The trio in the college choose trio over anything – 02

“It’s time,” Mo said afterward, directing my hips toward Zoe. “If she wants you to do her from behind, then she wants to be taken! Don’t you Zoe?” I didn’t know what Mo was doing, but she was doing something!

“Yes!” Zoe moaned loudly. “Please!”

“She’s desperate for your big cock! Give it to her!” Skylar said in barely controlled excitement.

I pushed the head of my cock into Zoe’s pussy. I swear it seemed like her pussy was pulling me deeper! I didn’t fight it. It was only a few moments before I hit bottom!

“Oh yes!” Zoe cried. “You’re definitely bigger than Kyle!” I started stroking in and out of her.

I kissed Skylar again and used one hand to squeeze her breasts. They felt even larger than they looked! They hung very low and I promised myself that I was burying my face in them later. For now, I let my hand fall lower. My fingers touched her pussy and she gasped.

“Like this!” she moaned, putting her hand over mine and showing me the motion she wanted. The three of us remained like that for quite a while. My orgasm was growing close, but I wasn’t going that fast yet, so I could keep control and enjoy the feeling as long as possible. Skylar eventually moved away from me.

“Mark,” I heard her say. “You’re riding Zoe, but you’re not taking her. She wants to be taken!”

“Please!” Zoe cried. I could tell from her tone that her next orgasm was nearing as well. I leaned over until my lips were next to her ear.

“You want me to take you like an animal?” I asked. “Maybe a stallion takes a mare?”

“Yes!” she cried. “Like Big Michael took Sassy last season!”

“Wow!” Mo said. It was her turn to be surprised. “I would never have guessed you were so wild!”

“I can’t help it!” Zoe cried. “I try to be a nice girl, but thoughts like these just keep popping into my head!”

“And I intend to take full advantage of them!” I growled, taking hold of Zoe’s waist and slamming into her harder. I could feel my hips hitting her round ass and that just drove me to fuck her even harder!

“That’s it Mark!” Mo cried, obviously aware of the change in my pace. “Take Zoe! Take her like Big Michael took Sassy!”

“Yes!” Zoe cried again.

“I want to see this!” Mo said under her breath. That was the only warning I got before the lights came on.

“No!” Zoe cried, trying to pull away from me in embarrassment.

My eyes were still adjusting to what I saw, but it was more than enough to make my orgasm nearly burst free. I fought it off at best I could. It wasn’t easy. Skylar was by the light switch looking at us. Her huge breasts were hanging down far, but they were so big that it only seemed fair.

Zoe was beneath me. Her ass looked even better than I hoped! She already had spectacular tan lines and her pale cheeks drove me crazy. She was reaching behind herself trying to push me away. There was no way that was going to happen! Not now!

I let go of one hip and grabbed her wrist. She reached behind herself with her other hand. I let go of the other hip and grabbed it as well. Zoe tried to pull away again, probably thinking she had a chance now that I wasn’t holding her hips. She didn’t. I did the only thing I could and pulled back by her wrists. She cried out as my cock sunk deep once again. That excited me so much that I pulled even harder! Her shoulders and chest lifted.

“That’s so hot!” Skylar cried, looking at Zoe. “It’s like your arms are reins!”

“Stop!” Zoe cried.

“Don’t you dare!” Mo snapped at me. “She’s loving every moment of it! She’s just embarrassed.”

“No I’m not!” Zoe argued. Mo moved closer and smiled.

“Sure you are,” she insisted, reaching under Zoe and pinching one of her nipples.

“Skylar don’t!” Zoe cried, but she also shuddered in reaction.

“I’m sorry,” Mo replied. “I can’t help myself. I can hear how wet you are. I bet your pussy is running like a faucet!” I think that both Zoe and I were surprised by her words, but I recovered quickly enough.

“It is!” I groaned.

“Tell us both how it feels to fuck her tight pussy?” Mo asked.

“It feels like Heaven!” I cried. “She’s so tight and so wet at the same time!”

“Doesn’t it feel good to have his big cock in you Zoe?” Mo asked, now shifting her hand from Zoe’s nipple to her pussy. “Your body certainly seems to think so!”

“Yes!” Zoe admitted through clenched teeth.

“Do you think this is what Sassy felt while Big Michael was mounting her?” Skylar asked, working the smaller woman’s clit.

“Harder!” Zoe cried, no longer trying to stop me. No longer trying to do anything other than live in the moment. “Pull on my arms harder! Fuck me harder!”

“Do you hear her?” Mo asked me. “She wants you to fuck her harder! She wants you to take her!”

“I hear!” I grunted.

“Well then stop holding back!” she snapped. “I know you are. Forget everything and give her what she wants!”

“First kiss her!” I demanded, pulling Zoe up again by her arms. “I want to see you too French passionately!”

“Naughty, naughty!” Skylar grinned, but also hesitated. I saw her war momentarily with herself, but her own excitement overcame any doubts she had. Skylar leaned down toward Zoe.

“Don’t!” the smaller girl cried, looking at Mom with big eyes.

“Because it disgusts you or because you’re afraid you might like it?” Mo asked. Zoe looked at her roommate and paused. That was enough to answer.

“Oh my God!” I cried as I watched them kiss. They both were a little tentative at first, but a moment later their tongues danced in each other’s mouths.

I think I may have actually howled as I slammed into Zoe with everything I had! It’s hard to be certain because everything from there on for the next few minutes is one passion filled haze. I do know that I started cumming instantly and didn’t stop until after Zoe’s orgasm took her as well. Our juices covered each other, both inside and out. It was pretty obvious that neither one of us had ever cum like that before!

I’m not sure how long it took before I was able to function again. The first thing I noticed was Zoe lying on her bed while Mom played with her hair. Zoe was clearly still out of it. Mom saw me and smiled.

“That was…” I began, but couldn’t find the words to finish it.

“Yes, it was,” Mo agreed. “How are you doing?”

“I’ll recover,” I smiled. “Eventually.”

“So is it love that made it so special for you two?” she asked. “Do you and Zoe love each other?”

“Yes and no,” Zoe answered for me, opening her eyes and smiling. “Truthfully, I doubt either of us understands the extent of our feelings, but we’re certainly more than just friends.”

“I love Zoe, but no more or less than I love you,” I added. “Why are you asking?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Zoe asked rhetorically. “She’s probably ready to burst after watching all that!”

“She did more than just watch!” I teased.

“You did, didn’t you?” Zoe asked Skylar thoughtfully.

“Are you okay?” Mo asked.

“For now,” Zoe replied honestly. “We’ll see tomorrow, but I’m not going to think about it until then.”

“And tonight?” I asked.

“Tonight,” she said, smiling her impish grin. “Tonight, we will see if we can help Skylar get the same release we just did! That is, if you think you’ll be able to help?”

“Oh, I will,” I said, feeling myself respond already, but deciding to see if I could get the ladies help speed up the process. “Of course, it would help if you two kissed again. In fact, if you do, I promise to give Mo the best orgasm of her life!”

“Does it turn you on that much?” Zoe asked, blushing, but not backing away from the issue.

I noticed that Mo was embarrassed as well. It surprised me because only minutes before she was kissing Zoe and playing with the smaller girl’s nipples and pussy. Of course, we were all living in the moment at the time because our passion demanded it. I need to break the tension that was building.

“If you two do that in front of any guy, he’ll be yours to command!” I promised. “In fact, between you two, you could probably enslave every guy on campus! Maybe the world!” They laughed and seemed to relax a little.

“Men!” Mo snapped, but she was still laughing.

“So how about it?” I asked. “Are you willing to kiss each other again for me? It will most definitely help me get ready!” The two roommates looked at each other and stopped laughing.

“It was the first time I’d ever kissed a girl,” Zoe said, sounding very tentative.

“Me too,” Skylar added softly. “You two are the only ones at college who know about my past. Based on that you probably think I’m a complete slut, but despite the fact that maybe I was in some ways, there’s still a lot I haven’t done.”

“We can fix that!” I grinned.

“In your dreams!” Zoe cried.

“Don’t even think about it!” Skylar added. All three of us looked at each other and burst out laughing. It would have gone on for a lot longer if Zoe didn’t stop suddenly and take Mo’s chin in one hand.

“I want to kiss you again,” the small girl said to her roommate. “I may regret it tomorrow, but watching you just now, I realize that I will also regret it if we never kiss again.”

“Okay,” Mo said, letting her lips part slightly. I held my breath as their faces grew closer together. A nervous excitement was plain to see in both their expressions as their lips touched. A moment later, their tongues were once again in each other’s mouths. The nervousness quickly disappeared and the excitement turned to full blown passion. I watched for a few minutes. I couldn’t help myself. It was so damn hot!

“Is it working?” Zoe asked a few minutes later, looking at me with a sexy grin. “Is our kissing making you excited?”

“Look for yourself,” I said, showing her my hard cock.

“Not quite there yet,” Mo interjected. “I know how to move this along!”

I wasn’t sure what she was talking about. It was already completely hard. Take my word for it! A moment later I understood. Mo didn’t care whether I was hard or not at the moment. She was just using the situation to her own advantage. Seeing what she was doing, I had no problem with that!

Mo kissed Zoe again, only this time her hands fell to her own breasts and lifted the monsters until they were just below both women’s mouths. Zoe noticed and pulled back slightly. Skylar smiled and took one of her own nipples into her mouth. I groaned loudly!

“You see how guys like it when you suck on your own tits?” Mo asked the other girl.

“Yes,” Zoe said. “But mine just aren’t big enough.”

“I have another,” Mo smiled sexily. “I’m willing to share.”

“I can’t!” Zoe cried.

“Why not?” I asked. “Is it really all that worse than kissing her?”

The trio in the college choose trio over anything – 02 will continue in the next page.

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