Stella made her desires true-1.0

This Story is part of Stella made her desires true Series

Not yet, her mind told her, the thought startling her, but exciting her too.

“Okay,” Stella paused, realizing her voice was husky and tried to calm her beating heart. “So you’ve been looking for someone like me for a girlfriend. I can understand that. I was doing the same with you for boyfriends. But what about how they look? Short, tall, fat, thin. You know, stuff like that.”

“Oh,” he blurted. She could tell he hadn’t given it much thought before, and it didn’t surprise her. “Well, I’m not sure. I always thought you had the perfect body actually.”

“Me,” she exclaimed in shocked amusement. Shaking her head in mock pity, she tsk-tsked him. “You have got to get out more, Jack. Look,” she cupped her breasts, “these barely qualify as tits. Surely you want bigger ones than these.” Gripping his wrists, she brought up his hands to cover her breasts. “See? They’re barely a handful for you.”

“So they don’t hang down to your waist or take out an eye jogging. I think they’re perfect. They’re firm, noticeable, and,” he couldn’t resist giving them a gentle squeeze, “soft. And incredibly sexy. They’d turn any man on, and not simply because they’re tits.”

“Maybe,” she admitted. Personally, she’d always been comfortable with petite breasts, but thought he liked bigger ones. Knowing now he liked her breasts . . . . Her nipples tingled beneath his oiled palms. Damn, she thought, he keeps flattering me like this, and I’m going to get wet any minute now.

“I think I understand,” Stella said, brushing the white bang from over his right eye. “In other words, you want someone like me, with possibly the same body. But between that and finding gold-diggers, it hasn’t worked out for you. You’re scared looking anymore is just going to lead to disappointment, and decided it’s better to wait until something happens naturally, rather than forcing it. And, you’re content with me around, even though we’re best friends and not dating. That sound right?”

Jack nodded. “I couldn’t have put it better myself.”

Squirting more of the vanilla-scented oil on her hands, she began massaging him again, starting from where she stopped on his arms and winding onto the shoulders. Slowly making her way lower on his chest, she was careful not to touch the scar on his ribs where the wreckage emerged to prevent another painful cough.

“I have a confession,” she said. “It’s selfish. I’m glad you don’t have a girlfriend, at least currently.”


“I know,” she smiled, “it’s hypocritical, especially having that date last night. How do I explain?”

While she paused to find the words, Jack waited patiently. It was one of the countless things she loved about him, being a listener who didn’t judge before he had all the facts.

“The best way to explain it,” Stella began, “is that if you had a girlfriend, I’d be jealous of her. Thinking about it last night, I was becoming jealous of an imaginary girl, and damn if I didn’t feel like a possessive bitch,” she laughed. “It’s not that I don’t want to see you happy or with some girl, but I guess the thought of, well, sharing you with another girl will take time to get used to. Hope you’re not mad.”

“Mad? Never. A while back I had the same thoughts and feelings about you, and felt I was dishonoring our friendship being that way. Then it dawned on me it’s only natural to have such thoughts. What helped me accept it more than anything was knowing our bond’s too special to have someone break.”

Realizing Jack was right was like a weight lifting from her shoulders.

Planting an appreciative kiss on his lips, she felt another wave of affection wash through her. She was so lucky to have Jack. “Thanks,” she told him. “I needed to be reassured, I guess.”

“Anytime, Stella, anytime.”

Finishing at his hips, she couldn’t resist brushing her hand against his half-hard cock, pretending it was an accident. Seeing it harden from the momentary contact made her pussy tingle.

Reluctantly, she climbed off his thighs and knelt beside him, using more oil as she focused on his legs, though continuously stealing glances at his cock. It didn’t make her feel guilty, knowing he was enjoying looking at her naked body.

“By the way,” Stella remembered suddenly, “Mom called last night. Have any plans today?”

“Not that I know of,” he replied, letting out a long sigh as she caressed his toes. “Why?”

“She was wondering if we could stop by and take a look over her truck. After the last time she brought it to the shop, she doesn’t trust the mechanics anymore. If you wouldn’t mind, that is.”

“Not at all. I don’t trust those buggers either. I don’t know if I’ll be much help, but I can give it a try.”

“You’re great with your GMC half-ton. Surely mom’s little Jimmy isn’t that much different.”

Jack chuckled. “You’d be surprised. And don’t call me ‘Sherly’,” he joked using the line from the movie Airplane, and laughed together.

“Great,” Stella beamed. “She was also wondering if we could stay for dinner. It’s pot roast.”

“Well now,” Jack said, cupping an elbow and putting a finger to his chin as their professor did, posing a theoretical question to the class. “Let’s see. Dinner with two beautiful women, or a night wasted watching television. Decisions, decisions.”

“Oh, you,” she exclaimed, playfully slapping his thigh. “That means you want to?”

He nodded. “Definitely. Besides, I haven’t seen your mom in at least a month now. Dinner would be great.”

“I’m glad.” Finishing the massage, she glanced longingly at his cock. She hadn’t massaged it, but desperately wanted to. However, she decided it was better if she didn’t. So many emotions and desires filling her mind, she didn’t trust herself that far yet.

“Okay then,” she sat back on her heels. “Feeling better I hope?”

“Night and day. Thank you. Remind me to return the favor.”

“It’s a deal. Now go have a shower before the oil gets too sticky, or you’ll become walking fly paper.”

Jack chuckled at the thought. “Okay, but you got some on you too. At the risk of sounding like a typical male, how about we hit the shower together. I can do your back, and you can get mine.”

“I’d love to,” she cried in delight. “I’ve never had my back washed before. You better watch it though. If it’s as good as I think it’ll be, you might just be saddled with a full-time job.”

“They say the best jobs are the ones you want to do. That’s definitely one I’d want.”

“I may just hold you to that,” Stella teased, backing off the bed and helping him sit up.

Going to the bathroom together, Jack started the shower. When the spray was hot enough, he climbed in and turned to hold Stella’s hand as she stepped in after him, closing the sliding glass door behind them. When they were drenched, she grabbed the scrubby and soap before he could.

“You first,” she giggled. Standing out of the spray, facing the wall to allow the soap to lather, Jack braced an arm against the tiles. While she started scrubbing his back vigorously, he washed the rest of his body. When his back was done, she applied shampoo and conditioner and rinsed. Jack was finished by that time, but she wasn’t. Using his shaving gel and razor, she carefully shaved him. She’d done it a few times before, and it was easy as his stubble was light. Finishing, she used her fingers to check for stray hairs and wash the remaining lather off.

“Time to switch,” Jack said. As they slid past each other face to face, his cock couldn’t help sliding across her taut belly. Assuming the position he had, she willed her breathing to slow. The downpour of water hid the fact her pussy was wet now, but it didn’t conceal her fully-hardened nipples. She couldn’t honestly remember the last time she’d been this horny, and took a lot of willpower not to turn around to grope his cock and body.

First he washed her hair, massaging her scalp at the same time, before soaping up the scrubby.

Her arms being cleaned first, Stella sighed from the sensations. This was something now very high on her list of favorite things. How could she have not thought of doing this before?

Brushing her wet hair aside, he scrubbed from her neck to shoulders, using little circles to scrub. Letting out an almost sexual moan, she had to brace herself against the wall, otherwise she’d be on the tub’s bottom from weak knees. She didn’t even try to quiet her pleasure.

Reaching her buttocks, she shivered from the bombardment of new sensations, the blend of relaxation, affection and arousal making her head spin. Although her eyes were closed and faced the wall, she sensed him squatting to do her legs, and parted them more, her pussy throbbing now.

Scrubbing her upper thigh, the back of his fingers accidently caressed her swollen pussy lips, making her clench her thighs together and trapping his hand. Biting back a cry, she trembled as a small climax rippled through her. It wasn’t a big one, like those she had to work up to, nevertheless it was powerful enough to leave her light-headed, waves of heat and pleasure shooting through her.

“You okay,” Jack asked in concern.

“Y-yes,” Stella stammered, surprised she could reply. “I-I’m okay. Please, don’t stop, Jack.”

He continued down her leg. She was in shock. Jack’s hand had barely touched her, yet made her instantly come. It was normal to have small climaxes before the main one, but she’d never come so quickly. If he could do that by simply brushing her pussy . . . .

Stella made her desires true-1.0 will continue in the next page.

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