The Check-in

She then walked up onto the stage carrying her clipboard, which she placed down on a small table. She then called out two names, one from each side who then walked up towards the stage as she briefly set and described the scene. I sat looking on, somewhat elated that I’d at least have this opportunity to see how the other girls spoke the part, how they looked, their facial expressions long before I hopefully had to do so.

I had even taken quite a bit of an unexpected interest when it came to the moment in the scene where the character Cindy removed the shirt she was wearing, thus exposing and revealing her breasts. Though most of the girls were indeed small busted, one or two had rather large sized breasts, and though interesting to see them admittedly, I felt like they were more of a deterrent to the scene being acted than actually adding to it. All you really did was look at the tits, not the woman, and certainly not to what she was saying when she spoke those all too familiar lines.

“Well? Are you coming or not?”


Thirty minutes later after having seen several girls go up on stage and perform, susan was now having doubts about herself. She had seen several girls who she thought had done a very good job, not to mention having nice attractive bodies too, all of which had been a bit smaller in the bust, which she felt they were truly looking for. One young woman having amazing nipples, though whether those would be looked at as being attractive and adding to the part, or like the larger breasted women, being more of a detraction, she wasn’t sure. Still…she now wondered if she truly had any real chance at all.

“susan Weatherly? Susan Johnston? You’re next!”

It took a moment for me to realize that my name had actually been called, but then I did, jumping up from my seat, heading towards the stage. I felt like I had a stone the size of a basketball sitting in my gut, not to mention my throat suddenly being dry as the two of us now stood there, listening to Kathy describe for us the scene. Something we both of course already knew.

“Kathy? I think I’d like to do the scene with these girls myself this time.”

Kathy, Susan and myself all turned as one towards the sound of the voice. Once again it took a moment, and then I gasped in surprise. It was Mia! The woman I had spoken with earlier inside Starbucks!

Kathy grinned turning back around facing the two of us, though announcing to everyone as she did. “Everyone? In case you don’t know, or aren’t aware of who she is…this is Mia May. She’s the featured star of our little off Broadway play, as well as being a very well known female producer and director. She is the first woman to actually produce erotic films designed especially for women.”

I had heard the name, had in fact seen a couple of movies she’d produced, and had found them not pornographic at all, but very sensual, very erotic and very emotionally moving.

I stood in total disbelief as Mia came up to stand between us, speaking to us momentarily. She looked at me only briefly, a small smile coming into her face.

“Ok, you already know your places…and your lines are correct?”

All I could do was nod my head, still in a small state of shock here.

“Good,” she said once again, turning towards me specifically. “Just say them the way I taught you to do earlier,” she winked. Now I smiled though once again nodding my head. Susan walked over to the blue line that had been taped out on the floor, where the imaginary door was, me…taking my own mark a bit more centered on the stage, Mia now standing in front of me.

“Ok, let’s pick up the scene where the two of you are holding one another, kissing and fondling each other just a little, swaying slightly to the music playing. There wasn’t any music, that too was pretend, but Mia then took me into her arms, holding me, actually kissing me on the neck, gently swaying there with me for a moment. She then whispered. “Touch me…like it was for real.”

I brought my hand up, cupping her soft yet firm breast. She had of course changed out of the clothes she’d been wearing earlier, now dressed more simply, yet even then smartly as I gingerly caressed her, kissing her back, tilting my head just a little as she mouthed my neck nipping at it gently. A flood of shivers now ran up and down my spine, the feel of her hand now touching me, caressing my own breast through the thin layered material of the tee I was wearing.

“OK…knock! Knock!” Kathy announced loudly.

Moments later I was standing there looking at her, my line coming up. Reaching down now, pulling up my tee shirt, removing it, standing there on stage, bare breasted, the thrill and excitement of doing so readily apparent. My nipples are hard as rocks, though not so much from the sudden coolness of the air, as from the actual tingling arousal I was still feeling from the touch of her hand and fingers actually teasing it only moments ago.

I turned walking towards the red line, representing the bedroom, reaching it, turning looking back, and then said. “Well? Are you coming…or not?”

“And…cut!” Kathy announced standing. “Very nice, thank you…”

“One moment…I’d like to try something,” Mia suddenly said, surprising everyone. Though no one obviously dared make an issue out of it when she did. “I think I’d like to change the scene…just a little. Make it a bit more sensual, more provocative. And I think it will give the scene a bit more dramatic effect as well. Having Danny’s character entering the apartment, using her own key in doing so as opposed to knocking and being invited in.

She comes in…and there is Cindy, and Stella, dancing and swaying together in the middle of the floor, just as we were doing, except…they are both topless, thus there is more intimacy already being expressed and shown. This then heightens the intensity and uncertainty of each one of the characters in a much more dramatically defined way. So…let’s do it again, but this time, beginning with the two women having already removed their tops.”

I hadn’t even bothered putting mine back on yet when Kathy had called cut the first time. Mia now unbuttoned her blouse, and then her bra removing them both, tossing them off haphazardly towards where Kathy was standing. Once again Susan moved back to the blue tape on the floor, looking a touch bewildered, as Mia and I moved back out center stage. Once again she whispered to me before Kathy called action.

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