot down on the table, Jin had already taken my hard cock in hand, her lips and tongue even then starting to encircle it, tease it a bit, making me go even weaker in the knees.

“So…I guess it’s now your turn again,” she basically mumbled around my cock as she continued licking and sucking it. “So Jim, what is it you’d like to see or do next?”

Even though I was inJind hard again, I wasn’t sure I was quite ready for another marathon fuck, wishing instead to actually prolong things a bit, build up some reserves for whatever idea or request she had, before letting fly again. It was the perfect time to tell her what I’d been thinking and considering earlier. So I did.

“You know how you enjoyed watching me?”

“Yeah,” she said, only then releasing my cock, though still holding it with her hand, looking up at me with a mischievous gleam in her eye. “What do you want me to do for you?” She asked hotly. “What would you like to see, baby?”

And then I told her, in explicit detail. What I wanted to see, to feel, and why. She was grinning as she stood, once again taking me by the hand. “Come on…we’re gonna need to go back into the bathroom for that one,” she mused.

I was fascinated with watching her squirt…watching her come. After telling her that I wanted to lay there and watch her do that again…if she could, and then squirt on me, all over me, she grinned broadly.

“There’s one sure-fire way that never fails to make me do that, and even more so than I already have,” she’d stated. “But we’re going to both get a little wet again,” she’d added as we soon stepped back into the bathtub again. I lay down, looking up at her as she stood above, straddling me. She turned on the water, adjusted the temperature to a nice warm sensation and then removed what I saw to be a hand-held shower massager.

“I don’t know why it is, but whenever I use this on myself, it never fails to make me gush. So if that’s what you want to see, to feel…then that’s what you’ll get,” she promised me. Turning it on to a nice pulsating beat, she placed it against herself, and then just stood there looking down at me, though from time to time, teasingly, she redirected it against my prick from above. I enjoyed the tickle, but I was enjoying the kinky view even more as I lay there beneath her looking up.

“Oh man!” I moaned excitedly, feeling my cock throb and bounce about on its own accord even without Jin spraying the water against me.

“You like that huh?”

“Oh yeah, fuck yeah. You…look…so…hot, standing there like that Jin!”

“Well enjoy it then, because when I’m ready…I’m really going to soak you,” she informed me. “It takes a while, doing it like this…so be patient. But I promise you…it’ll be worth it.”

I wasn’t in any hurry. Looking up at her, watching her holding the shower massage against her pussy, seeing her shiver pleasurably at times, fondling her own breasts again as I lay there watching her was really getting to me. The anticipation of what I likewise hoped would be another one of her magnificent “pussy gushers” as she’d called them, was adding to the pleasure and excitement for us both.

“Oh yeah, it’s going to be a hard one…a big one baby,” she told me gritting her teeth as she moments later shut off the shower massage, and then simply reached down once again spreading herself with one hand, and now actually slapping her pussy with her other hand even harder than I’d seen her do before. “Are you ready for it? Ready?” She grimaced, this wild lusty look in her eyes as she stood there teetering on the edge.

“Do it!” I simply cried out looking up. And then she came.

She wasn’t kidding either when she did. At first I thought she had somehow sucked up some of that water from the shower massage or something. What came out of her in this enormous flush of pussy juice was unlike anything I’d seen before. It flew out of her, cascading down over me like a fountain. I watched it explode from her depths, watched it as it began raining down on me, splashing against me, splashing against my still throbbing cock as she continued to stand there spanking her cunt, laughing and giggling hysterically as she did.

I think I must have counted at least six or seven of those gushing squirts, each one just as fluid as the last as I lay there beneath her, feeling that warm, semi slick splash of her cunt juice bathing me from above. Some of which splashed into my face, allowing me to lick my lips, tasting her salty, funky sweetness. Only when she was positive there was nothing else to give me, she reached out for the sliding glass door on the shower stall.

“Where are you going?”

She blushed. “One of the side effects. Whenever I do that, afterwards…I have to pee, bad,” she continued blushing starting to step over me.

“Don’t,” I said, surprising myself when I said it. “Pee on me!”

She looked down at me in surprise, not shock…or disgust, just surprise. But she was smiling again too. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, seriously. It’s not like we’re not in the perfect place for it. And as long as I’m still here, I want to feel that too…I want to feel, and do everything with you Jin, no matter what!”

“Thomas liked it when I did that for him once in a while too,” she suddenly admitted to me. “And I did as well. Kinda weird, kinky perhaps…but sometimes it really did feel naughty good.”

“Then do it Jin, do it for me…pee on me!”

Once again she repositioned herself over me, and then simply let go, beginning to tinkle at first until it became a steady, much warmer stream of piss that she again purposely directed towards my dick, splashing against me. After she was done, I stood up, facing her.

“This doesn’t count as my request…especially as we’re sort of already doing it…but, think you can do the same yourself now?”

“It might take a little effort,” I informed her. “A bit hard to piss with a full erection.”

“Well then, let’s take care of the one before we advance to the other shall we?” She suggested. Before I knew what she was planning here, she had taken my cock in her hand again, stepping up towards me, where she began running it back and forth, up and down her split, teasing her clit, and likewise jerking me off against her as she did that. It felt wonderful, and as aroused as I already was, it didn’t take long before I sensed another orgasm about to claim me.

“Here it comes Jin, here it comes!” I groaned, looking down as we both did, watching my prick spurt, squirt, soaking her pussy in my white creamy juice as she continued to rub it against herself, once again coming with me, not gushing, not even squirting really this time when she did, but certainly climaxing as she let out another shrill little cry of orgasmic bliss.

She stood there afterwards still gently, softly rubbing my now somewhat more flaccid erection against herself. “How about now?” she asked. I answered her by allowing my own warm stream to begin splashing against her as she held it against herself.

We soon after showered, and then cleaned up again. Drying one another off, both of us thoroughly spent and exhausted now. Whatever else was in the offering would have to wait for a bit. I also knew I needed to make an appearance at home for a while at least, lest my folks become worried about me. But I also knew that Jin was in need of a bit of a nap herself. After getting dressed again, we kissed at the door, and then I made my way around the back side of her house down the service alley and onto the street from there.

I then made my way home, figuring if my folks saw me coming up the walk, they’d quite naturally assume I’d just spent the evening over at Gerald’s place, one of my good close friends who didn’t live that far away from us. And who I also had asked to cover for me just in case. Though he of course thought I’d spent the evening over at Sophia’s place as we’d previously discussed.

I soon after collapsed into my own bed for a long, much needed nap. I had now experienced with Jin in such a short period of time, more things, more wicked naughty fun things, than I thought I would ever experience with anyone, ever again.


With school, the next week proved difficult especially with graduation coming up, though I managed to spend every free moment that I had over at Jin’s place. For the next two months, including after graduation, Jin showed me things, and did things with me that I didn’t even know were possible. She was for me, an addiction, as I was for her.

The year was 1968. And with it came the draft. And with that, I soon entered into the service, required to go off and fight a war we were already losing, though no one would admit to that yet. Shortly before being shipped overseas, I came home six months later on an all too brief furlough.

I spent the first three days of it with my family and friends, and sandwiched time with Jin in between. I then spent the second to last night of it with her, wrapped in her arms, and she in mine. We had made love sweetly, though passionately together. I think she knew, though I wasn’t willing to accept it, that it would be the last time we ever did.

We promised to write, and for a time we did. Though Jin had also made me promise that I wouldn’t write anything to her that would remotely hint, or suggest at the things we had done and shared with one another. She’d made it very clear to me that she didn’t want anyone ever being hurt by what we’d done, what we’d shared. And had told me specifically, that if I did so, no matter how tempted either of us might be to express those thoughts, she’d never write back to me again. I made the mistake of doing so, once…not much, but confessing my love and desire for her. She never wrote to me again.

I returned home well over a year later. And I was in for quite a shock when I did. Next door, there was another family living there now. Mom son informed me that Jin had sold her place, needing to do so in order to move in with, and take care of her very sick sister somewhere back East. I made a few attempts to find her, to contact her, but I never did. Eventually I met and then married someone, and got on with my life, just as we all did.

Life has a strange way of catching up with you. A few weeks back I was shopping at a local store, and happened to run into an older woman now that once lived in the old neighborhood. And upon running into her, I couldn’t help but ask.

“Gladys? Do you remember Jin? The woman that used to live next door to us?”

“Oh my yes, dear sweet Jin. She always had a good word to say about everyone, didn’t she?”

“Yes, she did. Have you ever heard anything about what eventually happened to her? Where did she go? Where is she?”

“As a matter of fact, I do recall hearing a couple of years back now, one of the other ladies from the old neighborhood had gotten word that Jin had finally passed away, a few years after her sister did. Poor thing. I hear that she never remarried again after her husband died, taking care of her sister and I suppose never brought about the opportunity for her to do so again. Anyway…that’s what I heard, it’s been a few years now I guess since she passed.”

I’d been wondering, and dreading hearing that. Especially having never found her, never spoken to her again.

But I had kept my promise to her. The promise we’d stood making to one another there at the end of her bed. That I would never reveal what we shared, did, or enjoyed with one another so long as anyone was left alive, that story might hurt or offend. Both of my parents are long dead now as well. Though it was mostly out of worry and concern for her sister hearing or finding out anything that all this remained secret and unshared up until now.

Now at least, I can tell this story, about the most amazing woman I ever knew. Dear Sweet Jin, who will forever remain, and who will forever share and have a corner of my heart.

Bless you Jin for helping me become the man that I am today.

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