Stella made her desires true-1.0

This Story is part of Stella made her desires true Series

Another thought that occurred to her was that he wasn’t taking advantage of the situation. Other guys in the same position would have. Her hormones currently in control, she’d go along more than willingly, but realized she’d be led by hormones and instinct, not desire and rational thought. She didn’t want to lose her virginity simply rutting like an animal, though at the moment the idea excited her. It had to be special, something to cherish for the rest of her life. The fact Jack pretends nothing happened, not trying to take advantage, reinforced how special he was.

After washing her last foot, he stood and gently turned her to face him. “Ready for the front?”

Feeling a little more in control of herself now, she was still aroused, but nodded anyway.

“Just one thing,” she said hesitantly. “Maybe let me, you know, do my pussy. I use special soap, stuff that doesn’t dry it out like regular soap does.”

Nodding, he smiled in understanding and soaped up the scrubby again. Stepping back to give him room to work, she gripped his waist to steady herself.

Again starting at the neck, he caressed down her faintly tan-lined torso. She couldn’t keep her pleasure mute. As her areola and nipples were scrubbed, she was in bliss from his gentle touch. Across her belly, she expected the scrubby to tickle, but it didn’t. Instead, it was extremely soothing, and I realized what cats felt when stroked. Reaching the spot above her pussy, Jack reluctantly halted, pulling the scrubby back to standing straight again.

Handing her the bottle of special soap, he turned to face the wall, giving her privacy. She made sure to wash thoroughly. Once rinsed, she hugged him tightly from behind, standing on tiptoes to kiss his clean-shaven cheek. “Thanks,” she said. “Shall we get out of here before we both become prunes?”

Shutting off the water, Jack grabbed their towels. Drying each other before exiting the shower, Stella wrapping another towel expertly around her hair like a turban.

Seeing it, Jack shook his head in amusement. “One day you’ve got to teach me that.”

“I can’t. It’s part of the female mystique,” she laughed.

Finding it was nearly nine now, they decided to get ready to head out soon. Going into her room, Stella grabbed the cordless and dialed, her mother picking up on the second ring.

“Just me, mom,” she greeted, tossing a pair of tight jeans on her bed. “I was wondering if you’d mind if we came over soon. Jack figures it may take the better part of the day if your truck needs work.”

“Certainly, dear,” her mom replied. “I hope he doesn’t mind doing it. It’ll be cold out in the driveway.”

“I don’t think he minds. He’s worked outside in colder weather.”

Sitting on the edge of her bed, she pulled on her socks. “Also, would you mind if we had dinner early this afternoon? Jack and I got up pretty early this morning.” A black thong came next.

“That’s no problem, dear. In fact, I’m nearly done preparing the roast as we speak. How does four sound, or did you want it sooner?”

She had to wiggle herself to get into her jeans, but how they showed off her butt made it worth it. “Great mom. Need anything we can pick up on the way over?”

“Not that I can think of. Be careful though, it snowed quite a bit last night.”

“Don’t worry, mom. We’ve got four-by-four. We’ll see you in about an hour or so. Love you, mom.”

“I love you too, kitten. See you here.”

Hanging up, Stella struggled into a black bra. She didn’t need to wear one, but it would help keep her chest warm. Slipping into the light pink sweater her mom had given her for Christmas a few years ago, she finished brushing her hair, added a few dabs of perfume, and grabbed her small purse.

By the time she descended to the landing, Jack was already in jeans and a heavy bush jacket, getting into a pair of winter boots. Holding her long coat so it was easy for her to slip into, he made sure everything in the house was off while she slid into her favorite winter boots, the gripped low heels still not enough to bring her to Jack’s five-nine stature.

When he was done loading the cargo bench behind the cab, the pickup was already warmed up. Snow drifting down, she trusted Jack’s driving and looked around at the beauty of the snow-covered landscape. Only the occasional car shared the freshly-plowed road. It was a short drive to Stella’s mom’s house, but they took it easy.

Arriving, Lisa Holland greeted them at the door, ushering them in with a batch of hot chocolate ready. Though it was only just below freezing, their exposed skin was rosy stepping from the truck to the house.

Seeing Lisa and Stella together, no one could doubt they were mother and daughter. The same height, hair and pale skin, Lisa also looked younger than her thirty-eight years. Her beauty had matured over the years, but still turned heads. The only real difference between them, besides age, was Lisa having noticeably larger breasts, though it was probably from being pregnant over two decades ago.

For an hour they sat in the kitchen catching up before Jack excused himself, donning coveralls to go look at Jimmy outside.

When he was gone, Stella turned to her mother with a somber expression. “Mom, can I talk with you?”

Putting the roast in the oven, Lisa nodded and sat again. “Sure you can, kitten. This wouldn’t be about you and Jack, would it?”

How did she know?

Lisa chuckled. “Wondering how I guessed? Maybe it’s mother’s intuition, but the two of you together this morning, I can sense something’s different from before. I’m not sure what, but there’s something for sure.”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Not really. But you’ll find out being a mother makes you very sensitive to your children. You tend to pick up on little things that anybody else would miss.”

“That’s true,” Stella agreed, realizing she shouldn’t have been surprised. “It’s not that, well, we haven’t, ah, . . . .” She bit a nail. How was she going to explain this?

“But you’re giving it serious thought now.”

“Yeah.” Taking a deep breath to steal her resolve, Stella told her mom everything that happened that morning, especially about her feelings in the shower. Lisa listened attentively as her only child poured out her emotions and confusion.

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