The corruption

“You have a tendency to talk in your sleep a lot,” she offered, which wasn’t new to me, as I did.

“Yeah, and occasionally walk in my sleep too,” I added. A fact that had caused me a few somewhat embarrassing moments as a kid growing up. Hearing the story of how I had walked outside buck naked in the middle of a snow storm. Mom…trying to shoo me back inside the house, chasing me around the street with a quilt as I ran from her laughing hysterically. That was one I was glad I hadn’t woken up in the middle of.

“Oh yeah,” Mila giggled. “Mom did tell some interesting stories about you doing that too, but I was remembering an incident one night a few months ago…in particular,” she paused looking up at me with a mischievous look in her eyes.

“Go on…” I am curiously encouraged now.

Mila continued washing my dick, though at this point it became more of a continued fondling. Perfectly clean now, she seemed more content with just holding it, waggling it a bit softly, almost nonchalantly toying with it as she continued her story.

“I had just gotten home from work, tiptoeing down the hall trying to be quiet so as not to wake you up,” she related. “I passed by your door on the way to my room, and thought I heard you talking. Obviously you were alone, but I wasn’t sure at first…wondering if you finally had actually invited someone over.”

I laughed at that. “You know better than that,” I told her. “When was the last time that I had a female guest over to the house?”

“Well, that may be true…but at the time, I did wonder. Anyway, I stood outside your door listening, and then tried the door, intending to just take a little peek into your room. Obviously you were alone, sound asleep in your bed, but I realized while looking inside, you were naked.

As hot as it was…and had been, you were laying on top of the sheets. There was also a full moon then as I remember, so the light was coming in through the window, just enough to allow me to see you by. I almost turned to walk out and go back to my room when you suddenly rolled over. When you did, I noticed you had an erection.”

“Oh no! Really? Oh fuck…sorry about that!”

Mila laughed. “What for? Not your fault you had a hard-on, in your sleep. Hell, I swear Mike does all the time,” she smiled again. “But it wasn’t even that so much that caused me to do what I then did…it was what you said after that…in your sleep.”

“What did I say?”

“You said the sweetest thing ever,” she grinned broadly. She then sat back on her heels, though still managing to hold onto my cock. “You said…’God Mila, I wish I could fuck those tits of yours!”

“I did not say that!”

“Oh yes you did!” She chuckled delightedly. “Clear as day! So much so, for a moment, I actually thought you were awake, speaking to me. I walked over, wondering if you were, but then you mumbled something totally unintelligible, and then I knew…you were talking in your sleep again. But the fact was Thomas, I’d clearly heard you say that, and knew then what I’d suspected for quite some time, at least had an edge of truth to it. Anyway…I couldn’t just walk away either, not having the perfect opportunity that I had at the time. The first real chance to have a close-up look at this dick of yours.”

She waggled it again, a bit more fondly, playfully. And much to my surprise, I actually felt it thicken a little, trying to imagine all this.

“And then what?” I asked pleasurably as she slowly, almost teasingly began stroking it again.

“Well, I couldn’t help myself. And like I said, the opportunity was simply too good to pass up. So I carefully sat down on the edge of the bed, and leaned over looking at you…inspecting you, and then tentatively held you for a moment, trying to see if my doing that would cause you to wake up. Obviously…it didn’t.”

“Obviously,” I replied as I would have certainly remembered that, and not hearing it like this for the first time.

“Anyway…so then I leaned forward a little, like this,” she showed me, and kneeling there in front of me the way she was, she stuck out her tongue, just lightly licking the head of my cock. “I licked it…licked it again, and looked up to see if you were waking up, but all you did was mumble something again, though you sighed pleasurably too. So I licked it some more, and then sucked it a little.”

“Oh my god! Seriously? You sucked my cock while I was sleeping?”

“Did I ever!” She laughed. “But like I said Thomas, after hearing what you said, and after having discovered what you’d also been doing…I knew then, as I later discussed it with Mike, that eventually, we’d have to tell you about us, and hopefully…include you with what we had just begun doing back then.”

“Did she know?” I silently asked myself. “What do you mean…you discovered?” I asked more than a bit worriedly now.

She wrapped her lips around my cock again, sucking it however, even as she answered my question. “That you’d been using my panties to jerk off into.”

I was mortified, embarrassed to tears almost. I had only done that a couple of times, and had always been very careful about putting things back. “How’d you…how’d you find out?” I asked shamefacedly. She giggled again, blushing a bit herself now.

“Oh don’t be embarrassed by it,” she told me. “Actually, I found that pretty sweet too…and yes, naughty admittedly. Quite a turn on in fact. But the thing is Thomas, even as wet and juicy as I get, my panties are NEVER that crusty when I go to wash them! So I noticed that, especially one particular pair, my dark blue ones, which had a lot more stains on them than they should have. So that’s when I asked Mike if he’d been using them to jerk off with. When he said “No”, I knew he’d have told me he had. So I knew then…it had to be you. And that’s when I sort of…set you up.”

My face was beet red, I could feel it. “When…ah, when did you do that?” I now asked, having a pretty good suspicion when that must have been now. I had seen something myself, which had triggered it, or at least I thought that had to have been the incident she was talking about, as again…like I said, I hadn’t actually done that more than two or three times at the most.

“The red ones.”

I knew then, I was right. “Oh yeah…I should have known, or should have known better perhaps,” I amended. “So…so you did that on purpose then?”

“Oh yeah, and boy was I excited when I went back later to check and see if you did, and of course found out that you had. I raced back with them myself after that, and actually masturbated with my own panties, knowing they were filled with your still sticky warm cum. God Thomas, I got off so hard doing that, that I wanted to do it again, but unfortunately, I never caught you using them again, so I figured you must have been dealing with guilty feelings or something after that.”

She was right there too. Because I had been. Tempted more than once, I never did so again, too afraid she’d discover what I’d been up to…been doing. So I had quit using my sister’s panties to Mike off with.

But the image of that day, her red panties had stayed with me for a long time and became for me one of the most often used fantasies to remember while jerking myself off late at night after going to bed.

I was running late for class that day. Standing impatiently outside of the bathroom waiting for Mila to finish up in there. We had made a rule, which up until then at least, seemed to work. The first twenty minutes had always been considered private, personal time. But after that, if anyone exceeded the time limit, and someone else needed to use the bathroom, then that was their problem. As the door didn’t lock, we all honored the twenty-minute rule. I had given her twenty-two minutes, and needed to pee desperately, as well as at least wash up in lieu of taking a shower that morning.

I knocked, as we still did, even after someone had used up their allotted personal time before entering. Mila had called out, “Just a sec!” So I had waited, hearing a bit of scuffling, and figured she was looking for something to cover herself up in. Which had been my guess moments later when she said it was ok, and that I could come in. Her hair was wrapped in a towel, still obviously wet, and she had another one wrapped around her body, so I pretty much surmised that was what she’d been looking for.

“I’m in a hurry, so you might want to leave or it’s going to get rank in here,” I had warned her. She laughed, scurrying out of the bathroom, leaving me to my personal twenty minutes at least. As I sat down, I looked over and noticed what appeared to be red material caught in the cabinet door.

So I reached over, opening it, which is when I then discovered an unexpected surprise, which I now knew…was a set up. Not only was it a pair of Mila’s red satin panties, but there was some sort of vibrator sitting on top of them. Obviously, she’d been masturbating and had hurriedly tried to hide the evidence of her having been doing so. I picked up the toy, smelled it,

and could still clearly smell my own sister’s natural juices clinging to it. But then of course, I picked up the panties too. The crotch was still damp, still fragrant. And against my own better judgment, I used them to sit there and Mike off with. I had even purposely tried not to get any semen inside them,

though I must have gotten a little bit on them anyway, even as careful as I was…as I remember coming a lot! After I had finished, I then put them carefully back just the way I had found them, part of them still sticking out of the cupboard door, the toy carefully rearranged where I had found it. But obviously, now hearing all this, she had done that on purpose.

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