The outsiders

“Just work, got a lot going on at the moment, a lot on my mind. Sorry that I let you guys down,” I said as we began picking up, putting our balls away, and preparing to head back into the bar for our after game drinks. Though the guys weren’t nearly as jovial tonight as they usually were. All because of me. And…as we entered the bar, I likewise noticed “she” wasn’t there, wasn’t in her seat, or anywhere else for that matter either. Though it was busy, more so than usual with so many having come here to bowl tonight. Dejected, disappointed even, the guys took that as my own guilt at having let the team down tonight.

“Don’t worry about it Steve, it happens to all of us one time or another. “You’ll get it back next week…we’ll cream those guys!”

I was thinking cream, but not the way he’d meant it when suddenly I looked up, saw her walk in through the other door, stopping briefly at the cigarette machine. She bought a pack, lifted it out of the tray and looked at me, smiled briefly and then sauntered by going out the opposite doors. The ones leading to the steps, which in turn led to the underground garage.

I stood up, not even bothering to finish my beer. “Once again, sorry I let you guys down tonight,” I stated, and then bid them all a goodnight, walking out acting…and perhaps even looking dejectedly, though inside…I was grinning from ear to ear, my heart already beating wildly, the cock in my pants hardening, though it had been that way a good portion of the evening. Especially having purchased, and still wearing that cock ring she’d asked me to get.

I walked down the stairs immediately looking over to where she had parked the last time, but her car wasn’t there of course, someone else’s car was, though like I said, it was pretty busy tonight. I glanced about, now spotting it…more towards the middle, sandwiched between two other cars. Not a good thing. But I also noticed upon doing that, the nearest overhead light was out. Whether she had done that herself,

or was lucky enough to have parked closer towards it would remain a mystery. Though my own car was parked a good distance away from hers, I ambled over towards it, still not seeing her as she hadn’t stepped out, though arriving, peering closely inside, I could see she was already in the backseat waiting for me. Sure enough the door wasn’t locked as I took a quick furtive peek about ensuring no one was watching me when I did this. I opened the door, slid in. She already had her blouse and bra off.

“Don’t have as much time tonight, also…it’s pretty damn busy too,” she added, actually sounding a little nervous, which was a surprise to me. But then she smiled and seemed to settle down some, already fingering her hard tipped nipples with her hands looking at me. “Well? Are you wearing it?”

I smiled back, unbuckled, unbuttoned, and unzipped. I hadn’t worn any briefs, my cock now hard as a rock, the cock ring nicely settled, fitting around the base. She almost seemed to purr looking at it before reaching over to fondle my extremely hard, extremely swollen dick. Even the head of my cock seemed bigger, the head swollen purple like a plum.

“Oh yes…very good, very nice. Nice big hard fucking cock!” She stated. “Going to come nice and big for me again?” She asked hopefully.

“Count on it,” I answered. “I didn’t even cum once since last week,” I told her honestly. “I was saving it all for this.”

That one she truly grinned at. “Very nice,” she said again. “And since you’ve done that for me…I’m going to do something a little special for you tonight as well, though like I said, we don’t have quite as much time as I would like…especially where we are, so closely parked and all. But…I’ve been anxious, and thinking about this all week myself,” she paused as she then reached down, easily sliding the far more comfortable looking pair of slacks she had on, that obviously had an expanded waist, allowing her to remove them quite easily. Like me…she wasn’t wearing any underwear either. And I was surprised upon seeing her pussy.

Unlike most women these days, though trimmed, shortly cropped, she had more of the traditional furred little triangle. Dark haired, matching perfectly the color of her own long flowing hair. She now scooted over more towards the corner, facing towards me, one leg on the floor, the other up on the seat as she reached down, spreading herself, showing me her swollen, slick looking labia, and what appeared to be a rather nice sized clit, equally stiff and glistening with honey dew.

“Ok, Jackit off…squirt on me. Here,” she said, spreading herself even more, giving me a glimpse of the dark recess of the unknown hidden passage between her legs. “I want you to squirt all over my cunt…bathe me in it tonight, make me messy as all fuck, so I can feel it dripping between my legs as I drive home tonight.”

I began doing just that, working my cock, taking some measure of delight in doing so for her, jerking myself off while she watched, while she in turn played with her clit, pinching and pulling on it much like she had her nipples the week before. I could hear her now too, the sounds of her super-slick juicy pussy as she shoved her fingers inside, working herself now. The obscene squishy noises she was making,

which I now added to. Squeezing my own dick, producing some nice lubrication, smearing that around myself, slicking up my own cock, purposely milking it, squishing it so that she could hear the sounds my own cock was now making in addition to her own.

“Oh yeah, perfect! I like hearing that. Almost more than speaking dirty, just listening to your cock getting squishy is almost as good as hearing you say fuck, cunt, or cock.”

“How about prick? Pussy? Snatch? Twat?” I offered, seeing her smile, hearing her as she pounded her cunt even more than she had been.

“Perfect,” she said again. “Only hurry…I need to see it, watch you…feel it. Feel you spraying my cunt…my snatch, my pussy…my twat,” she repeated back. “I need to feel you fucking coming all over me!”

“Damn!” I said then, glancing up, seeing someone else having entered the garage area, actually heading our way.


“Someone’s…someone’s coming this way!” I informed her sinking back down in my seat a little. Even with the tinted windows, anyone purposely looking over, and then in…could still see movement.

“I don’t care…keep going, I’m too fucking close!” She told me. “Do it damn it! Jackit off! Squirt on me…squirt on me while I come!”

If anything, it made the situation more intense, more exciting, perhaps the danger of discovery, especially as the other guy reached his car, the one on the other side of the car parked next to us, though he’d only given her car…this car, a cursory glance before opening his door, slipping inside and then starting it. Doing as she’d asked, I slid over, kneeling again, aiming my cock directly at her cunt while I fisted it, felt the surge…and then the release. In seconds, I was once again spurting out an even more copious discharge of spunk all over her pussy.

The fact that she had a triangle of hair between her legs made it even more obscene, splashing against it, clinging to it, though quite a bit of it actually landed inside, directly against her clit, not to mention one or two shots, almost perfectly disappearing inside that deep dark hole she was now offering to me as a target.

“Yes! Yes! Spurt inside me, fill my cunt, squirt in it!” She cried out quite audibly. Had she done so before the guy had started up his car, only then backing out, I was fairly confident he might have heard her as she released, climaxing…thrashing about wildly even there in the back seat as her orgasm claimed her. “Here…give it here,” she told me…pulling me closer,

rubbing the head of my prick up and down her slick, messy split, tickling her now somewhat sensitive clit with it even then. I started to ease forward, wondering, but she pulled away, answering that question. “No! That’s the one thing I can’t…and won’t do!” She said simply. “If this isn’t enough for you…” she left off saying.

“No, it is…I only thought that maybe…”

“Sorry, no maybe…not ever. Everything else yes…just not that,” she said almost sadly, meaning it. “Now…I have to go,” she said again, almost as apologetic. “Next week?”

“Yeah, sure,” I said, zipping up, putting things away, though I noticed again she didn’t bother dressing at all, this time getting out of the car entirely naked, slipping into the front seat again.

“I like the cock-ring. Do it again next week. And I promise, next week, we’ll have more time, and next week…but only if you wait an entire week without coming again, I promise you something even more special. Think you can do that?”

“I’ll try,” I told her, not making any promises. The past week had been hard enough, I wasn’t so sure I wanted…or even could do it again. Especially after all this. I was cataloging new masturbation material here.

“Well try…and be honest with me. If you can, and if you do…I promise, I’ll make it worth your while.”

And with that, I stood there once again watching her drive away. The image of her cum-splattered cunt, semen dripping down between her legs as she did so, already giving rise to a second, equally needful erection.

“Fuck…a whole week?” I stood there asking myself. “Worth my while?” I decided then, come hell or high water, I was going to do it.


If I thought last week had been nuts, this one was far worse! More than once, I’d been tempted to throw in the proverbial towel, wank myself off, and then lie to her about it if I had too. But somehow, each time I began, something would come over me, and I’d stop. I don’t know why…but I knew I couldn’t lie to her.

Maybe I could lie to my ex-wife, after all, she’d lied to me on several occasions, especially about her affair, which had led to our divorce in the first place. But I knew as I more than once, put my hard stiff cock away, I wouldn’t lie to her…my mystery woman, my sexy, cum-slut stranger. Wednesday still didn’t come fast enough when I showed up for bowling.

Though thankfully, I was full of energy, bowled my best game ever in fact, even earning a patch, much to the elation and congratulation of my teammates. Yeah, we creamed them all right, the first place team even, taking all three games along with total pins. It was a good night…and about to get a whole lot better!

She was sitting in her usual place. One very brief quick glance in my direction was all she gave me however. A thin wisp of a smile edging the corners of her mouth. She sat contentedly sipping on her drink, perhaps aware that my buddies weren’t about to let me go quite as early as I had been lately, celebrating our fantastic victory over our rivals, not to mention having bowled a hundred and fifty pins over my three game average!

By the time I had finished my second beer, I was more than ready to call it a night. “Sorry guys…as fun as this was, it’s early again tomorrow for me. Need to head home and get some sleep.”

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